Proof for determinant of a scalar multiplied by a vector

In summary: C_{ij} = (-1)^{i+j}\alpha M_{ij} \alpha C_{ij} = \alpha (-1)^{i+j} M_{ij} \alpha C_{ij} = (-1)^{i+j} \alpha M_{ij} and then use the property that det(\alpha A) = \alpha^{n}det(A) In summary, we can show that for an n x n matrix A and scalar \alpha, the determinant of \alpha A is equal to \alpha^n times the determinant of A. This can be proven using the property that the determinant is a multilinear function of the columns of the matrix and by showing that the cofactors
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let A be an n x n matrix and [itex]\alpha[/itex] a scalar. Show that [itex]det(\alpha A) = \alpha^{n}det(A)[/itex]

Homework Equations

[itex] det(A) = a_{11}A_{11} + a_{12}A_{12} + \cdots + a_{1n}A_{1n} [/itex]

where [itex] A_{ij} = (-1)^{i+j}det(M_{ij}) [/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

[itex] det(A) = a_{11}A_{11} + a_{12}A_{12} + \cdots + a_{1n}A_{1n} [/itex]

[itex] det(\alpha A) = \alpha a_{11}A^{\alpha}_{11} + \alpha a_{12}A^{\alpha}_{12} + \cdots + \alpha a_{1n}A^{\alpha}_{1n} [/itex]

[itex] det(\alpha A) = \alpha (a_{11}A^{\alpha}_{11} + a_{12}A^{\alpha}_{12} + \cdots + a_{1n}A^{\alpha}_{1n}) [/itex]

I can see that as I go through and calculate the cofactors I will continue to get an additional alpha coefficient each time, so that I will end up with [itex]det(\alpha A) = \alpha^{n}det(A)[/itex], but I am having trouble formalizing it. Thank you in advance for any help.
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  • #2
I haven't tried it, but induction on [itex]n[/itex] might work. Alternatively, I think it might be easier to think of the determinant as a multilinear function of the columns of the matrix rather than using cofactor expansion.
  • #3
or do you know the expression for determinant using the e-permutation symbol, see:
example 1.1-9
should follow straight form there

However, it should follow straight from your work though, note that if [itex]C_{ij} [/itex] is a cofactor of [itex]A [/itex], then [itex]\alpha C_{ij} [/itex] is a cofactor of [itex]\alpha A_{ij} [/itex]
[tex] C_{ij} = (-1)^{i+j}M_{ij} [/tex]

FAQ: Proof for determinant of a scalar multiplied by a vector

1. What is a determinant?

A determinant is a numerical value that can be calculated for a square matrix and provides important information about the matrix, such as whether it is invertible or singular.

2. How is a determinant calculated?

A determinant is calculated by performing a specific set of mathematical operations on the elements of a square matrix, using either the cofactor or the row reduction method.

3. What is meant by a scalar multiplied by a vector?

A scalar multiplied by a vector means that a single number, or scalar, is multiplied by each element of a vector. This results in a new vector with the same direction as the original, but with a different magnitude.

4. Why is there a proof for the determinant of a scalar multiplied by a vector?

The proof for the determinant of a scalar multiplied by a vector is necessary to show that the determinant of the resulting vector is equal to the product of the scalar and the determinant of the original vector. This is a fundamental property of determinants that is used in many mathematical applications.

5. What are some real-world applications of the determinant of a scalar multiplied by a vector?

The determinant of a scalar multiplied by a vector is used in various fields of mathematics, physics, and engineering. Some examples include calculating the cross product of two vectors, determining the area of a parallelogram, and solving systems of linear equations.

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