Is Your Eyesight Worth a Billion Dollars?

  • Thread starter 0TheSwerve0
  • Start date
In summary, most people would give up their eyesight for free for a billion dollars. Most people think that a life without sight is not a happy one. There are many things in life that are worth more than money, and a blind person would not be able to enjoy any of them.

What would you give up your eyesight for?

  • no amount of money

    Votes: 25 71.4%
  • at least a million dollars

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • at least a billion dollars

    Votes: 4 11.4%
  • some higher amount

    Votes: 5 14.3%

  • Total voters
  • #1
Would you give up your eyesight (permanently) for a billion dollars? A million?
Physics news on
  • #2
The last guy I dated was blind in one eye. I would have never known if he hadn't told me. When you have only one eye left, that eye becomes very precious.
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  • #3
0TheSwerve0 said:
Would you give up your eyesight (permanently) for a billion dollars? A million?

What ever thoughts did you have when you posted this ?
  • #4
If I went blind, I'd kill myself. (Not being cute, in all seriousness, I would)

I could manage being deaf, but
  • #5
I guess I'm the only one to answer positively. I'd gladly go blind for a billion dollars. Gordon Gund lives a better life than I.
  • #6
Here's a similar example, be careful what you wish for:,RedSox.wmv
  • #7
Jeff Reid said:
Here's a similar example, be careful what you wish for:,RedSox.wmv

OWWWch, i nearly droped my lap top, the thought of it sends me cock eyed.
  • #8
If I had no vision I would cease to have any memory whatsoever and a very decreased level of ability to learn and be productive. I'd much rather be confined to a wheelchair or a bubble than to be blind, I just don't think I'd adjust well. I'm very dependent on my vision.
  • #9
I would not voluntarily give up my sight for any amount of money.

If I went blind, I'd make do somehow.
  • #10
Astronuc said:
I would not voluntarily give up my sight for any amount of money.

If I went blind, I'd make do somehow.
Those are my sentiments as well.
  • #11
There are many things that are worth much more than money, and most of them we get for free. Life, health, sight and even love (the stuff you buy isn't really love) we should be thankful for these gifts and not worry about money. If we lose one of them most of us would willingly part with all our money to get it back.
  • #12
I wonder how people voting for at least billion of dollars imagine their life without a sight. Even if you have all of this you cannot enjoy your money because you're blind, and things you want for money you usually don't have require an eyesight.
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  • #13
At this point in my life, no amount of money would suffice. However, I voted for "some higher amount" (not seeing the first option :redface:)
  • #14
If it was a matter of my family starving and living on the streets, then that would be a different matter...

*talking in future tense*
  • #15
wolram said:
What ever thoughts did you have when you posted this ?

Can't remember, I was watching tv when I thought of it. I asked LYN if he would give up his eyesight for a billion dollars and he basically said hells yes. I was pretty surprised and couldn't accept the arguments he was making for it, so I decided to start a poll to see if it was me that was the crazy one. As usual, it wasn't:wink:
  • #16
Wow, some surprising results. The overwhelming majority would give their eyesight up for free. :bugeye:

I picked some higher amount, since it came the closest to reflecting how I'd feel about losing my eyesight.
  • #17
wolram said:
OWWWch, i nearly droped my lap top, the thought of it sends me cock eyed.
Thank you so much! I will be glad to ignore that link.

Some stuff on the internet you don't want to see. Seriously, it has a negative impact on the rest of your day.
  • #18
heartless said:
I wonder how people voting for at least billion of dollars imagine their life without a sight. Even if you have all of this you cannot enjoy your money because you're blind, and things you want for money you usually don't have require an eyesight.

I really wonder why people think life as a blind person would be so terrible. Gordon Gund might be the only blind billionaire, but there are others that have plenty of money, and others that have no money, that have lives just as fulfilling and rich as my own. It isn't my eyesight that makes me a happy person.
  • #19
BobG said:
Wow, some surprising results. The overwhelming majority would give their eyesight up for free. :bugeye:

I picked some higher amount, since it came the closest to reflecting how I'd feel about losing my eyesight.
:rolleyes: Heh.

  • #20
  • #21
Mk said:,RedSox.wmv
OWWWch, i nearly droped my lap top, the thought of it sends me cock eyed.
Thank you so much! I will be glad to ignore that link. Seriously, it has a negative impact on the rest of your day.
Oh come on MK, if you're a true fan of team, what's the problem of a little inconvenience to see them win?
  • #22
I know the poll is over but I would have gone with 1 billion or even more dollars.

If you really think about it, a difference can be made in the world with a billion dollars. Think of the possibilites that this money could be invested into actually help the rest of the world whether it would be towards getting kids in poverty with potential to get into MIT into MIT or just investing in a research to cure AIDs. Who knows, maybe that kid in poverty could develop the cure for aids?

Being blind isn't as bad as you think (but how would I know?). I still have my other four senses. The only bad thing I can think of is not being able to know if you had a roach in you lunch or not. (Taken from Seinfeld. :wink: )

Maybe I have gone into this a little too deep, otherwise this is probably Fox's next premesis for a reality show. :)

Edit: NM I guess the poll isn't over, I just needed to log in.
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  • #23
I meant to choose billion, not million BTW

FAQ: Is Your Eyesight Worth a Billion Dollars?

1. What factors determine the worth of my eyesight?

The worth of your eyesight is determined by a variety of factors, including your overall health, any preexisting conditions or diseases that may affect your eyes, your age, and your lifestyle. Additionally, the quality of your eyesight, or visual acuity, also plays a role in determining its worth.

2. Can my eyesight be measured in monetary value?

While it may be tempting to assign a monetary value to your eyesight, it is not a commonly accepted practice. The worth of your eyesight is often viewed in terms of its impact on your quality of life and daily functioning, rather than a specific dollar amount.

3. How can I maintain the worth of my eyesight?

To maintain the worth of your eyesight, it is important to practice good eye health habits. This includes getting regular eye exams, protecting your eyes from harmful UV rays and blue light, eating a healthy diet rich in nutrients that support eye health, and avoiding behaviors that can damage your eyes, such as smoking.

4. What is the importance of understanding the worth of my eyesight?

Understanding the worth of your eyesight is crucial for making informed decisions about your eye health and overall well-being. By knowing the factors that determine the worth of your eyesight and how to maintain it, you can take proactive steps to protect and preserve your vision for the future.

5. How can I improve the worth of my eyesight?

There are several ways to improve the worth of your eyesight, including wearing glasses or contact lenses if needed, undergoing vision correction surgery, and following a healthy lifestyle. It is also important to regularly monitor your eyesight and seek medical attention if you notice any changes or issues with your vision.

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