Can We Prove that Non-Rational Decimals Go On Forever?

  • Thread starter 1MileCrash
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In summary: It is important to note that the definition of a rational number includes that it can have a non-terminating decimal representation that repeats after a certain point.In summary, there are mathematical proofs that show certain numbers, such as pi, the number e, and the square root of any non-perfect square, are irrational. These proofs demonstrate that these numbers cannot be expressed as a fraction of integers. However, a number can also have a non-terminating decimal representation and still be rational, as long as the decimals repeat after a certain point. Ultimately, it is through mathematical proofs that we can determine if a number is irrational or not, rather than solely relying on the number of decimal places.
  • #1
"Infinitely repeating decimals may not exit, they may terminate somewhere down the line but we can never tell."

I've heard it claimed that numbers that pi or e may terminate eventually and that there is no way of knowing.

Is there no mathematical way to show that a non-rational non-terminating decimal will have infinitely many digits and that it cannot possibly ever terminate?

Do we only proclaim pi to be non-terminating because we've "never reached the final decimal place?" That can't be, can it?
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  • #2
If a number has, say, only 157 digits past the decimal place, then you can always write it as a fraction by just taking the number past the decimal and dividing it by 10157.

For example, .12359694929120132 = 12359694929120132/1018.

So if a number is irrational it can't have a terminating decimal
  • #3
Yes, I understand that. A rational number is a number that can be expressed as a fraction and all terminating or repeating decimals can be expressed as a fraction therefore your logic follows. But this isn't really what I'm asking.

Allow me to ask the question in a different way.

We accept that e is an irrational number, cannot be expressed as a fraction and is a non-terminating decimal. But why? Is there an underlying mathematical proof?

Is it possible that e terminates after one-billion decimal places and actually is a rational number? Or can it be proven that e without a doubt never terminates?

Ergo, what leads us to declare a number irrational? If it's a really, really, really high number of decimal places, do we eventually say "screw it, it's irrational." or is there a mathematical way to conclusively show without a shadow of a doubt that e (example) will never terminate?

  • #4
A number is rational if it can be expressed as a fraction of integers. That's the definition. A number is irrational if it CANNOT be expressed as a fraction of integers.

There are proofs that show pi, the number e, the square root of 2, and the square root of any number that isn't a perfect square are all irrational.

Proof of square root 2 being irrational
  • #5
JG89 said:
A number is rational if it can be expressed as a fraction of integers. That's the definition. A number is irrational if it CANNOT be expressed as a fraction of integers.

There are proofs that show pi, the number e, the square root of 2, and the square root of any number that isn't a perfect square are all irrational.

Proof of square root 2 being irrational

Okay, thanks, that's what I was looking for.

So to say "pi might be rational, we just haven't gotten to the last decimal yet" is utter nonsense since we can mathematically prove that it is irrational.

Some people seem to be under the impression that if a decimal just keeps going for a "long time" than it is declared to be irrational on the spot. I figured that couldn't be the case.
  • #6
1MileCrash said:
Some people seem to be under the impression that if a decimal just keeps going for a "long time" than it is declared to be irrational on the spot. I figured that couldn't be the case.

Right. When we can't tell, like with Euler's constant gamma, we say "unknown" or "believed to be irrational".
  • #7
Furthermore, a number need not be irrational in order to have a provably non-terminating decimal representation. The number 1/3, for example, is a rational number with a non-terminating decimal representation.

FAQ: Can We Prove that Non-Rational Decimals Go On Forever?

1. What are non-rational decimals?

Non-rational decimals are decimal numbers that cannot be expressed as a fraction of two integers. They are also known as irrational numbers and include numbers like pi and the square root of 2.

2. How do we know that non-rational decimals go on forever?

We can prove that non-rational decimals go on forever by using a mathematical concept called "proof by contradiction". This means that we assume the opposite of what we are trying to prove and then show that it leads to a contradiction, thus proving that our original assumption must be true. In the case of non-rational decimals, we assume that they do not go on forever and then show that this leads to a contradiction.

3. Can you give an example of a non-rational decimal that goes on forever?

One example of a non-rational decimal that goes on forever is pi (π), which is approximately 3.141592653589793. This decimal never repeats and has been calculated to over one trillion digits without any pattern emerging.

4. Are there any other ways to prove that non-rational decimals go on forever?

Yes, there are other ways to prove that non-rational decimals go on forever. One method is using the decimal representation of a rational number and showing that it eventually repeats or terminates, which would contradict the definition of non-rational decimals. Another method is using the fact that non-rational decimals are unbounded, meaning that there is no limit to how many digits can be added after the decimal point.

5. Why is it important to prove that non-rational decimals go on forever?

Proving that non-rational decimals go on forever is important because it helps us understand the nature of numbers and their properties. It also has practical applications in fields like mathematics, physics, and engineering. For example, pi is used in calculations for circular shapes and the square root of 2 is used in the Pythagorean theorem.
