What U.S. Economic Recovery? Five Destructive Myths

In summary: I am interested in what PFer's below the age of 30 have to say about the above paragraph, particulary the section I highlighted. What plans do you have to adapt to this, and even turn it to your advantage ?In summary, Nobel laureate Michael Spence's research shows that the majority of American job growth from 1990 to 2008 came from companies operating in the US market, rather than those doing business in global markets. These jobs, however, tend to be lower paid and lower skilled compared to outsourced jobs. Spence now advocates for a German-style industrial policy to keep high-value jobs in the US. The current myth that businesses are waiting for economic and regulatory certainty to invest back home is also
  • #36
turbo said:
That's something that goes all but un-noticed in the political wrangling. Consumer spending is by far the biggest driver of our economy. Giving tax-breaks for specific industries, or bailing out parts of our national economy have nowhere near the immediacy or the strength of the effect that putting extra dollars in consumers' pockets can have. Driving wealth toward the bottom tier of wage-earners would result in spending NOW because the least affluent of us tend to spend all their disposable income, and they tend to stimulate their local economies by doing so. The "Main Street" effects of local spending have been blunted somewhat by the invasion of the big-box stores into rural and suburban America, but consumer spending is still a powerful influence on local economies.

Yes, and part of the key is to keep the benefit small enough [small but over a large population] that it gets spent, instead of being saved or used to pay debt. This helps to maximize the bang for every buck.
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  • #37
Guardian's Elliot said:
... There is strong ideological resistance to the policies that make decent wages in a full employment economy feasible: capital controls, allowing strong trade unions, wage subsidies, and protectionism...
I'm curious as to which vetted economic theory states protectionism is the path to full employment.
  • #38
Ivan Seeking said:
Yes, and part of the key is to keep the benefit small enough [small but over a large population] that it gets spent, instead of being saved or used to pay debt. This helps to maximize the bang for every buck.

Well I guess you're happy with the $10 (approximate) benefit size (small) and it certainly does get spent - not saved or reinvested as capital. As for the $10 spent on fuel that allows another $10 to be spent elsewhere - if fuel prices were lower (and the extra $10 wasn't being sent offshore) the $20 could be spent elsewhere.
  • #39
The yield on the 10-year U.S. Treasury note is about 2%, or one-half its yield in February. The yield on the two-year note is 0.22%, about two-thirds its yield at the beginning of 2011. Meanwhile, inflation has risen 3.63% over the 12 months ending July 2011.

Let’s put this in perspective. If in February you had a $500,000 portfolio of 10-year U.S. Treasury notes throwing off $20,000 in income to fund your living expenses, and for some reason you had to reinvest all that money in the 10-year notes being issued today, your portfolio would generate only $10,000 in interest income. Meanwhile, the cost of goods and services that your $20,000 in interest income once paid for has now risen to $20,600.
The bottom line, prioritize your expenses, and learn to do more with less, unless you want to take on more risk, a dicey thing to do if you are retired.

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  • #40
rhody said:

The bottom line, prioritize your expenses, and learn to do more with less, unless you want to take on more risk, a dicey thing to do if you are retired.


rhody said:

5 retirement tactics in a low-interest-rate world
The yield on the 10-year U.S. Treasury note is about 2%, or one-half its yield in February. The yield on the two-year note is 0.22%, about two-thirds its yield at the beginning of 2011. Meanwhile, inflation has risen 3.63% over the 12 months ending July 2011.

Let’s put this in perspective. If in February you had a $500,000 portfolio of 10-year U.S. Treasury notes throwing off $20,000 in income to fund your living expenses, and for some reason you had to reinvest all that money in the 10-year notes being issued today, your portfolio would generate only $10,000 in interest income. Meanwhile, the cost of goods and services that your $20,000 in interest income once paid for has now risen to $20,600.

The bottom line, prioritize your expenses, and learn to do more with less, unless you want to take on more risk, a dicey thing to do if you are retired.


The only good thing about the recession is devalued assets - especially real estate - but it's clearly not for everyone.
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  • #41
There are Asian stocks paying 5% dividends.
  • #42
rhody said:

The bottom line, prioritize your expenses, and learn to do more with less, unless you want to take on more risk, a dicey thing to do if you are retired.


As if to add a punctuation mark to what I have been reporting... particulary my post above, what are your plans when faced with this ? Young, old, rich, poor, anywhere in between ?

Europe has come into increasing focus in recent weeks, with some even questioning whether the single currency can survive this crisis.

Roubini believes there will eventually be an enlargement of the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) or a common euro zone bond.

He thinks that the euro zone governments should try to weaken the value of the euro. The strength of the currency is worrying some economists because of the potential effect on exports from the euro region.

"Unless there is economic growth there will be this problem again,” said Roubini. “Fiscal austerity is negative for growth… (Governments) should work on denominated GDP not just on austerity."

He was pessimistic about the UK’s immediate economic future, and believes the British economy is "on the verge of a double dip."

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  • #43
rhody said:
As if to add a punctuation mark to what I have been reporting... particulary my post above, what are your plans when faced with this ? Young, old, rich, poor, anywhere in between ?



While this isn't the politics forum - I'd like to use the current debate in the US as a framework for this comment.

In 2008, the US economy was in recession and the President and Congress decided a LARGE stimulus plan was required - nearly $1Trillion in spending. The problem with a grand scheme of this type can be summed up by President Obama's recent comments that "shovel ready" projects weren't actually "shovel ready".

What he meant was that it's difficult to spend that much money in a short time period in a productive way.

Accordingly, much of the funding was routed into state Governments that allocated funds to operating expenses and other short term uses - instead of making spending cuts that are underway now (in some cases). Now, the President is being urged to attempt an additional spending program to do what the first program failed to do - that is create construction related (includes manufacturing of materials) jobs.

The danger of enacting a major short term spending plan is - what if it doesn't work? What is the contingency plan?

My point is this - small steps in a long range plan can cost less and be more productive than throwing large sums of money at a problem.

If you own a home and the electric bill is $200 and you only budgeted $100 - what do you do to solve the problem? Your plan might be to borrow $100 from someone - or charge a credit card? However, if you don't reduce your consumption of electric immediately - you will need to repeat the borrowing or make cuts somewhere else to pay the next bill. Unless you decide to have the electric disconnected - there will be another bill.

In economics - for every action there is a reaction. Given a fixed income budget with 100% allocation of funds (no savings) - spending increases in one area require cuts in another area or a supplement to the cash flow.

If the currency is devalued - there will be a reaction somewhere else - possibly higher prices on imported goods (such as energy and food).
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  • #44
WhoWee said:
The danger of enacting a major short term spending plan is - what if it doesn't work? What is the contingency plan?
The other alternatives are: Let the market adjust to the new reality or change the dynamics in the economy.
My point is this - small steps in a long range plan can cost less and be more productive than throwing large sums of money at a problem.
Well, in some sense this is simply a metaphor you are right there is diminishing marginal return in short term stimulus.

If you own a home and the electric bill is $200 and you only budgeted $100 - what do you do to solve the problem? Your plan might be to borrow $100 from someone - or charge a credit card? However, if you don't reduce your consumption of electric immediately - you will need to repeat the borrowing or make cuts somewhere else to pay the next bill. Unless you decide to have the electric disconnected - there will be another bill.
Of course if you are lucky you get a better job.
In economics - for every action there is a reaction. Given a fixed income budget with 100% allocation of funds (no savings) - spending increases in one area require cuts in another area or a supplement to the cash flow.

If the currency is devalued - there will be a reaction somewhere else - possibly higher prices on imported goods (such as energy and food).

Can America compete with free trade given the relative value of its currency to China? Without inflation trade deficits cannot be sustained very long.
  • #45
President Obama is giving a much anticipated speech about jobs tonight to a joint session of Congress. Also today, the most recent jobs report shows first time unemployment claims remained over 400,000 again this week.


"The number of first-time filers for unemployment benefits rose to 414,000 in the week ended Sept. 3, the Labor Department said Thursday. The number was up 2,000 from a revised 412,000 the week before.

"It's just more of the same," said John Canally, investment strategist and economist at LPL Financial. "We're not seeing much hiring, but not any massive layoffs either."
Economists typically say initial claims need to fall below 400,000 to reduce the unemployment rate, and they were expecting claims to hit that level in the latest report.

Jobless claims have remained around or above 400,000 since early April."

While it may be the ideal to leave Job A for a higher paying Job B - in this economy an educated person may need to accept any job they can find - and hold on tight.
  • #46
Faced with the lingering 1970's oil crisis and no jobs in my field, I emigrated from the US on completion of my MA. Unfortunately, I found that my degree was not officially recognized, and by nationality I was barred from both university and major R&D (mostly government funded in Spain back then). Though things have changed greatly on that score since, I left my interest in computational linguistics, and job in a small private teaching and research institute, to return to the US for an, ugh, MBA in the early 1980s. Since by then I had family, I re-immigrated back, with a wave and sigh for that lady standing in the NY harbor.

My first advice to those thinking overseas jobs are a quick fix is: make sure it is quick and of short duration (1-3 years max). American, German and Japanese business cultures tend to view those who left the "obviously better" homeland for elsewhere as losers who could not make it at home, sort of like NBA hopefuls who are not drafted and end up in European league play. And if you get tied down outside of home, well, you are tied down, and will be faced with tough moral choices.

I ended up working in automotive, defense and corporate consulting, traveling to over 50 countries and all continents except Antarctica. Winning business cultures tended to have one thing in common: they do the work. I was aghast when I looked inward at my own companies (all American). In contrast, it was politics and image that made or broke careers.

Remember RoboCop and the crappy fully robotic machine he competed with that did not work? There was a scene in that film where the senior executive sponsor of that machine said "Who cares if it works? We had contracts worth millions, replacement part sales guaranteed, etc." THAT was the mentality at my companies, and that is what has made a lot of American businesses uncompetitive. Indeed, many depend on government largess, contrary to the rhetoric about free markets.

To get more on thread: One reform I'd like to see is to really tie executive compensation (including golden parachutes) to long-term profits (say, five year average). Today this would be resisted due to Wall Street insistence that quarterly earnings be pumped to stimulate profit taking in financial markets. So the second reform is that of taxation on capital gains vs dividend income: I'd make the latter rate 0%, and the former 50%. Then we'd see board room members seeking able executives who really know and breathe the business, and not the fast and loose sort that have been running companies such as, say, HP, in recent decades. See what Jobs did for Apple in comparison.

And, yes, sadly, wars are so good for defense companies that somehow we'll need to ween them off military hardware by incentivizing more civilian applications of the technologies. After all, take away the last couple of wars and the US budget problem becomes highly manageable.

I could go on, but fortunately for you I will shut up now.
  • #47
mheslep said:
I'm curious as to which vetted economic theory states protectionism is the path to full employment.

The US economy from 1700 to 1960.
  • #48
mheslep said:
I'm curious as to which vetted economic theory states protectionism is the path to full employment.

edpell said:
The US economy from 1700 to 1960.
Really? Have a go at the unemployment rate history then:


against, say, trade tariffs:
Wiki said:
The "dutiable tariff rate" peak of 1932 was 59.1%, second only to the 61.7% rate of 1830. ... Unemployment was at 7.8% in 1930 when the Smoot-Hawley tariff was passed, but it jumped to 16.3% in 1931, 24.9% in 1932, and 25.1% in 1933...
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  • #49
There's been talk of people sharing homes during the recession, and now the Census Bureau has released the data to prove it.

This spring, there were 21.8 million "doubled-up" households across the nation, a 10.7 percent increase from the 19.7 million households in the spring of 2007, the Census Bureau said. That means 18.3 percent of all households were combined households.

Much of the increase was the result of adult children who either moved back home during the recession or never left. Among adults between the ages of 25 and 34, some 5.9 million were living with their parents this spring, up from 4.7 million before the recession hit in 2007. That 25 percent increase translated to 14.2 percent of all young adults living with their parents in March, the bureau said.

Rhody... :frown:
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  • #50
rhody said:

Rhody... :frown:

There were some reports yesterday calling the 25 - 34 year age group forced to move back in with their parents the "boomerang" generation. The comment was made in the discussion about the poverty level for a family of 4 being adjusted to $22,314. Please label this entire post IMO as I don't have a link to one of the interviews - the point was that if the "boomeranger" didn't live with their parents - one or the other or both might qualify as "poor".
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  • #51
WhoWee said:
There were some reports yesterday calling the 25 - 34 year age group forced to move back in with their parents the "boomerang" generation. The comment was made in the discussion about the poverty level for a family of 4 being adjusted to $22,314. Please label this entire post IMO as I don't have a link to one of the interviews - the point was that if the "boomeranger" didn't live with their parents - one or the other or both might qualify as "poor".


You are correct. I went back and reviewed the link, the information presented is speculative at best, and should be considered the author of the article's opinion, not to be taken as hard fact.

On to today's news:


BOSTON (MarketWatch) — The dismal scientists are fond of saying that consumer spending accounts for two-thirds of the U.S. economy. And if that still holds true, the U.S. economy — jobs bill or not — is in for more dismal times.

Let us connect the dots: There’s the just-released Census Bureau report noting that median household income has fallen to $49,445 in 2010, some 7.1% below its peak in 1999. No income equals no spending.

Plus, there’s a new white paper suggesting that U.S. households still have far too much debt (and not enough income or liquid assets) to drive the economy in anything more than a modest way.

In fact, given the current and foreseeable state of household debt and income, gross domestic product growth over the next few years will likely appear anemic compared to pre-crisis growth rates, according to the BlackRock Investment Institute paper.

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  • #52
rhody said:
And let's not forget the youth-unemployment crisis. There's now a generation of young workers who are in danger of being permanently sidetracked in the labor markets and disconnected from society.

I don't know how it is in your community, but in mine (Northern California) it appears that high school students choose their courses so as to avoid any possible course that might give them a marketable skill. Mathematics, the hard sciences, and English composition are all ignored to concentrate on soft sciences and the arts--not because the students have any real interest in these subjects, but simply because they are less demanding. This does not bode well for their future, but they seem oblivious to that correlation.
  • #53
Yet http://www.examiner.com/political-b...imulus-debt-and-deficits?fb_comment=34407431" piece that claims the stimulus was not a failure insofar as it wasn't enough.

Even some Republican economists and Nobel laureates like Paul Krugman argued that it was too small. Republican economist Mark Zandi, who advised John McCain on economic issues, when asked about the stimulus said, "I think we'd be in a measurably worse place if not for the stimulus. If we had not had the stimulus,.we'd have fewer jobs today than we actually have." Zandi was responding to when John Boehner contented that stimulus spending "has gotten us nowhere." Asked whether he agreed with Boehner, Zandi said "no." "Without the stimulus spending instead of a 9.5% unemployment rate, we'd have an 11.5 % unemployment rate" Zandi insisted. This is a Republican economic advisor, who, regardless of his politics understands modern economics – this is not Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity commenting.
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  • #54
klimatos said:
I don't know how it is in your community, but in mine (Northern California) it appears that high school students choose their courses so as to avoid any possible course that might give them a marketable skill. Mathematics, the hard sciences, and English composition are all ignored to concentrate on soft sciences and the arts--not because the students have any real interest in these subjects, but simply because they are less demanding. This does not bode well for their future, but they seem oblivious to that correlation.

I have seen the same here and it continues into college. I have a daughter who graduated last year and I was astounded to see the numbers of students coming out with computer science degrees, math, etc... It was about 80% less in the "hard science disciplines" than when I attended. Your assessment is consistent with mine and IMO does not bode well for the future of our country.

Rhody... :frown:
  • #55
Worse here in Spain: 36% of young people never finish high school at all. Guess they were thinking they could make bucks in the now vanished construction industry. Good luck now.

@daveb: Few seem to understand aggregate demand and the multiplier effect, the rest seem to find denying reality altogether a nice contact sport. Probably same group who took basket weaving and motorcycle appreciation courses in high school.
  • #56
daveb said:
Yet http://www.examiner.com/political-b...imulus-debt-and-deficits?fb_comment=34407431" piece that claims the stimulus was not a failure insofar as it wasn't enough.
...Even some Republican economists and Nobel laureates like Paul Krugman argued that it was too small. Republican economist Mark Zandi,...
Yet another Zandi/Krugman rehash maybe. Mark Zandi is not a 'Republican economist'. He freely acknowledges being a registered Democrat, holds markedly liberal views, is a strong Keynesian. He was indeed on contract to deliver some basic econ data to the McCain campaign, but not policy advice. That's enough to give reporters leave to cite him as a Republican economist, giving the appearance of 'balance' to story on economics after putting in a hysterical Krugman blurb.
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  • #57
There is a large and growing list of literature from working economists that suggest fiscal stimulus is ineffective.

John F. Cogan, Tobias Cwik, John B. Taylor, Volker Wieland*
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, February 2009
Wieland said:
...Our analysis suggests government spending quickly crowds out private consumption and investment, because forward-looking households and firms will consider eventual increases in future taxes, government debt, and interest rates...
"[URL Empirical Analysis of the Revival of Fiscal Activism in the 2000s
Taylor said:
In sum, this empirical examination of the direct effects of the three countercyclical
stimulus packages of the 2000s indicates that they did not have a positive effect on consumption and government purchases, and thus did not counter the decline in investment during the recessions as the basic Keynesian textbook model would suggest. Individuals and families largely saved the transfers and tax rebates. The federal government increased purchases, but by only an immaterial amount. State and local governments used the stimulus grants to reduce their net borrowing (largely by acquiring more financial assets) rather than to increase expenditures, and they shifted expenditures away from purchases toward transfers.
Cochrane said:
The central question is whether fiscal stimulus can do anything to raise the level of output. The question is not whether the “multiplier” exceeds one – whether deficit spending raises output by more than the value of that spending. The baseline question is whether the multiplier exceeds zero.
Some 'Keynesian' criticism is http://thinkmarkets.wordpress.com/2009/01/25/keynes-as-public-works-skeptic/"
John M. Keynes said:
Organized public works, at home and abroad, may be the right cure for a chronic tendency to a deficiency of effective demand. But they are not capable of sufficiently rapid organisation (and above all cannot be reversed or undone at a later date), to be the most serviceable instrument for the prevention of the trade cycle.
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  • #59
How does this man have time for world travel, what is the purpose and what does it cost? After reading this I thought of the old term "the blind leading the blind".


"WROCLAW, Poland (AP) — U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has told eurozone finance officials the U.S. is not trying to lecture them on their debt crisis."

While he's not trying to lecture them - he might have some advice?http://news.yahoo.com/geithner-urge-bigger-efsf-rapid-action-source-154859873.html

"Euro zone leaders agreed in July to give the 440 billion euro ($601 billion) European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) the right to intervene on bond markets, extend credit lines to governments and fund the recapitalization of banks.

Geithner will take part in an informal meeting of EU finance ministers on a one-day trip to the Polish city of Wroclaw on Friday, amid growing U.S. concern over the single currency bloc's inability to put an end to the sovereign debt crisis.

He is likely to tell the ministers that they should consider increasing the size of the EFSF to equip it better for the needs of potential bank recapitalization.

"He will probably tell Germany to give up its resistance to an increase in the size of the EFSF," the source said.

A well connected fund source told Reuters Geithner had been pushing for a solution for European banks along the lines of the TARP program in the United States, but had not made much headway."
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  • #60
This story puts a human face on a Greece's slow economic downward spiral,


An honorable hard working man turned to desparation through no direct fault of his own.
I had never heard of this technique used by banks (domestic or as is the case here foreign) before either, at least not till reading this story:

Small businesses struggled with cash shortages because they had to pay their overhead when due, but wait months for hard cash from customers. Mr. Petrakis managed the same way other small entrepreneurs did: To get money quickly, he took his customers' postdated checks to banks and sold them at a discount.

If he had a check for €1,000 that couldn't be cashed for five months, a bank would give him €800 right away, then another €100 on the date the check became cashable, his lawyer, Aggelos Zervos, says. The bank would keep the remaining €100.

Could a scenario like the one portayed in this article happen, here in the U.S. ? If so, why, and if not, why not ?

Rhody... :cry: :eek:
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  • #61
rhody said:
This story puts a human face on a Greece's slow economic downward spiral,


An honorable hard working man turned to desparation through no direct fault of his own.
I had never heard of this technique used by banks (domestic or as is the case here foreign) before either, at least not till reading this story:

Could a scenario like the one portayed in this article happen, here in the U.S. ? If so, why, and if not, why not ?

Rhody... :cry: :eek:

Factoring is a common practice in the US.

Smaller retail merchants use their merchant accounts.

For individuals - there are "pay day" loans:
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  • #62
rhody said:
This story puts a human face on a Greece's slow economic downward spiral,


Could a scenario like the one portayed in this article happen, here in the U.S. ? If so, why, and if not, why not ?

Rhody... :cry: :eek:

Could happen, and does, everywhere: see credit cards. That's a ~20% loan the bank gave the guy.
  • #63
rhody said:
This story puts a human face on a Greece's slow economic downward spiral,


An honorable hard working man turned to desparation through no direct fault of his own.
Greece's government and protected bureaucracy is where my anger goes with this story. Same WSJ issue:


WSJ said:
"The present government has done absolutely nothing during the last 12 months to speed up privatizations, reduce the public sector or open up closed professions," Athanasios Papandropoulos, a leading economic analyst, told me recently in an interview. "In these 12 months it has not fired even one civil servant. The only thing it is doing is trying to tax the private sector out of existence.
"Whereas more than 1,000 Greeks were losing their jobs in the private sector every day in August, the government was assuring civil servants with lifetime tenure that their job privileges were not in danger."
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  • #64
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  • #65
rhody said:
Could a scenario like the one portayed in this article happen, here in the U.S. ? If so, why, and if not, why not ?

The part of the story that you quoted about discounting (or factoring) bills has been a standard (and perfectly respectable) business practice for hundreds of years, except that normally when you "sell" the bill to the factoring company or discount house (the bank, in your quote) they take over the responsibility of collecting the debt directly from your customer, and they also take the risk that they can't collect it. The 10% discount on the bill is your "insurance payment" for transferring the risk to them.

Financial fraud isn't a new invention, either.
  • #66
Starting Nov. 1, Starbucks will collect donations of $5 or more from customers to stimulate U.S. job growth through its "Jobs for USA" program. The Seattle-based coffee chain is collaborating with the Opportunity Finance Network, a nonprofit that works with nearly 200 community development financial institutions to provide loans to small businesses and community groups.

Starbucks says 100% of donations will go toward loans for companies and organizations that can add jobs or stem job losses.
For any contribution 100% voluntary, I am all for. I have a problem when the government, state, local, or federal mandates a tax or fee and you have no choice but to pay it.

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  • #67
rhody said:

For any contribution 100% voluntary, I am all for. I have a problem when the government, state, local, or federal mandates a tax or fee and you have no choice but to pay it.


I agree, the government forces us to pay too many taxes that we don't want. I think of it like the greatest racketeering scam ever. Pay up or go to jail. However, I admit that the government also does a fair amount of good, too, with the money it collects(and doesn't waste). But I still don't want to pay for some taxes that I don't even want the effects of. I suppose it's hypocritical to say this before I even get a first job(I'm beginning to resent the world from my frustration), so I can't really say I pay too many taxes myself.
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  • #68

This state epitomizes a problem the Obama administration may face even if it is able to turn the economy around by 2012: People have suffered in this recession, and even when back on their feet, they have long memories of what they lost along the way.


But Williams is losing his $1-million home in Montana to foreclosure, and spent his first few months in North Dakota camped out in a tiny RV with his family, going to the bathroom in a bucket and living without running water.

"We're starting over again at 60, and we're adaptable. But our hopes and dreams got washed by the wayside," he said, as he fed his grandsons carrots and potatoes in his kitchen, where he and his wife sleep on a foldout couch each night. Light bulbs hang from the ceiling near exposed sockets, and the yellow, peeling walls are stuffed with sacks of fiberglass for insulation.
Every incumbent should read this article, then plan accordingly. It's sink or swim time...

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  • #69
rhody said:

North Dakota isn't feeling the slump...
WSJ said:
...[Oil company CEO]Mr. Hamm believes that if Mr. Obama truly wants more job creation, he should study North Dakota, the state with the lowest unemployment rate in the nation at 3.5%. He swears that number is overstated: "We can't find any unemployed people up there. The state has 18,000 unfilled jobs," Mr. Hamm insists. "And these are jobs that pay $60,000 to $80,000 a year." The economy is expanding so fast that North Dakota has a housing shortage.
LA Times said:
...But Williams is losing his $1-million home in Montana to foreclosure,...
Million dollar home? :cry: That's probably two million on the coasts.

rhody said:
Every incumbent should read this article, then plan accordingly. It's sink or swim time...
Plan for what? Who's sinking in this story? Voters or incumbents? Should the incumbents plan to fix the problems of the million dollar home owners by imposing on everyone else? If there is an plan from the current administration, perhaps it is to look for strong job growth and harras business there:
WSJ said:
A few months ago the Obama Justice Department brought charges against Continental and six other oil companies in North Dakota for causing the death of 28 migratory birds, in violation of the Migratory Bird Act. Continental's crime was killing one bird "the size of a sparrow" in its oil pits. The charges carry criminal penalties of up to six months in jail. "It's not even a rare bird. There're jillions of them," he explains. He says that "people in North Dakota are really outraged by these legal actions," which he views as "completely discriminatory" because the feds have rarely if ever prosecuted the Obama administration's beloved wind industry, which kills hundreds of thousands of birds each year.
Question: Do people imagine some incumbent politician made a 'plan' for the economic boom enjoyed by N. Dakota, or is more likely that tens of thousands of motivated people like Williams, some of them even rich, made the N. Dakota economy what it currently is?
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  • #70
Sobering news...

This does not bode well for the Greeks, according to the article, the Government only has funds to keep going to mid November.

A nationwide strike by Greek civil servants to protest ever steeper austerity measures paralyzed the country today, bringing transport to a halt and grounding all flights.

Teachers and lawyers joined the work stoppage and even hospitals were running only on emergency staff, the Associated Press reports.


Greek civil servant and trade unionist Tiana Andreou told the BBC that people's lives hav been ruined by the austerity measures and that unions "have decided that we're going to stop this."

Rhody... :frown:
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