Prove Tensor Analysis Relation: Γᵢₖᵣ = ∊ᵢ • ∂∊ⱼ/∂qᵏ

  • Thread starter Arham
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation is about a problem in tensor analysis and the relation \frac{\partial\vec{\epsilon_j}}{\partial q^k}=\Gamma^m_{jk}\vec{\epsilon_m}. Hanskuo provides a proof for this relation and Arham expresses his gratitude. Hanskuo then asks if Arham has started learning covariant derivatives and Arham explains that he is an undergraduate physics student learning from George Arfken's book. The conversation ends with Hanskuo asking about Arham's progress with covariant derivatives and providing a formula for the original question.
  • #1
Hello. I'm learning tensor analysis. I have a problem. We know that

[tex]\Gamma^i_{jk}=\vec{\epsilon^i}\cdot\frac{\partial\vec{\epsilon_j}}{\partial q^k}[/tex]

Please prove the relation

[tex]\frac{\partial\vec{\epsilon_j}}{\partial q^k}=\Gamma^m_{jk}\vec{\epsilon_m}[/tex]

Thanks very much in advance
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  • #2
What'll you pay me?
  • #3
Arham said:
Hello. I'm learning tensor analysis. I have a problem. We know that

[tex]\Gamma^i_{jk}=\vec{\epsilon^i}\cdot\frac{\partial\vec{\epsilon_j}}{\partial q^k}[/tex]

Please prove the relation

[tex]\frac{\partial\vec{\epsilon_j}}{\partial q^k}=\Gamma^m_{jk}\vec{\epsilon_m}[/tex]

Thanks very much in advance
  • #4
Thanks hanskuo.

I knew this proof, but I thought that it is only correct for the inverse relation. I was wrong!
  • #5
you are wellcome, Arham

Now I'm learning Differential Geometry,too.
do you begin to lerane covariant derivatives or not ?
  • #6
I'm an undergraduate physics student, hanskuo. I am learning tensor analysis from George Arfken's book. As you know, this book has a brief introduction to Covariant Derivative; I have read it. But I should do more exercises and read more about it in future.
  • #7
There are a lot of things interesting for covariant derivatives.
your original question likes this:

FAQ: Prove Tensor Analysis Relation: Γᵢₖᵣ = ∊ᵢ • ∂∊ⱼ/∂qᵏ

1. What is the meaning of the symbols in the tensor analysis relation?

The symbol Γᵢₖᵣ represents the Christoffel symbol, which is used to describe the curvature and coordinate transformations in a space. The symbol ∊ᵢ represents the Levi-Civita symbol, which is used to describe the orientation of a coordinate system in a space. ∂∊ⱼ/∂qᵏ represents the derivative of the Levi-Civita symbol with respect to the coordinates qᵏ.

2. Why is tensor analysis important in science?

Tensor analysis is important in science because it allows us to describe the physical laws and relationships in a space in a coordinate-independent manner. This means that the laws and relationships will hold true regardless of the coordinate system used to describe them, making them more general and applicable in different contexts.

3. How is the tensor analysis relation derived?

The tensor analysis relation is derived from the fundamental principles of differential geometry and the properties of tensors. It involves using the definitions of the Christoffel symbol and the Levi-Civita symbol, as well as the properties of the derivative, to arrive at the expression Γᵢₖᵣ = ∊ᵢ • ∂∊ⱼ/∂qᵏ.

4. Can you give an example of how this tensor analysis relation is used in science?

One example of how this tensor analysis relation is used in science is in general relativity, where it is used to describe the curvature of spacetime and the motion of particles in a gravitational field. The Christoffel symbol is used to represent the curvature of spacetime, while the Levi-Civita symbol is used to describe the orientation of the coordinate system in which the curvature is being measured.

5. What are the applications of tensor analysis in different scientific fields?

Tensor analysis has various applications in different scientific fields, such as physics, engineering, and mathematics. In physics, tensor analysis is used in theories like general relativity and electromagnetism. In engineering, it is used in fields like fluid dynamics and solid mechanics. In mathematics, tensor analysis is used in differential geometry and topology to study the properties of surfaces and higher-dimensional spaces.

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