What to Wear for a College Interview: A Scientific Approach

  • Thread starter wasteofo2
  • Start date
In summary, the physicist recommends that the applicant wear pants to his college interview, along with a blue tie and a white shirt. He also recommends shoes.

WHAT SHOULD I WEAR?!?!?!?!?!?!?

  • Yellow shirt

    Votes: 9 23.1%
  • Black shirt

    Votes: 8 20.5%
  • Tan shirt

    Votes: 3 7.7%
  • Maroon plaid shirt

    Votes: 7 17.9%
  • Black tie

    Votes: 7 17.9%
  • Blue tie

    Votes: 9 23.1%
  • Red tie

    Votes: 7 17.9%
  • Black pants

    Votes: 14 35.9%
  • Blue pants

    Votes: 9 23.1%
  • No pants

    Votes: 15 38.5%

  • Total voters
  • #1
Like OMG, what should I wear?

Alrighty, so I've got a college interview tomorrow, AND I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO WEAR.

So naturally, I turn to a group of physicists to dress me.

So cast your vote for what my outfit should be made of, or voice your opinion, and I will dress according to the will of the masses (whom happen to be physics enthusiasts). You can choose multiple options, so choose your favorite shirt, pants, and tie color and I'll go according to public demand.
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  • #2
So by NY time you will be going to sleep when votes are being cast...I assume you've set your alarm clock to check this when you get up in the morning? :smile: I'd say conservative -- The blue pants, with either the tan or plaid shirt, and the tie will depend on the color(s) of the shirt. No jacket?
  • #3
I voted maroon plaid, with blue pants and red tire. You'll stand out. :biggrin:

Actually what do you have? Grey pants, white shirt, yellow or maroon (with pattern) tie and dark blue jacket seems to work. Or perhaps tan pants.

My wife hates my color combos, so I let her pick.

You should definitely wear pants though. :biggrin:
  • #4
I'd go for the dark colors, black pants and shirt. Seems you have a tendency for them anyway (guessing that your avatar is you). Your interviewer will see that you chose an outfit that suits your particular style, yet is also classy and appropriate. The blue tie adds a little color and makes a big difference. Red and black may be too harsh.
Why the 'no pants', unless ofcourse you think that will help?
Shoes are important too.
  • #5
Astronuc said:
IYou should definitely wear pants though. :biggrin
Huckleberry said:
Red and black may be too harsh.
Agreed--These are "power colors" that would only be appreciated in a ruthless corporate environment.
Huckleberry said:
Shoes are important too.
Especially if you are being interviewed by a female who may want to date you.
  • #6
Yellow shirt/Blue tie/Black pants.

Just my opinion. I love yellow and pink dress shirts.
  • #7
SOS2008 said:
So by NY time you will be going to sleep when votes are being cast...I assume you've set your alarm clock to check this when you get up in the morning? :smile: I'd say conservative -- The blue pants, with either the tan or plaid shirt, and the tie will depend on the color(s) of the shirt. No jacket?
It's only 10:25 here now, and I have the fortunate ability to stay up very late, so I'll be able to track public concencus as it forms within the United States.

I'm going to a liberal arts college in Connecticuit (I can't even spell the damned state's name), do you really think that conservative is the way to go? Traditionally I've been fond of the yellow shirt, blue tie, blue pants combo, but it's not really conservative, more like boarder-line crazy, but then people realize it's just yellow and blue and chill about it.

Astronuc said:
Actually what do you have? Grey pants, white shirt, yellow or maroon (with pattern) tie and dark blue jacket seems to work. Or perhaps tan pants.
What I have is what's listed; I could borrow a tie from my dad, but those are all my own clothes.

Huckleberry said:
I'd go for the dark colors, black pants and shirt. Seems you have a tendency for them anyway (guessing that your avatar is you).
The avatar is a picture of Brad Pitt from the movie 12 Monkeys. He's in so much dark clothing becuase he was doing a secret recon mission in which he kinapped his father and let all the animals out of the zoo.

Huckleberry said:
Why the 'no pants', unless ofcourse you think that will help?
Shoes are important too.
Well, springtime in New England is just such a beatiful pleasant time, I thought it might be acceptable on certain particularly nice days. No problem with the shoes, I got those covered, only own one pair, and that's the pair I'm wearing.

In an effort to try to sway the vote, here's a CGI of what I would look like with my favorite outifit on:http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v294/wasteofo2/shirt.bmp
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  • #8
Black pants, shirt and tie, and don't forget the black shoes, socks and hat.
  • #9
I voted for the yellow shirt (a little color to help you stand out, but not too loud; don't wear the black shirt, to us old fogey's it makes you look like you're in the mob). Tan is a little drab. I can't be certain about the maroon plaid without seeing it. Some plaids are too busy or loud, others will look too casual, and either way, it presents challenges for matching ties and pants.

I voted for the blue tie. Blue on yellow looks sharp. The red tie, if it's a darker red, would be okay too. Save the black tie for fancy dinner parties (or wear it with the black shirt to really look like you're in the mob).

And I voted for the blue pants (I assume navy blue; if it's some other shade of blue, ignore my vote). The black pants would go just as nicely, so either one would be okay. Oh, and whichever pants you wear, make sure you wear matching socks (blue with the blue pants or black with the black pants). Black shoes are required for either outfit, not brown (at least I know most men's wardrobes only have black or brown shoes).

The most important thing is to be sure your clothes are pressed, your hair combed, your anti-perspirant applied, lay off any cologne you might ordinarily wear, you should either be clean-shaven or neatly trim any beard or 'stache you have, and to just generally go in with a neat, tidy look. College interviewers are more accustomed to things like facial piercings (if you have any) than job interviewers, but you still might want to consider removing anything other than a simple stud in the ear if you do have any visible piercings, just in case you get the one stuffy old interviewer who is distracted by piercings.

Remember to speak clearly and act confident (but not cocky). Give your interviewer a firm handshake at the beginning and end of the interview (no limp handshakes, but don't crush their bones either).

Good luck! :smile:
  • #10
Both the blue tie and blue pants are a rather dark navy blue, the kind that might be confused for black in a memory or poor lighting.

I don't even think there are blue socks in my whole house; lucky that my pants are long enough to not show my socks if I'm careful about it.

I don't have any piercings or facial hair or anything like that, so no worries on that front. I don't bother with crap like cologne, and always make sure I've got an anti-persperant on. I keep my hair short enough that all I have to do is wash it and it stays in place, so again no worries.

Moonbear, I like your sense of style, coincides perfectly with mine so far as I can tell...
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  • #11
I like Moonbear's advice. However, unless you have blonde hair, light eyes and light complexion. I would stay away from flashy, bright colors; it focuses attention away from where it matters which is your face. I would go for a medium to dark shirt.
  • #12
The_Professional said:
I like Moonbear's advice. However, unless you have blonde hair, light eyes and light complexion. I would stay away from flashy, bright colors; it focuses attention away from where it matters which is your face. I would go for a medium to dark shirt.
My god, are you serious?

There are so many little damned rules about clothing that I'm totally unaware of. I have a dark complexion, nearly black hair and dark brown eyes; am I seriously not supposed to wear bright colors?

If that's the case, well then screw that, I'll go against the grain and still wear bright colors; I'm not giving up that yellow shirt.
  • #13
And wear nice shoes.
  • #14
wasteofo2 said:
My god, are you serious?

There are so many little damned rules about clothing that I'm totally unaware of. I have a dark complexion, nearly black hair and dark brown eyes; am I seriously not supposed to wear bright colors?

If that's the case, well then screw that, I'll go against the grain and still wear bright colors; I'm not giving up that yellow shirt.

If the color looks good on you and you're comfortable and confident wearing it, go with it. To be honest, most interviewers won't remember your face long no matter what you wear, so if something helps you stand out from the sea of kids showing up wearing a white shirt, red tie and black pants, even if it's just "oh, right, he's the one who wore the yellow shirt," that's a benefit, as long as it isn't, "oh, yeah, he's the one who showed up looking like a slob" or "the one who showed up dressed like he was ready to hit the clubs."

If you're afraid the yellow is going to be too bright, go with the tan.
  • #15
wasteofo2 said:
In an effort to try to sway the vote, here's a CGI of what I would look like with my favorite outifit on:http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v294/wasteofo2/shirt.bmp
:smile: :smile: :smile:
The bare basics: Just make sure your clothes are clean and pressed. No stains, cat hair, holes, etc. Make sure your shirt isn't wrong side out. Socks should match. Double knot your shoe-laces so they don't come untied. And don't forget to wear your winning smile. :smile:

I'm sure it will go great. Good luck!
  • #16
wasteofo2 said:
In an effort to try to sway the vote, here's a CGI of what I would look like with my favorite outifit on:http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v294/wasteofo2/shirt.bmp

Heh heh. Is the shirt really as yellow as the color you chose for that image? If so, it might be a tad too bright for an inteview. :frown: I'll bet you look fantastic in that outfit, but maybe not for an interview...dang! (Though, if you ever decide to grace us with a photo for the member photo thread, that's the outfit I request for it.) You just don't know who will be interviewing you, and don't want to give the wrong person the wrong impression. As much as I hate to do it to you, I'm going to have to change my recommendation to the tan shirt. Tan and blue still look good together. Um, but with a blander shirt, does your dad have any ties that have a little bit of a pattern to them? Not something that screams "Dad's tie" but maybe something that has a blue background (to go with the blue pants) but that has some other colors in it? Otherwise stick with your blue tie.

Now you know how us women feel when we're trying to get ready for a date! :smile:
  • #17
Any time you wear a tie with blue jeans, you are sending a mixed message.
  • #18
Moonbear said:
.. Now you know how us women feel when we're trying to get ready for a date! :smile:
I never considered fashion a factor when dating. I thought ease of removal was more relevant... hmm. No wonder I'm single.
  • #19
Chronos said:
I never considered fashion a factor when dating. I thought ease of removal was more relevant... hmm. No wonder I'm single.

For you or for her? For guys, about the only thing that criterion eliminates are button fly jeans. :biggrin: I hate those.
  • #20
Another advice, make sure you tie is tie with a windsor or half-windsor knot. It may seem rediculous but must knot people use does not make a good impression. Also, the windsor knot always impress the ladies. :wink:

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  • #21
Moonbear, the shirt isn't nearly that yellow, I don't think they even make shirts like that, if anything it's more the color of this smily :smile:.

Considering that 6 people voted for no pants, I feel the poll has a margin of error of +/- 6, and with that, I can manipulate any option by adding or subtracting 6 from it, so yellow shirt, blue tie, blue pants wins!

I'm off now, peace
  • #22
Whatever is wrong with the "no pants" alternative? :confused:
I chose that, because, IMO it shows:
1) Resourcefulness- You show that you are equipped to handle any situation that might arise.
2) Self-confidence-You don't put your light under a bushel (or inside your pants, if you like)
3) Strength of character-You will be able to stand erect through any crises that might occur.
4)Originality-This is crucial if you are to penetrate into problems others haven't been able to solve.
5) Unconventionality-this quality will brighten the day for many around you.
6) Lack of fear from being criticized-this is important if you need to ease yourself into (the esteem of) new and at first, uptight strangers. They'll warm up to you after a while.
7) Focusedness-You show that you straight away home into the essentials.
8) Forthrightness-Your unambiguous ways of showing enthusiasm is infectious.
In short, I don't see why you should NOT choose this alternative.
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  • #23
Chronos said:
I never considered fashion a factor when dating. I thought ease of removal was more relevant... hmm. No wonder I'm single.
The women you date aren't into velcro? :-p
  • #24
arildno said:
Whatever is wrong with the "no pants" alternative? :confused:
I chose that, because, IMO it shows:
1) Resourcefulness- You show that you are equipped to handle any situation that might arise.
2) Self-confidence-You don't put your light under a bushel (or inside your pants, if you like)
3) Strength of character-You will be able to stand erect through any crises that might occur.
4)Originality-This is crucial if you are to penetrate into problems others haven't been able to solve.
5) Unconventionality-this quality will brighten the day for many around you.
6) Lack of fear from being criticized-this is important if you need to ease yourself into (the esteem of) new and at first, uptight strangers. They'll warm up to you after a while.

In short, I don't see why you should NOT choose this alternative.
:smile: :smile: I chose no pants too, so he could show them what he's made of. With this option he may want to pick a tie. Any color, just so it's long. :biggrin:
  • #25
Artman said:
:smile: :smile: I chose no pants too, so he could show them what he's made of. With this option he may want to pick a tie. Any color, just so it's long. :biggrin:
I'm not sure he needs that tie, Artman. As long as he can show that he can be as hard as steel when that is required of him, what does he need a flaccid tie for?
  • #26
Chronos said:
Any time you wear a tie with blue jeans, you are sending a mixed message.
Kinda like a mullet. Business in the front - Party in the back. :biggrin:
  • #27
arildno said:
As long as he can show that he can be as hard as steel when that is required of him, what does he need a flaccid tie for?
He better bring the tie. :biggrin:
  • #28
Math Is Hard said:
Kinda like a mullet. Business in the front - Party in the back. :biggrin:
He ought not put a red or yellow handkerchief in his backpocket, though.. :rolleyes:
  • #29
iansmith said:
Another advice, make sure you tie is tie with a windsor or half-windsor knot. It may seem rediculous but must knot people use does not make a good impression. Also, the windsor knot always impress the ladies. :wink:


What other kind of knot is there? I looked at the diagram, and that's the only kind I know (some guys are hopeless and us women need to help them out tying their ties).
  • #30
wasteofo2 said:
Moonbear, the shirt isn't nearly that yellow, I don't think they even make shirts like that, if anything it's more the color of this smily :smile:.

I had a mentor once who was well-known for choosing loud shirts, so yes, I believe they do make shirts in that shade of yellow (it made him easy to spot in a crowded convention center though). But, okay, if it was the smiley face yellow, then good call and hope the interview goes superb!
  • #31
Moonbear said:
What other kind of knot is there? I looked at the diagram, and that's the only kind I know (some guys are hopeless and us women need to help them out tying their ties).

Look at the side tab. There's the half windsor, Four in Hand Knot and the Pratt Knot. The Pratt knot is the one most people learn to do. It is quite simple. The windsor take a bit more pratice to get it right.

I think the military also have their own knotbut it might be the windsor knot.
  • #32
iansmith said:
Look at the side tab. There's the half windsor, Four in Hand Knot and the Pratt Knot. The Pratt knot is the one most people learn to do. It is quite simple. The windsor take a bit more pratice to get it right.

I think the military also have their own knotbut it might be the windsor knot.

Hmm...most of those look more complicated than the windsor to me. Does the Pratt Knot leave the wrong side of the narrow end of the tie facing forward? That's how it looks in the picture. That would look pretty tacky if the wide part slipped aside so you could see the backward narrow part. Now I can see why some guys' ties look so bad on them.
  • #33
iansmith said:
Look at the side tab. There's the half windsor, Four in Hand Knot and the Pratt Knot. The Pratt knot is the one most people learn to do. It is quite simple. The windsor take a bit more pratice to get it right.

I think the military also have their own knotbut it might be the windsor knot.
Are you referring to the Navy neckerchief? The neckerchief is rolled tightly and tied into a simple square knot.

Many sailors actually use a piece of tape to hold the roll tightly in place.
  • #34
Moonbear said:
Hmm...most of those look more complicated than the windsor to me. Does the Pratt Knot leave the wrong side of the narrow end of the tie facing forward? That's how it looks in the picture. That would look pretty tacky if the wide part slipped aside so you could see the backward narrow part. Now I can see why some guys' ties look so bad on them.

The pratt is basicly, make a knot, go around and pass the large part inside the "knot". It usually give you a small knot that is not symetrical.

Huckleberry said:
Are you referring to the Navy neckerchief? The neckerchief is rolled tightly and tied into a simple square knot.

Many sailors actually use a piece of tape to hold the roll tightly in place.

I remember that when the person did it was a wide knot with very symetry. It was a very nice inverted isoceles trapezium.
  • #35
iansmith said:
remember that when the person did it was a wide knot with very symetry. It was a very nice inverted isoceles trapezium.
Had to look up that isosceles trapezium, but yeah, that's the basic shape. It's not a perfect square. It does taper down towards the bottom.

P.S. Be careful what sailors you talk to like that. They have a tendency to take offense to anything they don't understand. After long periods underway they are hardly in the mood for intellectual stimulation. :smile:

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