Strange radioactivity question. fast

In summary, the individual is seeking help with a strange question regarding radioactive emission ranges. They have looked through two major physics books and searched online, but have been unable to find any information or equations. They have also asked a tutor for help, with no success. The problem involves calculating the rate of particles arriving at a detector located at different distances from sources with varying levels of activity. The individual is looking for equations to solve the problem and is not asking for someone to solve it for them. They are unsure of where to even start and are wondering if multiple equations need to be used.
  • #1
Strange radioactivity question. please help fast!

well, this is a strange question that i have to do a presentation on. I thought it would be easy but i can't find any information after looking through 2 major physics books and searching online. I even asked a tutor about this and still couldn't get any equations i could use. Plz don't bash me if this is the wrong forum. Just direct me to the right one then. This is the problem:
Radioactive Emission Ranges: For a 35 becquerel (Bq) source of alpha radiation, calculate the rate of particles arriving at a 5.0x10^-4m^2 detector located 20.0 cm, 50.0 cm, 100.0cm, and 130 cm from the source. Repeat the calculations for the same detector at the same positions for a 48 Bq source, a 125 Bq source, and a 1753 Bq source.

Tabulate and graph your results on a detection rate (Bq) versus distance (cm) graph, with source activity(Bq) as an extra parameter.

Just need an equation or equations to solve this. You don't have to solve it. I am not tryin to cheat, i just need to know where to even start with this thing. I can't find any equation that includes distance along with detection rate and area. Both books don't have anything. Am i suppose to use several equations together or wat? If anyone has any idea how this is done, please help me.
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  • #2
o btw, i just read the sticky warning, and i just want to be sure u ppl know that I am not telling you to solve this for me. I just need to know the equations involved and maybe some steps involved to solve this.
  • #3

Hello there,

It seems like you are struggling with finding the right equations to solve this problem. I suggest reaching out to your physics professor or a tutor for more specific guidance on this topic. It's also a good idea to check online forums or websites dedicated to physics to see if there are any helpful resources or equations that can assist you with this problem.

In terms of finding the right forum, perhaps try posting in a physics or nuclear science-related forum to get more targeted responses from individuals who are knowledgeable in this area.

Additionally, don't be discouraged if you are having trouble finding the right equations or information. Sometimes complex problems like this require a bit more research and effort. Keep persevering and seeking help, and I am sure you will be able to solve this problem successfully. Best of luck!
  • #4

Hello, it seems like you are struggling with your presentation on radioactive emission ranges. It can be frustrating when you can't find the information you need, but don't worry, I'm here to help. First of all, it's important to understand that there is no one equation that can solve this problem. You will need to use multiple equations and concepts to find the solution.

To start, you can use the equation R = A/d^2, where R is the detection rate in Bq, A is the source activity in Bq, and d is the distance from the source in meters. This equation gives you the detection rate at a specific distance for a given source activity.

Now, for the given problem, you will need to use this equation for each of the four distances (20cm, 50cm, 100cm, and 130cm) and for each of the four source activities (35 Bq, 48 Bq, 125 Bq, and 1753 Bq). This will give you a total of 16 calculations.

Once you have all the detection rates, you can create a table and a graph to visualize the data. The x-axis of the graph will be the distance in meters and the y-axis will be the detection rate in Bq. You can plot the data points for each source activity on the same graph and see how the detection rate changes with distance for each source.

I hope this helps you get started on your presentation. Remember, it's always a good idea to consult with your teacher or a tutor for additional guidance. Good luck!

FAQ: Strange radioactivity question. fast

1. What is radioactivity?

Radioactivity is the spontaneous emission of particles or energy from an unstable atomic nucleus. This process can result in the transformation of one element into another.

2. How is radioactivity measured?

Radioactivity is measured in units called becquerels (Bq) or curies (Ci), which represent the number of decays per second. Other commonly used units are rads and grays, which measure the amount of radiation absorbed by a material.

3. What is the difference between alpha, beta, and gamma radiation?

Alpha particles consist of two protons and two neutrons and have a positive charge. Beta particles are either electrons (negatively charged) or positrons (positively charged). Gamma rays are high-energy photons with no mass and no charge. They are the most penetrating type of radiation.

4. Can exposure to radioactivity be harmful?

Exposure to high levels of radioactivity can be harmful to living organisms, as it can damage cells and DNA. However, low levels of radioactivity are present in our environment and are not harmful to our health.

5. How is radioactivity used in science?

Radioactivity has many important applications in science, including medical imaging, cancer treatment, and radiocarbon dating. It is also used in nuclear power plants to generate electricity and in research to study the properties of atoms and subatomic particles.

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