Unpolarized light and Polarizers

  • Thread starter hellogirl88
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In summary, unpolarized light passing through two polarizing filters oriented at 80 degrees and 65 degrees from the y-axis will result in a final intensity equal to the original intensity multiplied by the cosine squared of the angle between the two filters. The first filter will reduce the intensity by a factor of cosine squared of 80 degrees, while the second filter will reduce it by a factor of cosine squared of 15 degrees.
  • #1
Unpolarized light propagating along the x-axis from the left in the image above encounters two polarizing filters in a row. The first filter is oriented with its polarization axis at θ1 = 80 degrees from the y-axis, and the second is oriented with its polarization axis at θ2 = 65 degrees from the y-axis. What is the final intensity of the light as a fraction of the original (pre-filter) intensity?

Ive tried doing this problem in every conceivable way possible and I can't get it right.

Please help! I know you have to use a variation of I2=I0*cos^2(theta1) *cos^2(theta2-theta1), but this isn't correct, so what am I doing wrong?

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Since the light is initially unpolarized, what is the effect of the first polarizer?
  • #3

I can understand your frustration with this problem. It is important to carefully consider the orientation of the polarizers and the angle of polarization in order to correctly calculate the final intensity of the light. Let's break down the problem step by step.

First, we know that unpolarized light consists of waves vibrating in all possible directions perpendicular to the direction of propagation. When this light encounters a polarizer, it only allows waves vibrating in a specific direction to pass through, blocking all others. So, the first polarizer with an orientation of θ1 = 80 degrees from the y-axis will only allow light waves vibrating at that angle to pass through.

Next, we have to consider the second polarizer with an orientation of θ2 = 65 degrees from the y-axis. This polarizer will only allow light waves vibrating at that angle to pass through, but since the light has already passed through the first polarizer, it will only allow light waves vibrating at an angle of 15 degrees (90 - 80) to pass through.

Now, we can use the formula for Malus' Law, which states that the final intensity (I2) is equal to the initial intensity (I0) multiplied by the cosine squared of the angle between the two polarizers (θ2 - θ1). In this case, that would be θ2 - θ1 = 15 degrees.

So, the final intensity (I2) as a fraction of the original intensity (I0) would be I2/I0 = cos^2(15) = 0.933. This means that the final intensity of the light would be approximately 93.3% of the original intensity.

I hope this helps clarify the problem and how to approach it. Remember to carefully consider the orientation and angle of polarization of the polarizers in order to correctly calculate the final intensity of the light. Keep practicing and don't get discouraged! Science is all about trial and error and learning from mistakes.

FAQ: Unpolarized light and Polarizers

1. What is unpolarized light?

Unpolarized light is a type of light that has random orientations of its electric and magnetic fields. This means that the light waves are traveling in all directions perpendicular to the direction of propagation, making it have no specific direction of oscillation.

2. What are polarizers?

Polarizers are materials or devices that can filter light waves and only allow those with a specific directional orientation to pass through. They work by blocking or absorbing light waves that are oscillating in all directions except for the desired direction.

3. How do polarizers work?

Polarizers work by using microscopic aligned molecules that act as a filter for light waves. These molecules are arranged in a specific direction, allowing light waves with a matching orientation to pass through while blocking others. This creates a polarized beam of light.

4. What is the difference between linear and circular polarized light?

Linearly polarized light has its electric and magnetic fields oscillating in a specific direction, while circularly polarized light has its fields rotating in a circular motion. Linear polarizers filter out all light waves except for those oscillating in one direction, while circular polarizers filter out all light waves except for those rotating in a specific direction.

5. How is polarized light used in everyday life?

Polarized light is used in a variety of ways in everyday life. Some common examples include polarized sunglasses, which reduce glare and improve visibility, and LCD screens, which use polarizers to control the amount of light passing through. Polarized light is also used in photography and in scientific research to study the properties of light and its interaction with matter.
