Can Swift Fuel Revolutionize the Aviation Industry?

  • Thread starter NOideaWHATimDOING
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In summary, a group from Purdue University presented their data on a new fuel called Swift fuel to the ASTM D-2 board. This fuel has passed all 44 of the ASTM D-910 test for 100LL general aviation fuel and has shown a 25% increase in lab and application testing over petroleum. It also has a 24% reduction in emissions, a 30 degree lower freeze point, and contains no sulfates, alcohol, ethanol, or petroleum. The group has not disclosed the exact components of the fuel, but it is known to have lower carbon output than conventional petroleum. They are currently in talks with the Department of Energy and claim that this fuel is the next evolution of liquid fuels, beyond traditional petroleum values. The
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This group from Purdue University was invited to present their data to the ASTM D-2 board on April 28th in Alexandria, VA

Director of the FAA stated that NO bio fuel has ever passed 1/2 of the specs on the D-910 test for 100LL general aviation fuel. This Swift fuel has passed 44 of 44.

New fuel showing lab and application testing 25% increase over petroleum

Shows a reduction of 24% in emissions
Shows a 30 degree lower freeze point
Has no Sulfates
No Petroleum
No Alcohol
No Ethanol
Physics news on
  • #2
Well, I hope they tell ASTM what exactly they use, because simply telling what it is not does not faciliate a discussion.

We use lower average carbon number components than conventional petroleum and hence reduce the carbon output.
If it has less carbon atoms than gasoline and is not ethanol, it doesn't leave much to choose from. That leaves propane through heptane, and their various derivatives.
  • #3
Agreed, the Carbon make up is not using Heptane or Pentane. Iso Pentane maybe a small amount. The trick they said was getting the Reid Vapor to regsiter and not drop the MON below 100 while keeping a lubricity level high enough to run in the Engines.

The findings are all they will leave with the ASTM. The rest would require an NDA like I had to sign to see this. Supposedly this would require a retro fit of an existing ABE or Ethanol plant to produce. Though they state that the plants should see a doubling effect for every pound of bio mass.

This is not advertising, this is a group that is about to get massive interest from the federal govt. (meeting with the DoE on Friday)

This is not for sale in any case. This is the next evolution of liquid fuels that is stepping beyond the "old guard" petroleum values.

This group @ Purdue was founded by John Rusek, PHd Chemical Engineering. He has worked with DARPA, Air Force and still contracts to the Navy.

I thought this thread would be informative vs. the normal questions I've seen on this site from people who think you can run a car on water only. This is a real solution. This is an evolutionary step that doesn't have the words "Green space" "ethanol" or a plethora of other catch phrases that are over used.

Beyond that, I'd think that most of the super intelligent members of this sight might be able to shed some more light on this new development. Help separate this from the din of PR work on E85 and the like.

NOTHING TO SELL, it's not in production for at least a year.
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FAQ: Can Swift Fuel Revolutionize the Aviation Industry?

1. What is Swift Fuel and how does it work?

Swift Fuel is an alternative aviation fuel that is derived from renewable sources such as biomass, waste oil, and natural gas. It can be used as a drop-in replacement for traditional jet fuel and is compatible with existing aircraft engines. It works by undergoing a chemical process to produce a liquid hydrocarbon fuel that has similar properties to traditional jet fuel, but with lower emissions.

2. Will Swift Fuel be more expensive than traditional jet fuel?

The cost of Swift Fuel is comparable to traditional jet fuel. Currently, the production process for Swift Fuel is more expensive, but as production scales up and technology improves, it is expected to become more cost-effective. In addition, the potential for carbon credits and other incentives could further reduce the cost of Swift Fuel for airlines.

3. What are the benefits of using Swift Fuel?

The use of Swift Fuel has several benefits for the aviation industry. It has lower emissions, including reduced carbon dioxide, sulfur oxides, and particulate matter, which can help mitigate the industry's impact on climate change. It also has a higher energy density, which means that it can travel longer distances with the same amount of fuel, allowing for more efficient flights. Additionally, Swift Fuel is a renewable resource, reducing the industry's reliance on fossil fuels.

4. Are there any challenges to implementing Swift Fuel in the aviation industry?

There are some challenges to implementing Swift Fuel in the aviation industry. One of the main challenges is the production and distribution infrastructure. Currently, there are limited production facilities and pipelines for Swift Fuel, making it difficult for airlines to access the fuel. Another challenge is the certification process, as Swift Fuel must meet strict safety and performance standards before it can be approved for use in commercial aircraft.

5. What is the potential impact of Swift Fuel on the aviation industry?

If Swift Fuel is widely adopted in the aviation industry, it could have a significant impact on reducing the industry's carbon footprint. It has the potential to decrease emissions by up to 80% compared to traditional jet fuel. It could also decrease the industry's reliance on fossil fuels, making it more sustainable in the long run. Additionally, the use of Swift Fuel could open up new routes and destinations for airlines, as it has a higher energy density and can travel longer distances with the same amount of fuel.

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