What Are the Correct Formulas and Units for These Physics Equations?

  • Thread starter IKnowGravity
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In summary: When speaking of the maximum mass a light photon can have, it is important to remember that the Planck konstant can be modified to be divided by 2pi. This would mean that the maximum mass a light photon can have is 2*pi*f*frequncy, or 6.626*10^-34 kg.
  • #1
Explanation of what is what in the formula and the unit in which they are in.

The force between two charges.

The centrifugal force between two rotating masses.

The r * r in that equation is it the radie or the diameter? I mean the length.

The mass of light. There are two versions.

Which one is right?

mass = h Planck konstant*f frequnsy
c * c

The Planck konstant can be modified to be divided by 2pi.

Should it? It would seem so if compared by the maximum mass a light photon can have.

mass = h Planck konstant*f frequnsy
c * 2 * pi c

Aslo the formula for an accelerating charge.

Charged partickles with mass are atrakted to each other and I am going to do an computer simulation.
How musch should the accelerating xyz be incremented per time unit?

The smaller time period the smaller increment in their trajektories.

F = something.

A Acceleration = (mass1 +mass2 )*time* q1 * q2
distans between them

X led The acceleration is modified each interval in x and y and z led. +
or minus a ceartain element.
y led
z led

This acceleration x is then added to the x position of the partickle.
This acceleration y is then added to the y position of the partickle.
This acceleration z is then added to the z position of the partickle.

Is this right?

Have i forgotten something. Help is greatly apreciated.

Christopher. :-p
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
What do you mean by "the maximum mass a light photon can have"...?
And where did u get that:
"A Acceleration = (mass1 +mass2 )*time* q1 * q2
distans between them


It looks terribly incorrect.

  • #3
.. and you spelt a whole load of stuff wrong :/.
  • #4
Forget the spelling.It's something secundary.Looks like a mixing with German...And how does he add acceleration with distance...?


FAQ: What Are the Correct Formulas and Units for These Physics Equations?

What are some common formulas that people need help with?

Some common formulas that people may need help with include algebraic equations, geometry formulas, statistical formulas, and physics formulas.

Why do people need help with formulas?

People may need help with formulas because they may be unfamiliar with the concept, may struggle with math or science in general, or may need clarification on a specific formula for a project or assignment.

How can I find help with specific formulas?

You can find help with specific formulas by reaching out to a tutor, consulting textbooks or online resources, or asking a teacher or classmate for assistance.

What are some tips for understanding and using formulas?

Some tips for understanding and using formulas include practicing regularly, breaking down complex formulas into smaller parts, and making connections between the formula and real-world applications.

Can I create my own formulas?

Yes, you can create your own formulas if you have a good understanding of the mathematical or scientific concepts involved and if the formula accurately represents the relationship between variables in a given scenario.
