Microscopic Description of Current Derivation

In summary, the professor discussed the derivation of the micro description of current, specifically the Einstein relation which relates the drift velocity of a charge carrier to its temperature. This relation can be derived from the Boltzmann transport equation and can be found in textbooks on statistical or condensed matter physics.
  • #1
Listening to lecture today in my E&M class, the professor was giving us the derivation of the micro description of current.


Somewhere along the line he comes to [itex]v_d=at[/itex] that "t" might be a tau, I can't decipher my scribble. He said he isn't really sure how they get that particular expression and, "When in doubt, we turn to Feynman…unfortunately Feynman too, seems to do a lot of arm-waiving in this area. I'm not quite sure how this expression arises."

I know it has to do with the drift velocity of a charge carrier and that it relates to temperature. Can someone lead me to a reference or explain how this comes about? Super curious.

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The expression you mentioned is known as the Einstein relation and it describes the relation between the drift velocity of a charge carrier and its temperature. This relation can be derived from the Boltzmann transport equation, which describes the motion of particles in an electric field. Essentially, the drift velocity is proportional to the electric field, and the temperature determines how strongly the particles will be affected by the field. You can find more information about this relation and how to derive it in any standard textbook on statistical physics or condensed matter physics.

FAQ: Microscopic Description of Current Derivation

1. What is the purpose of a microscopic description of current derivation?

A microscopic description of current derivation is used to study the flow of charge through a material on a microscopic level. This allows for a better understanding of the fundamental processes and mechanisms involved in current flow.

2. How is a microscopic description of current derivation different from a macroscopic description?

A macroscopic description of current derivation looks at the overall behavior of current in a material, while a microscopic description focuses on the individual particles and their interactions that contribute to the flow of current.

3. What types of materials can be studied using a microscopic description of current derivation?

A microscopic description of current derivation can be applied to any material that conducts electricity, including metals, semiconductors, and electrolytes.

4. What techniques are used to obtain a microscopic description of current derivation?

Techniques such as scanning tunneling microscopy, atomic force microscopy, and electron microscopy are commonly used to observe and analyze the behavior of individual particles and their interactions in a material.

5. Why is a microscopic description of current derivation important in research and technology?

A microscopic description of current derivation allows for a deeper understanding of the behavior of materials at the atomic level, which is crucial for developing new technologies and improving existing ones. It also provides insights into the fundamental principles of electricity and can aid in the design of more efficient and advanced electronic devices.
