Differentiating Homogeneous Functions: A & B

Do you understand? Differentiating f(tx,ty,tz) with respect to y (for instance) gives t2xz= yf[sub]y= t2xz. Do you see what that means? It means that the derivative of f(x,y,z) with respect to y is equal to tf(x,y,z). This is only true in general for homogeneous functions.
  • #1
Well actuallly 2 thms. They have to do with homogeneous functions. f(tx1,...,txn) = t^k * f(x1,...,xn). Now how do you show A) d/dx1 f(tx1,...,txn) = t^k-1 * d/dx1 f(x1,...,xn) and B) kt^(k-1)*f(x1,...,xn) = x1*d/dx1 f(tx1,...,xn) + xn*d/dxn f(x1,...,xn)

A) In the book They say that differentiating the first equation (definition of homogeneous function of degree k) by its first argument yields: d/dx1 f(tx1,...,txn) * t = t^k d/dx1 f(x1,...,xn) from which A easily follows. But how do they get this? I know you have to apply the chain rule somehow but I am not sure exactly...
B)Same as A, i end up with expressions like d/d(tx1) x1 which intuitively seems like t but I am not sure.
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  • #2
ak416 said:
Well actuallly 2 thms. They have to do with homogeneous functions. f(tx1,...,txn) = t^k * f(x1,...,xn). Now how do you show A) d/dx1 f(tx1,...,txn) = t^k-1 * d/dx1 f(x1,...,xn) and B) kt^(k-1)*f(x1,...,xn) = x1*d/dx1 f(tx1,...,xn) + xn*d/dxn f(x1,...,xn)

A) In the book They say that differentiating the first equation (definition of homogeneous function of degree k) by its first argument yields: d/dx1 f(tx1,...,txn) * t = t^k d/dx1 f(x1,...,xn) from which A easily follows. But how do they get this? I know you have to apply the chain rule somehow but I am not sure exactly...
First rule: faced with a complicated problem, try a few simple examples. Suppose f(x,y)= xy. Clearly, f(tx,ty)= (tx)(ty)= t2xy so this is a homogeneous function. f(tx,ty)x= fx(tx,ty)(tx)x= tfx(tx,ty). But since f(tx,ty)= t2xy that is also equal to fx(tx,ty)= t2y.

Since x1 is multiplied by t, differentiating f(tx1,...) with respect to x1 is just (chain rule) the derivative of f times the derivative of txw which is t: t df()/dx1. But f(tx1, ...)= tnf(x1,...) so that derivative is equal to tnfx(x1,...). Divide both sides by t now.
B)Same as A, i end up with expressions like d/d(tx1) x1 which intuitively seems like t but I am not sure.
What you've written for B is incorrect. It should be
kt^(k-1)*f(x1,...,xn) = x1*d/dx1 f(tx1,...,xn)+ ... + xn*d/dxn f(x1,...,xn). Do you see the difference? You just have x1 and xn terms on the right but it is in fact a sum through all the variables.

Try f(x,y,z)= xyz. Then f(tx,ty,tz)= t2xyz.
fx= t2yz so xfx= t2xyz, yfy= t2xyz, zfz= t2xyz and their sum is 3t2 xyz= ktk-1 f(x,y,z) with k= 3.

FAQ: Differentiating Homogeneous Functions: A & B

1. What is the definition of a homogeneous function?

A homogeneous function is a mathematical function where all of the variables in the function have the same degree. This means that when all the variables are multiplied by a constant, the resulting value of the function is also multiplied by that same constant.

2. How do you differentiate a homogeneous function?

To differentiate a homogeneous function, you can use the Euler's homogeneous function theorem, which states that the partial derivatives of a homogeneous function of degree n are related by the equation: x1∂f/∂x1 + x2∂f/∂x2 + ... + xn∂f/∂xn = nf, where f is the homogeneous function of degree n.

3. What is the difference between homogeneous functions of degree A and B?

The main difference between homogeneous functions of degree A and B is the degree of the function. A homogeneous function of degree A has a fixed degree and all of its variables have that same degree, while a homogeneous function of degree B has a different degree for each variable.

4. What are some real-life applications of homogeneous functions?

Homogeneous functions have various applications in economics, physics, and other fields of science. They are commonly used in the study of production functions, utility functions, and elasticity. For example, in economics, homogeneous functions are used to model economies of scale in production processes.

5. Can homogeneous functions be non-linear?

Yes, homogeneous functions can be non-linear. The degree of a homogeneous function determines its linearity, and a function can be homogeneous without being linear. In fact, most homogeneous functions used in real-life applications are non-linear.

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