How accurate is the offset yield point theory?

In summary, the offset yield point theory is widely used and considered accurate enough for practical purposes. However, the true yield point can vary depending on factors such as composition, processing, and testing method. The offset yield point is a linear relationship between stress and strain, represented by Young's modulus. It can be difficult to visually determine the yield point in some materials, and accuracy depends on the testing and measuring systems used.
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  • #2
Since the 0.2%-offset method is widely used, it is considered accurate enough. Really this is used comparatively or as a proof that the material is suitable. In analyses, one would want as close actual behavior as possible. For example, one might use 0.001 (0.1%) offset.

The problem is that the true yield point could vary depending upon composition and processing, as well as testing method.

In design, most systems are designed to some fraction of yield so that there is adequate margin to permanent deformation and to allow for overload conditions which might produce high transient stresses.
  • #3
is there any way to actually test and find the yield point for any material?

I am using a wire called DSC (Dispersion Strenghtened Copper). it starts off as a metal powder 99% copper, .5% alumin oxide, and the other .5% iron and lead. it also has a oxygen free copper cladding after the metal powder is drawn to a wire.
  • #4
is the offset yield point just a straight line with the same slope but shift .002 strain over?
  • #6
ECU0406 said:
is the offset yield point just a straight line with the same slope but shift .002 strain over?
Yes. The slope is Young's modulus or Elastic modulus, and represents a linear relationship between stress and strain, i.e.


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One can measure up to the proportional limit.

In addition to material composition, the yield strength and to some degree, the elastic modulus is a function of the metallurgical state (dislocation density), i.e. how much residual cold-work is present. Fully recrystallized (fully annealed) materials have minimal dislocation density and have lower strength.

Accuracy depends upon one's testing and measuring systems.
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FAQ: How accurate is the offset yield point theory?

1. How is the offset yield point theory defined?

The offset yield point theory, also known as the 0.2% offset yield strength, is a measure of the stress level at which a material begins to deform plastically. It is defined as the amount of stress required to produce a permanent strain of 0.2% in the material.

2. What materials does the offset yield point theory apply to?

The offset yield point theory applies to a wide range of materials, including metals, plastics, and composites. It is commonly used to measure the yield strength of metals, such as steel and aluminum, but can also be used for other materials with a yield point.

3. How accurate is the offset yield point theory?

The accuracy of the offset yield point theory depends on several factors, including the type of material, the testing method, and the equipment used. In general, the theory provides a good estimate of the yield strength of a material, but it may not be completely accurate in all cases.

4. Can the offset yield point theory be used for all types of stress?

The offset yield point theory is most commonly used for tensile stress, but it can also be applied to other types of stress, such as compressive stress. However, it may not be as accurate for these other types of stress, so it is important to use caution when applying the theory to non-tensile stress situations.

5. Are there any limitations to the offset yield point theory?

There are a few limitations to the offset yield point theory. It assumes that the material behaves in a linear-elastic manner before reaching the yield point, which may not always be the case. Additionally, the theory does not take into account any microstructural changes that may occur in the material during deformation.
