Confusion with the example of Newton’s first law

In summary, the driver does not feel as much swerve as the co-passengers because he is firmly holding the wheel.
  • #1
Consider a case where 2 people are in a car driving in a straight line at sufficient speed. At some point the driver takes an abrupt 90 degree right turn and owing to reasons attributed to Newton’s first law the co-passenger swerves into the driver (i.e. to the left).

My question is why doesn’t the driver feel as much swerve as felt by the co-passengers to the left (towards his door)? Is that because he is firmly holding the wheel? Or is it that I am not a keen observer?

Thanks in advance for any convincing answers.
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  • #2
Most probably that the driver was ready for the abrupt turn, for which he could hold on very tight to the wheel. Otherwise, he would be pushed against the door.

The same would have happened to the passenger. If the passenger could get ready by holding to the holly crap bar, the virtual force could be counter act.

  • #3
the driver does he is just fighting it you still feel the force of you wanting to go on in a straight line the fule in tank would be doing the same as well
  • #4
My question is why doesn’t the driver feel as much swerve as felt by the co-passengers to the left (towards his door)?

Why do you thing he does not?
  • #5
steevan78 said:
Consider a case where 2 people are in a car driving in a straight line at sufficient speed. At some point the driver takes an abrupt 90 degree right turn and owing to reasons attributed to Newton’s first law the co-passenger swerves into the driver (i.e. to the left).

My question is why doesn’t the driver feel as much swerve as felt by the co-passengers to the left (towards his door)? Is that because he is firmly holding the wheel? Or is it that I am not a keen observer?

Thanks in advance for any convincing answers.
No, the driver on the left must swerve more during a right turn because at this point, the right of rear and front tyres have lesser velocity than the left, so by F=mv^2/r, he experiences greater centrifugal force.
Or maybe both experience the same force as r is also lesser for the right tyres.
You cannot turn your car abruptly by 90 degrees, can you?
The angular velocity of all the tyres during a curve is the same, so by equation
F=mr*(omega)^2, the driver as wall as the one sitting behind him to the left experience more force.
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  • #6
vin300 said:
No, the driver on the left must swerve more during a right turn because at this point, the right of rear and front tyres have lesser velocity than the left, so by F=mv^2/r, he experiences greater centrifugal force.
Or maybe both experience the same force as r is also lesser for the right tyres.
You cannot turn your car abruptly by 90 degrees, can you?
The angular velocity of all the tyres during a curve is the same, so by equation
F=mr*(omega)^2, the driver as wall as the one sitting behind him to the left experience more force.

i think ur looking at it all wrong way (im just a fool who can't spell so take what i say with a pinch of salt) but tyres are nothing to do with it all,to be honest the car has nothing to do with it,if u made the idear simple as you can for simple people like me :) if it was a trolly with 2 tins of beans and you did the experiment my simple head says the 2 tins will carry on forward at equal force
but like i say what do i know
  • #7
kevinfr0st said:
i think ur looking at it all wrong way (im just a fool who can't spell so take what i say with a pinch of salt) but tyres are nothing to do with it all,to be honest the car has nothing to do with it,if u made the idear simple as you can for simple people like me :) if it was a trolly with 2 tins of beans and you did the experiment my simple head says the 2 tins will carry on forward at equal force
but like i say what do i know
When the trolley curves, it goes on changing direction at every point on the curve.The trolley has the same speed, but different velocity(velocity is a vector)at every point on the curve.
To produce a constant change in velocity there must be a constant acceleration(constant force) which if you want to understand, by Newton's thid law is exactly equal and opposite to the force experienced by the person in the car causing swerving.
Where does this opposite force come from?
It is the frictional force between the tyres of the vehicle and the road, which is always equal in magnitude to the force a person in the car experiences. It is directed to the centre of the curvature so you are pushed radially outward.
Next, you can read the last two lines of my previous reply.
  • #8
vin300 said:
When the trolley curves, it goes on changing direction at every point on the curve.The trolley has the same speed, but different velocity(velocity is a vector)at every point on the curve.
To produce a constant change in velocity there must be a constant acceleration(constant force) which if you want to understand, by Newton's thid law is exactly equal and opposite to the force experienced by the person in the car causing swerving.
Where does this opposite force come from?
It is the frictional force between the tyres of the vehicle and the road, which is always equal in magnitude to the force a person in the car experiences. It is directed to the centre of the curvature so you are pushed radially outward.
Next, you can read the last two lines of my previous reply.

i still think ur adding more into it then ur supposed to the question, isn't possable,it is a example,the car and 2 passengers were used to get it into visual contex,if there was a speed put into it all ect then it would be about the car ie if to fast the car will spin,even with the trollys and tins of beans it don't totaly give true example because the weight of beans and friction contact with trolly may pull the beans off corse a bit and might even spin the tins,lol was just thinking of the old war machens that had A frame and counter weight on long rotating arm the arm and weight only goes in a round motion but the object gets thrown forward isn't that the same but in reverse,
this is only my thoughts on the matter and take it with a pinch of salt
  • #9
kevinfr0st said:
i still think ur adding more into it then ur supposed to the question, isn't possable,it is a example,the car and 2 passengers were used to get it into visual contex,if there was a speed put into it all ect then it would be about the car ie if to fast the car will spin,even with the trollys and tins of beans it don't totaly give true example because the weight of beans and friction contact with trolly may pull the beans off corse a bit and might even spin the tins,lol was just thinking of the old war machens that had A frame and counter weight on long rotating arm the arm and weight only goes in a round motion but the object gets thrown forward isn't that the same but in reverse,
this is only my thoughts on the matter and take it with a pinch of salt
What you have written is difficult to read and understand.
I think that I have mentioned everything i should've.
Yes the tins may rotate outwards on the top and the reason for this is that friction pulls it inside at the bottom and the same centrifugal force results in highest torque on the top(outward) and the tin is thrown away, but this happens only when its velocity is greater than the value sqrrt{(mu)*r*g} where mu is the coefficient of friction between the tin and the trolley, r is its distance from the centre of curvature, so the tin on the left during a right turn is thrown away more easily as it experiences greater force.
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FAQ: Confusion with the example of Newton’s first law

1. What is Newton’s first law?

Newton’s first law, also known as the law of inertia, states that an object at rest will remain at rest and an object in motion will remain in motion at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force.

2. How does Newton’s first law relate to confusion?

Confusion with Newton’s first law often arises because many people assume that an object in motion will naturally come to a stop without any external force acting on it. However, this is not the case as stated in the law of inertia.

3. Can you give an example of confusion with Newton’s first law?

A common example of confusion with Newton’s first law is the misconception that a ball rolling on a flat surface will eventually stop due to friction. In reality, the ball will continue to roll at a constant velocity unless acted upon by another force, such as hitting a wall or being pushed by someone.

4. How can I better understand Newton’s first law?

To better understand Newton’s first law, it is important to understand the concept of inertia. Inertia is the tendency of an object to resist changes in its state of motion. By keeping this in mind, it becomes easier to understand that an object will only change its state of motion if acted upon by a force.

5. Why is Newton’s first law important in science?

Newton’s first law is important in science because it is the foundation for understanding the behavior of objects in motion. It helps us to predict how objects will behave and how to manipulate their motion, which is essential in fields such as physics, engineering, and mechanics.
