What Changes if the Earth was a Cube

  • Thread starter JimmyRay
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    Cube Earth
In summary, if the Earth were a cube instead of a sphere, there would be significant changes to life on Earth according to Newton's laws. One major change would be that gravity at the Earth's surface would not be constant, as the distance from the center of the cube would vary depending on one's location. This would also affect the Earth's revolution pattern and the acceleration due to gravity, leading to different life cycles on Earth. Additionally, the Earth's orbit around the Sun would change, and it would gradually transition into a sphere due to the force of gravity. Overall, there would be many changes and challenges to consider if the Earth were a cube rather than a sphere.
  • #1
How would life on Earth charge if the Earth was a cube instead of a sphere?

...We're suppose make points on how things would change according to Newton's laws and stuff...

Well first thing I noticed is that gravity at the Earth's surface wouldn't be constant anymore would it? Because depending on where you are on the Earth, you wouldn't be equal distant from the center then someone else... What is the center of a cube anyways?

How do I go about answering this question... I mean we have to apply Newton's laws...But I just don't see it..
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  • #2
Well, for one, the revolution pattern of the Earth would change, thus changing the life cycles on earth. Also, acceleration due to gravity would have a different value.

Hope that helps you start, and good luck!
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  • #3
Yes the Earth's revolution will change, there would be a LOT of changes but... I think I should focus mostly on how Newton's Laws will change?

Acceleration due to gravity would NOT be constant, correct?
  • #4
It's already inconstant, though, depending on where you are you on the earth. This is an interesting question...
Do those three laws extend to things like [itex]F = G\frac{m_1m_2}{d^s}[/itex], or do you mean the basic three laws?
  • #5
It's already inconstant? Isn't it just 9.8 m/s^2 at the Earth's surface, pretty much? ... And those laws, well I guess our teacher wants us to include Universal gravitation and three laws... although it could affect a LOT of things... :eek:

I really don't know how to go about answering it though... hmmm
  • #6
Well, it is usually very close to that value, but it can very based on your position.
I must say, I'm not coming up with anything off the top of my head. I'm studying Universal Gravitation right now, so I'm a bit slower at it. Sorry!
  • #7
The Earth is not a perfect sphere, it is a little bit smooshed. Your weight at the north pole is less than if you were at the equator. This smooshing is dude to the Earth's spin. As for changes for Newtons laws...obviously, at the corners of the cubed earth, there would be less gravatational forces than if you were on the middle face. I think that Newtons laws would apply.
  • #8
Well I've been thinking about this for a while and..

The only points I can come up with are...

Gravity at the Earth's surface will not be constant
Fn = mg will change
It would also be hard for something to orbit the Earth
Also the Earth will not remain cubic, it will be gradually changing into a sphere because of gravity
Seasons will be different...
The Earth's orbit around the Sun would change...

I don't know what else to say...
  • #9
The acceleration due to gravity would have a HUGE change depending on where you are. Suppose the distance from the centre of the cube to the closest point is r (the radius of earth), then your acceleration due to gravity is: 9.83 ms^-2. However, if you move to a corner of the earth, your distance changes from 6.37E6 m to 9.01E6 m and thus you acceleration due to gravity would become 4.92 ms^-2. The force of gravity would drastically change from position a to position b on the earth. Your weight would also change enormously as your moved around.
  • #10
Right I said that above didnt I ...

Fn (normal force) = m(mass)g(gravity) would be different?

Yeah you're right as you moved around your weight would be different.

FAQ: What Changes if the Earth was a Cube

1. What would happen to gravity if the Earth was a cube?

If the Earth was a cube, the distribution of mass would be uneven and gravity would not be consistent across the surface of the cube. This would result in areas with stronger gravitational pull and areas with weaker gravitational pull.

2. Would the Earth's rotation be affected if it was a cube?

Yes, the Earth's rotation would be affected if it was a cube. The Earth's axis of rotation would shift, resulting in changes to the length of days and nights. This would also affect weather patterns and climate.

3. How would a cubic Earth affect the Earth's magnetic field?

A cubic Earth would have a different magnetic field compared to the current spherical Earth. This would result in changes to the Earth's magnetic poles and could potentially affect navigation and communication systems that rely on the Earth's magnetic field.

4. How would a cubic Earth impact the Earth's ecosystems and biodiversity?

A cubic Earth would have different landmasses and habitats compared to the current spherical Earth. This could lead to changes in ecosystems and biodiversity, as different species may thrive or struggle in the new environment. It could also result in the displacement or extinction of certain species.

5. How would human life be affected if the Earth was a cube?

There would be significant impacts on human life if the Earth was a cube. The uneven distribution of mass, changes in gravity and rotation, and effects on ecosystems could all have significant consequences on human societies. There could also be challenges in terms of adapting to the new shape and navigating the new terrain.
