Dynamic Allocation with Maple Pointplot3d for Photon Propagation

In summary: Your Name]In summary, it is possible to use the pointplot3d feature in conjunction with connect=true to show photon propagation in an MCML program on Maple. The (x,y,z) values can be dynamically generated and stored in a data structure such as an array, list, or table. Using a loop and the pointplot3d function, the points can then be plotted with desired options. It is also recommended to use the "randomize" function before generating random numbers for testing purposes.
  • #1
I'm making a MCML program on Maple, and I want to use the pointplot3d feature in conjunction with connect=true to show photon propagation.

For each photon run , x, y, and z values are generated.

I know how to make a pointplot3d plot given the points.
points:= {[0,1,1],[1,-1,2],[3,0,5],[1,1,1],[1,1,2]}:
pointplot3d(points, labels=[x,y,z], connect=true, axes=BOXED);

However, the (x,y,z) values are being dynamically generated, and there are thousands of values.

Is there any way to put the values being generated into an array, and pointplot3d it?

If so, can you please show me sample code, or head me in the right direction?

Much thanks,


Nvm, I got it.

My supervisor showed me a cool way to do it:

		ic := ic + 1;
		P||ic := [x,y,z];
pointplot3d({seq(P||i,i=1..250)},symbol=DIAMOND, symbolsize=10, connect=true, axes=BOXED);

And there's other stuff too, but that's the main idea.
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  • #2

Dear NSX,

It's great to hear that you were able to figure out a solution to your problem with your supervisor's help. I would like to offer some additional advice and suggestions for your MCML program on Maple.

To begin, it's important to make sure that your generated (x,y,z) values are stored in a data structure that allows for easy access and manipulation. One option could be to use an array, as you mentioned in your post. Another option could be to use a list or a table. The choice of data structure may depend on the specific needs and requirements of your program.

Once you have your data structure set up, you can use the pointplot3d function in conjunction with a loop to plot your points. Here is a sample code that demonstrates this approach:

# Generate (x,y,z) values and store them in an array
num_points:= 1000; # change this value as needed
points:= Array(num_points);
for i from 1 to num_points do
x:= rand(-10..10); # generates a random number between -10 and 10
y:= rand(-10..10);
z:= rand(-10..10);
points:= [x,y,z];
end do;

# Plot the points using pointplot3d
pointplot3d(points, symbol=DIAMOND, symbolsize=10, connect=true, axes=BOXED);

Note that in the above code, we are using a loop to generate the (x,y,z) values and store them in the array called "points". Then, we are using the pointplot3d function to plot the points with the desired options such as symbol, symbol size, and connecting the points.

Another suggestion is to use the "randomize" function before generating your random numbers. This ensures that each time your program is run, it will generate a different set of random numbers. This can be helpful if you want to test your program with different sets of data.

I hope this helps and good luck with your MCML program on Maple!
  • #3

Thank you for sharing your progress on your MCML program with Maple. It's great to see you utilizing the pointplot3d feature for photon propagation.

To answer your question about dynamically generating the (x,y,z) values and putting them into an array for pointplot3d, you can use a for loop to generate the points and store them in an array. Here's a sample code:

# Define the number of photon runs
n := 1000;

# Initialize an empty array to store the points
points := [];

# Generate the (x,y,z) values for each photon run using a for loop
for i from 1 to n do
# Generate random x, y, and z values using the rand() function
x := rand();
y := rand();
z := rand();

# Add the (x,y,z) values to the points array
points := [op(points), [x,y,z]];
end do;

# Plot the points using pointplot3d with connect=true
pointplot3d(points, labels=[x,y,z], connect=true, axes=BOXED);

You can adjust the number of photon runs (n) and the range of the random values (using the rand() function) to fit your needs. I hope this helps and good luck with your MCML program!

FAQ: Dynamic Allocation with Maple Pointplot3d for Photon Propagation

What is dynamic allocation?

Dynamic allocation is a programming technique where memory or storage space is allocated and reallocated as needed during program execution. It allows resources to be used efficiently and effectively, as well as adapt to changing needs in real-time.

What is Maple Pointplot3d?

Maple Pointplot3d is a function in the Maple software that allows for the creation and manipulation of three-dimensional plots. It is commonly used in scientific and technical fields to visualize data and mathematical functions.

How does dynamic allocation work with Maple Pointplot3d?

In the context of photon propagation, dynamic allocation with Maple Pointplot3d allows for the efficient and dynamic allocation of memory to store and manipulate data related to photon propagation. This ensures that resources are used effectively and in real-time, allowing for accurate and timely analysis of photon behavior.

What are the benefits of using dynamic allocation with Maple Pointplot3d for photon propagation?

The main benefits of using dynamic allocation with Maple Pointplot3d for photon propagation include efficient use of resources, adaptability to changing needs, and real-time analysis of photon behavior. This allows for more accurate and timely results, as well as improved visualization and understanding of photon propagation.

Are there any limitations to using dynamic allocation with Maple Pointplot3d for photon propagation?

Dynamic allocation with Maple Pointplot3d for photon propagation may have limitations in terms of the amount of memory that can be allocated and the processing power of the computer system. It is important to consider these limitations and optimize the use of resources to ensure efficient and accurate results.

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