Anyone know any good introductory philosophy books?

In summary, a good introductory book for philosophy might be "The Experience of Philosophy" by Will Durant, or "The Story of Philosophy" by Will Durant.
  • #1
Anyone know any good introductory philosophy books?

Unfortunately, all the intro to Philosophy courses at my university are closed until next year. I'm an engineering major, which practically has nothing to do with this. However, I find myself highly interested, or at least intrigued, by philosophy. A book on philosophy of mind caught my interest, and I enjoyed it very much. I also picked up a copy of Hegel's Philosophy of Right, but I found that it was quite dense and a difficult read without much background. Can anyone recommend a good starting point for me? Just something for my off time while I wait hopefully for next year. Thanks.
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  • #2
I've got an anthology that I like that I bought for a class. It's called The Experience of Philosophy, and it has a pretty wide sampling of essays by different authors,

I have the 5th edition, though. Much cheaper than the new one!
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  • #3
While not a book, I would recommend these" at Yale university to whet your appetite. It's a course exploring death. Kagan is one of the most entertaining and easy to understand lecturers I've seen.

As for philosophy books, virtually any textbook on Amazon will do. I have It's $1 used. Buy it. It has a wide variety of essays covering the 5 major branches of philosophy. I especially liked the excerpts from Nietzsche's God is Dead. Good luck!
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  • #5
Well the carlos castenada books have been classified as many different things but i would strongly suggest reading them for a different outlook on life.
  • #6
I read a book called "The Story of Philosophy" by Will Durant and thought it was great. So great that I never picked up another.
  • #7
Abraham said:
I'm an engineering major, which practically has nothing to do with this. However, I find myself highly interested, or at least intrigued, by philosophy.

Good! Engineering and philosophy are not very related but they complement each other nicely. In contrast to popular belief, both are also very technical (as you seem to have discovered). If it's an option for you I would highly recommend a double major or minor in philosophy as an engineer. Double majoring in engineering and philosophy can do wonders for your job hunt. Reading philosophy and calling it homework is also a great break from problem sets.

Anthologies and introductory books can be helpful, but don't be afraid to dive right in. On the Bertrand Russell page linked above he suggests some books. Berkeley's is probably the least dense. Hume is also relatively easier to read - I'm a fan. Don't start with Spinoza for sure. Kant manages to be dense and long-winded at the same time. He's famous for it.

Now that I think about it, I highly recommend It's not typical philosophy attempting to prove its point, but it's a great read and a great overview. It's not designed as a textbook either, and you are free to skip around to the interesting sections like "Why Is There Something Rather Than Nothing?"
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FAQ: Anyone know any good introductory philosophy books?

1. What is philosophy?

Philosophy is the study of fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. It is a broad discipline that encompasses areas such as ethics, metaphysics, logic, epistemology, and aesthetics.

2. Why should I read an introductory philosophy book?

Reading introductory philosophy books can help you gain a better understanding of the world and your place in it. It can also help you develop critical thinking skills and explore different perspectives on important questions.

3. What are some good introductory philosophy books?

Some popular introductory philosophy books include "Sophie's World" by Jostein Gaarder, "Think" by Simon Blackburn, "The Story of Philosophy" by Will Durant, and "A History of Western Philosophy" by Bertrand Russell.

4. Do I need a background in philosophy to read an introductory book?

No, you do not need any prior knowledge or background in philosophy to read an introductory book. These books are designed to provide a basic understanding of philosophical concepts and theories.

5. Can reading an introductory philosophy book change my perspective?

Yes, reading an introductory philosophy book can challenge your current beliefs and perspectives and introduce you to new ideas and ways of thinking. It can also help you develop a more critical and analytical approach to understanding the world.

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