Proton travelling through a magnetic field

In summary, the problem involves a proton traveling through a magnetic field with given values for velocity, magnetic field strength, charge, and mass. The maximum force on the proton can be calculated using the equation q*v*B, and the radius of the circle described by the proton can be found using the equation r=mv/qB. The time it takes for the proton to complete one revolution can be found using the equation T=2*pi*r/v. To find the instantaneous position and direction after a given time, the equation alpha = 2pi*(t/T) can be used to calculate the angular position, and then the equations X = Cos(alpha)*Radius and Y = Sin(alpha)*Radius can be used to find the cartesian coordinates.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I am having trouble with a basic deflection problem - a single proton traveling through a magnetic field:

v = Velocity of the proton = 6 000 000 meters per second (1/50th the speed of light, so no relativistic effects)

B = magnetic field strength = 0.5 Tesla

Charge of proton q = + 1.60217e-19 Coulombs

Mass of proton m = 1.67262e-27 kg

Direction = zero radians

Homework Equations

Force = q*v*B sin(theta)




The Attempt at a Solution

First I find the maximum force on the proton due to its charge and velocity through the field:

Force = q*v*B sin(theta)

In this case the proton is traveling perpendicular to the field, so sin(theta) = 1

and the magnitude of the force is simply:

Force = q*v*B

= 4.8065e-13 Newtons

Now that is fine, and if I want the radius of the circle described by the proton in the field I can use:

Radius=(Mass*sqr(Velocity))/Force or r=mv/qB

= 0.125 meters or 125mm

Which is particularly satisfying, because it relates such high speed, low mass and charge into a realistic spatial dimension.

I can also find the time that it takes to complete one revolution:


=131.19e-9 seconds or 131 nanoseconds.

But what I would like to find is the instantaneous position and direction after a given time, say 1 nanosecond.

I tried dividing the circumference by 131 nanoseconds, but I feel like this is cheating. :frown:

I also tried to use

Acceleration = Force/mass, but in this case the acceleration is only a change in direction, not in velocity. :confused:
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  • #2
JonathanH13 said:
But what I would like to find is the instantaneous position and direction after a given time, say 1 nanosecond.

I tried dividing the circumference by 131 nanoseconds, but I feel like this is cheating. :frown:

I also tried to use

Acceleration = Force/mass, but in this case the acceleration is only a change in direction, not in velocity. :confused:

It is no cheating if you calculate the angular position as
alpha = 2pi*(t/T). And you know that the proton moves along a circle with constant speed, so the velocity vector is tangent to the circle. Knowing alpha, you also get the direction of the velocity.

  • #3
Thanks for your reply. You describe angular position, but I require cartesian coordinates in order to simulate this:

I calculate alpha = 2pi*(t/T), using t = 1e-9 (1 nanosecond), and T (Period of one revolution) = 131.19e-9 seconds

This gives me an alpha of 0.0478 (is that in Radians?)

To attempt to convert that into an instantaneous position (my original problem),

I use Y = Sin(alpha)*Radius and X = Cos(alpha)*Radius

So, in in one nanosecond the proton is now at:

X = 0.1258 meters
Y = 0.00599 meters

Is that correct?
  • #4
it is correct, but I got x=0.1248 m.

  • #5
Ah, I think I see the error with my calculation.

I am now using X = Cos(alpha)*(Velocity*1e-9)

That is, if velocity is distance per second, and I require distance per nanosecond, hence(Velocity*1e-9). This delivers x and y values that describe a circle with the correct radius!


FAQ: Proton travelling through a magnetic field

What is a proton?

A proton is a subatomic particle with a positive charge that is found in the nucleus of an atom. It is one of the fundamental building blocks of matter.

What is a magnetic field?

A magnetic field is an invisible force field that surrounds a magnet or electric current. It is a region where magnetic forces act on other objects.

How does a proton travel through a magnetic field?

A proton travels through a magnetic field by following a curved path due to the magnetic force acting on it. The direction of the curve depends on the direction of the magnetic field and the velocity of the proton.

What is the relationship between a proton's charge and its path in a magnetic field?

A proton's direction of travel in a magnetic field is perpendicular to both the direction of its velocity and the direction of the magnetic field. This is known as the right-hand rule.

What are some real-world applications of proton travelling through a magnetic field?

Proton travelling through a magnetic field is used in medical imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and in particle accelerators to study subatomic particles. It is also used in the development of fusion energy and in the production of electricity in power plants.

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