RC-circuit for charged capacitor

In summary: But I see now that the current actually flows in the opposite direction, from the battery to the capacitor. In summary, the conversation discusses a simple circuit with a charged capacitor and a resistor connected in series to a battery. It is noted that when the switch is closed, the capacitor will discharge to eventually have the same potential as the battery. However, there is confusion about the sign of the IR term in the Kirchhoff's 2nd equation, as the current flows in the opposite direction of what was expected. The expert explains that it is easier to assume a direction for the current and follow the convention of voltage drops for capacitors and resistors.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I have a simple circuit consisting of a charged capacitor and a resistor connected in series to a battery.
Suppose that initially the potential across the capacitor is greater than that of the battery. (ie. [tex]\frac{q}{C}>V[/tex]).

What happens to the capacitor when the switch is closed and the circuit completed?

Homework Equations

Kirchhoff's 2nd:
Solving for q:
where [tex]q_0[/tex] is the initial charge on the capacitor at time [tex]t_0[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm guessing that when the switch is closed we should expect the capacitor to discharge to a certain degree and after some time have the same potential as the battery.

But my equation [tex]q(t)=CV+(q_0-CV)e^{(t-t_0)/RC}[/tex] does not reflect this.

As [tex]t\rightarrow\infty[/tex] the charge on the capaictor [tex]q(t)\rightarrow (q_0-CV)e^{(t-t_0)/RC}\rightarrow\infty[/tex]

What am I doing wrong?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
You have the wrong sign on the IR term.
  • #3
vela said:
You have the wrong sign on the IR term.

Are you sure? My reasoning is that if the potential on the capacitor is larger than on the battery then
1. electrons will flow from the battery to the capacitor
2. current is flowing in counter-clockwise direction - from the capacitor to the battery.

Lastly, if a resistor is traversed in the direction opposite the current, the potential difference across the resistor is +IR.
  • #4
The problem you're running into is that [itex]I_r = -I_c[/itex]. You're assuming [itex]I=dq/dt[/itex], which is negative if the capacitor is discharging, and using it as a positive quantity when calculating the voltage drop across the resistor.

Trying to get the signs right by reasoning which way the current flows is a mistake waiting to happen. It's much easier to just assume a direction for the current. Then for capacitors and resistors, the voltage "drops" going from where the current enters to where it leaves. For the battery, the opposite convention holds because the battery is a source, not a sink.

So for this circuit, assume the current flows clockwise through the circuit. Starting at the negative terminal of the battery and going clockwise, first, the potential go up by V; then it drops by IR across the resistor; and then it drops by q/C across the capacitor. If the current actually flows in the other direction, I becomes negative, and the direction of the voltage drop across the resistor automatically flips. By following this convention, you're also guaranteed that I=dq/dt.
  • #5
Vela thank you for your explanation.

So we always treat a battery as positive and a resistor and capacitor as negative?

I guess my confusion lies in the fact that I expect the capacitor to act as a current source since it potential is larger than that of the battery.

FAQ: RC-circuit for charged capacitor

What is an RC-circuit for charged capacitor?

An RC-circuit for charged capacitor is a type of electrical circuit that includes a resistor (R) and a capacitor (C) connected in series. It is used to control the flow of electrical charge in a circuit.

How does an RC-circuit for charged capacitor work?

An RC-circuit for charged capacitor works by using the resistor to limit the flow of current and the capacitor to store and release electrical charge. When the capacitor is fully charged, the circuit reaches equilibrium and no further current flows.

What is the time constant in an RC-circuit for charged capacitor?

The time constant in an RC-circuit for charged capacitor is the amount of time it takes for the capacitor to reach 63.2% of its maximum charge. It is calculated by multiplying the resistance (R) and capacitance (C) values in the circuit.

How do I calculate the charge on a capacitor in an RC-circuit?

The charge on a capacitor in an RC-circuit can be calculated using the formula Q = Q0(1-e-t/RC), where Q0 is the initial charge on the capacitor, t is the time, R is the resistance, and C is the capacitance. This formula shows the relationship between the charge, time, and components of the circuit.

What is the purpose of using an RC-circuit for charged capacitor?

The purpose of using an RC-circuit for charged capacitor is to control the flow of electrical charge in a circuit. It can be used in various applications such as filtering, signal processing, and time delays. It also helps to stabilize the circuit and prevent damage from excessive current flow.

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