Strange object in the sky blinking

In summary, Kiedis had an interesting experience while stargazing with binoculars. They observed a flashing light in the sky that moved slowly and unpredictably. After researching, it was determined that it was most likely a tumbling satellite, possibly the Japanese ADEOS satellite. Kiedis was surprised by how bright it was and discovered a website where they could sign up for emails about observing satellites.
  • #1

Last night i was stargazing with my skymaster 15x70 binoculars. everything went as usual - i observed star clusters, airplanes and sattelites passing by, etc.

while watching a little group of stars almost right above my head (85-90 degrees declination) a little "star" suddenly flashed for some part of a second and went down. after 10 seconds it flashed again, ALMOST in the same position. and then again after about 10 seconds it flashed again only a tiny bit away from its previous position. I was lying on my back and holding my binoculars in my hands for a while, so my arms got pretty tired but this blinking 'star', moving so slowly in the sky gave me incentive not to give up watching but after abaut 5 minutes or so i gave up. and even though i marked (mentally) the aproximate point in the sky, when i put binoculars in front of my eyes again, i did not find this blinking object anymore, however patiently and intensively i watched.

the Field Of View (FOV) of my binoculars is 4.4 degrees and by the time i observed this slowly moving & rarely blinking object (about 5 minutes) it moved only a half of binoculars' FOV!

what do you guys think about this? it certainly wasn't an airplane (moved too slow; with those binoculars i can discern airliner's windows when they fly 10 km above, and they of course have many more blinking lamps). it certainly wasn't a sattelite (i know that sattelites can flash out under certain circumstances and i observed iridium sattelites many times); and again, sattelites move much faster, even those in higher altitudes than this blinking object.

my best guess would be... meteorological air balloon. but... I'm not sure. do they fly at nights? it was 3 AM.

color of this blinking light was more or less white. it wasn't seen with a naked eye. and was pretty faint when observed with 15x70 binoculars (its apparent magnitude through binoculars was about in the range of +3 or +4). trajectory - pretty much straight line. it was difficult to observe - binoculars were held in my hans, so the view was shaky despite my best efforts, plus relatevily long pauses between flashes made it even more difficult to infer exact trajectory.

my coordinates is 54° 41′ 0″ N, 25° 17′ 0″ E.
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  • #3
thank you Jamie!

never heard about tumbling sattelites before but now it seems the best explanation for this blinking point which i observed. and judging from the data presented at Heavens Above, it might be Japanese ADEOS sattelite (from my amateurish point of view this sattelite might be very prone to rotate around its axis and flash out periodically). altitude, direction and time seem to correspond with my observations. the only thing which still puzzles me is the (apparent) slowliness of its transition.
  • #4
Nice one Kiedis, its quite surprising how bright they can be, and quite sad how much crap is up there, here is another link to a satellite observing site where you can sign up for the emails, they can be interesting sometimes.

All the best

  • #5

I would first like to commend you for your detailed observation of this strange object in the sky. Your use of binoculars and knowledge of stars, satellites, and airplanes is impressive and shows a keen interest in astronomy.

Based on the information you provided, it is difficult to determine exactly what the object could have been. While it is possible that it could have been a meteorological balloon, as you suggested, it is also possible that it could have been a rare phenomenon such as a high-altitude weather event or even a satellite in a decaying orbit.

I would suggest checking online databases or apps that track satellites to see if there were any known objects passing through the area at the time of your observation. It may also be helpful to reach out to local astronomy groups or organizations to see if anyone else in your area reported a similar sighting.

In any case, your observation is valuable and contributes to our understanding of the night sky. Keep looking up and recording your observations – you never know what interesting discoveries you may make!

FAQ: Strange object in the sky blinking

1. What could be causing the strange object in the sky to blink?

There are several possible explanations for a blinking object in the sky. It could be a natural phenomenon such as a pulsating star or a planet reflecting sunlight. It could also be an aircraft with flashing lights or a satellite passing overhead.

2. Is it possible that the blinking object is a UFO?

While it is certainly possible that the blinking object in the sky could be an unidentified flying object, it is important to rule out other possible explanations first. UFOs are extremely rare and often turn out to be explainable phenomena.

3. Can a blinking object in the sky be a sign of extraterrestrial life?

While some people may jump to the conclusion that a blinking object in the sky is a sign of intelligent life from other planets, it is important to consider other possibilities first. There is currently no evidence to suggest that the blinking object is anything other than a natural or man-made phenomenon.

4. How can I determine if the blinking object is a star or a planet?

To determine if the blinking object in the sky is a star or a planet, you can use a star chart or a smartphone app that shows the current positions of celestial bodies. Stars will appear as steady points of light, while planets will appear brighter and may have a slight color to them.

5. Is there any way to track or identify the blinking object in the sky?

There are various tools and resources available, such as star charts and smartphone apps, that can help you track and identify the blinking object in the sky. Additionally, you can also contact local astronomical societies or observatories for assistance in identifying the object.

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