Meaning of: Indicate magnitude & direction of all vectors

In summary, "Indicate magnitude & direction of all vectors" means to state both the size and direction of vectors such as velocity and displacement. In the given question, the force of gravity should be considered as a negative vector acting in the opposite direction of the ball's movement. Additionally, for part C, the acceleration is simply the force of gravity (-10m/s2) since it is slowing the ball down.
  • #1
Meaning of: "Indicate magnitude & direction of all vectors"

I don't actually need help solving this problem I am working on, as I already have the answers. What I need help with is understanding this phrase: "Include both magnitude & direction of all vectors" --- What does this mean?

Here is the question and its answers:

Question: A ball is thrown straight upward - it is traveling at 50 m/s at the moment it is thrown. Ignoring air resistance, and rounding the force of gravity to 10 m/s:

(1) How long will it take for the ball to stop rising?
(2) How far will the ball have traveled during this time?
(3) What is the ball's acceleration during this time?


(1) 2.5 seconds
(2) 125 metres
(3) -20 m/s2

So, if someone could tell me what the "magnitude & direction of vectors" are, it would be greatly appreciated
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  • #2

Velocity and displacement for example are vectors. Vectors have both magnitude and direction opposed to scalers which have purely magnitude. You basically have got to say which direction it is acting in so for example if a ball is thrown upwards the force of gravity acts in the opposite direction so it would be negative against the direction of the ball.

Also you need to check your answers i believe =]
show your working so we can see where you have made a mistake.
  • #3

matt_crouch said:
Velocity and displacement for example are vectors. Vectors have both magnitude and direction opposed to scalers which have purely magnitude. You basically have got to say which direction it is acting in so for example if a ball is thrown upwards the force of gravity acts in the opposite direction so it would be negative against the direction of the ball.

Also you need to check your answers i believe =]
show your working so we can see where you have made a mistake.

Here is my work. (Remember that in the question it says, force of gravity may be rounded to 10m/s)


1/2mv2 = mgh [Mass cancels itself out]
1/2v2 = gh
1/2(502) = 10h
1/2(2500) = 10h
1250 = 10h
1250/10 = h
125 = h


t = d/v
t = 125/50
t = 2.5


a = v2-v1/t
a = 0-50/2.5
a = (-50)/2.5
a = (-20)
  • #4

matt_crouch said:
Velocity and displacement for example are vectors. Vectors have both magnitude and direction opposed to scalers which have purely magnitude. You basically have got to say which direction it is acting in so for example if a ball is thrown upwards the force of gravity acts in the opposite direction so it would be negative against the direction of the ball.

Also you need to check your answers i believe =]
show your working so we can see where you have made a mistake.

Regarding the vectors:

Is it enough then to write the answer for the distance question as "The ball has traveled 125 metres upward by the time it stopped rising" --- or am I missing something?
  • #5

ahhh i see where u have made the mistake remember that when the ball is thrown upwards it is still under the influence of gravity so you can't use v=s/t because that assumes that the object isn't accelerating and it is in fact decelerating, gravity is slowing the ball down.For part C its the right method but the acceleration is still due to gravity so you don't actually have to do any calculations.
With the vectors I am sure that is fine. With Part C try and think of the ball working against gravity so its slowing the ball down. So the acceleration is acting in the opposite direction of movement
  • #6

matt_crouch said:
ahhh i see where u have made the mistake remember that when the ball is thrown upwards it is still under the influence of gravity so you can't use v=s/t because that assumes that the object isn't accelerating and it is in fact decelerating, gravity is slowing the ball down.For part C its the right method but the acceleration is still due to gravity so you don't actually have to do any calculations.
With the vectors I am sure that is fine. With Part C try and think of the ball working against gravity so its slowing the ball down. So the acceleration is acting in the opposite direction of movement

So are you saying that for Part C, the acceleration is simply (-10m/s2) since that is the force of gravity pushing down on the ball?
  • #7

yes =]

FAQ: Meaning of: Indicate magnitude & direction of all vectors

What is the meaning of "Indicate magnitude & direction of all vectors"?

This phrase refers to the process of representing a vector, which is a quantity that has both magnitude (size) and direction, on a graph or diagram. It involves determining the length of the vector (magnitude) and the angle at which it is pointing (direction).

Why is it important to indicate both magnitude and direction of vectors?

Indicating both magnitude and direction of vectors is important because it provides a complete description of the vector. This information is necessary in order to accurately represent and analyze physical quantities, such as velocity, force, and displacement.

How do you find the magnitude of a vector?

The magnitude of a vector can be found using the Pythagorean theorem, which states that the magnitude (M) of a vector with components (x,y) is equal to the square root of the sum of the squares of its components (M = √(x² + y²)). Alternatively, the magnitude can be found using trigonometric functions (M = √(sin²θ + cos²θ)), where θ is the angle of the vector.

What does the direction of a vector indicate?

The direction of a vector indicates the angle at which the vector is pointing, measured in degrees or radians. This angle is usually measured from a reference direction, such as the positive x-axis or north, and can be represented using symbols such as θ or φ.

How are vectors typically represented on a graph or diagram?

Vectors are typically represented using a line with an arrowhead, pointing in the direction of the vector. The length of the line represents the magnitude of the vector, and the angle of the line with respect to a reference direction represents the direction of the vector. Alternatively, vectors can also be represented using components, which are the horizontal and vertical parts of the vector.
