Probability of Sum of Dice Rolls 10-15 Inclusive

  • Thread starter theloathedone
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    Dice Sum
You can get z^10 from (z + z^2 + z^3 + z^4 + z^5)^2 by using the *convolution* formula, which says that the coefficient of z^m in (z^j1 + z^j2 + ... + z^j5)^m is the number of ways of writing m as a sum of 5 numbers, each in the range 1..5, each possibly repeated. This is the number of ways of getting a sum of j1 + j2 + ... + j5 = m with the terms j1, j2, ... j5 all in the range 1..5. That is, it is the number of ways of
  • #1

Homework Statement

There is a 5-sided fair dice with faces showing 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 dots. The dice is rolled four times. Find the probability of getting a total score between 10 and 15 (inclusive).

Homework Equations

If X is the score from one roll, then it follows a discrete uniform distribution with parameter 5.

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm really clueless as to how to start. I can only think of writing out all the possible sums and finding the probability. But that seems rather tedious, is there a better way?
Physics news on
  • #2
theloathedone said:

Homework Statement

There is a 5-sided fair dice

"dice" = plural
"die" = singular
So, you have one die.

with faces showing 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 dots. The dice is rolled four times. Find the probability of getting a total score between 10 and 15 (inclusive).

Homework Equations

If X is the score from one roll, then it follows a discrete uniform distribution with parameter 5.

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm really clueless as to how to start. I can only think of writing out all the possible sums and finding the probability. But that seems rather tedious, is there a better way?

Can you at least show your calculations in the easiest cases, with total = 4 and total = 5? (What I mean is: when you say you can write it out---well do just that: write it out.) That would prove that you at least know what to do using a brute-force method. After that, I would be willing to show you some tricks (actually, standard methods) that make the computations for total = 10, 11, 12, ... much, much easier.

R.G. Vickson
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  • #3
Ok, what I did was to draw out two tables. The first one is here:

1st Dice 1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5 6
2 3 4 5 6 7
3 4 5 6 7 8
4 5 6 7 8 9
5 6 7 8 9 10

If Y = X1 + X2
So P(Y = 2) = 1/25 = P(Y=10), P(Y=3) = 2/25 = P(Y = 9), P(Y=4) = 3/25 = P(Y=8), P(Y=5) = 4/25 = P(Y=7), P(Y=6) = 5/25.

Then I drew out another table, since the total T = Y1 + Y2, where the row and column headers are from 2 to 10, and I wrote the probability next to each of them. Then I found all the possible sums and added it all up one by one. The answer I got was 433/625 = 0.6928

But that's really tedious and I hope to learn a better way :)
  • #4
theloathedone said:
Ok, what I did was to draw out two tables. The first one is here:

1st Dice 1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5 6
2 3 4 5 6 7
3 4 5 6 7 8
4 5 6 7 8 9
5 6 7 8 9 10

"Die", not "dice"!

If Y = X1 + X2
So P(Y = 2) = 1/25 = P(Y=10), P(Y=3) = 2/25 = P(Y = 9), P(Y=4) = 3/25 = P(Y=8), P(Y=5) = 4/25 = P(Y=7), P(Y=6) = 5/25.

Then I drew out another table, since the total T = Y1 + Y2, where the row and column headers are from 2 to 10, and I wrote the probability next to each of them. Then I found all the possible sums and added it all up one by one. The answer I got was 433/625 = 0.6928

But that's really tedious and I hope to learn a better way :)

OK, but *all* methods are a bit tedious in this type of problem. One more-or-less standard method for getting the sum of k independent, identically discrete random variables, each with distribution P{X=0} = p0, P{X=1} = p1, ..., P{X=r} = pr, with p0, p1, ..., pr >= 0 and sum{p_j, j=0..r} = 1, is to use the so-called *moment-generating function*, q(z) = p0 + p1*z + p2*z^2 + ... + pr*z^r. This is a polynomial in z of degree r. Now, it is fairly easy to show that the generating function of a sum of independent random variables is the product of their generating functions, so the generating function for S = X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 is Q(z) = q(z)^4. In your case, q(z) = (1/5)f(z), where f(z) = z + z^2 + z^3 + z^4 + z^5, so Q(z) = (1/5^4)(z + z^2 + z^3 + z^4 + z^5)^4. If we expand this out, the coefficient of z^i is the probability that S=i.

This is still tedious, but we can approach it recursively: we have a product f(z)*[f(z)*f(z)*f(z)]. Each factor contributes to z^i. In fact, if we have z^j1 from factor 1, z^j2 from factor 2, etc., the total is z^(j1+j2+j3+j4), so we need j1+j2+j3+j4=i. The coefficient of z^i is the total number of combinations {j1,j2,j3,j4} that sum to i; call it N4. How can we get N4? Well, if the first factor contributes z^j the remaining three must contribute i-j, and the number of these is N3[i-j]. Each j makes such a contribution, so the total is N4 = sum{N3[i-j], i=1..5} for i >= 8, while N4 = sum{N3[i-j], j=1..min(5,i-3)} for i = 4, 5,6,7. So, if we know N3[k] for k=3,...,15 we can get all the N4.

Similarly, N3 = sum{N2[i-j],j=1..min(5,i-2)} for i = 3, ..., 15, etc. These are most straightforward if we just let N1 = 0 for i <= 0 and for i >= 6. Then N2 = sum{N1[i-j] ,=1..5} holds for all i. Then we let N2=0 for i <= 1 and for i >= 11. This let's us write N3 = sum{N2[i-j]. j=1..5} for all i, etc.

To do this by hand is reasonably straightforward but somewhat tedious, although less tedious than other methods. It can all be done effortlessly in a spreadsheet, for example.

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  • #5
I would sure like to see a picture of this "5-sided fair die".:wink:
  • #6
LCKurtz said:
I would sure like to see a picture of this "5-sided fair die".:wink:

Haha me too.

Thanks Ray for the help, I'll try to understand it :)
  • #7
Ray, please be advised: we do not do homework for people here. We guide them the answer.

LCKurtz said:
I would sure like to see a picture of this "5-sided fair die".:wink:

I was thinking the same thing but it's not hard to do. A fair die does not have to be a regular polyhedron.
You can make a fair die of any number from 2 to theoretically infinite.

Start with a prism with the requisite number of sides and just round off the ends. The die can only come to rest in one of five equally likely configurations.
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FAQ: Probability of Sum of Dice Rolls 10-15 Inclusive

What is the "Probability of Sum of Dice Rolls 10-15 Inclusive"?

The "Probability of Sum of Dice Rolls 10-15 Inclusive" is a mathematical concept that calculates the likelihood of obtaining a sum between 10 and 15 (inclusive) when rolling two six-sided dice.

How is the probability of sum of dice rolls 10-15 calculated?

The probability of sum of dice rolls 10-15 can be calculated by dividing the number of possible combinations that result in a sum between 10 and 15 by the total number of possible combinations when rolling two dice. This can be represented as (desired outcomes)/(total outcomes).

What is the formula for calculating the probability of sum of dice rolls 10-15?

The formula for calculating the probability of sum of dice rolls 10-15 is (desired outcomes)/(total outcomes) = (number of possible combinations for a sum between 10 and 15)/(36 possible combinations when rolling two dice).

What is the probability of getting a sum of 10-15 when rolling two dice?

The probability of getting a sum of 10-15 when rolling two dice is 11/36 or approximately 30.6%. This means that out of 36 possible outcomes, 11 of them will result in a sum between 10 and 15.

Why is it important to understand the probability of sum of dice rolls 10-15?

Understanding the probability of sum of dice rolls 10-15 can be useful in various situations, such as in gambling or game strategies. It can also help in making informed decisions when faced with scenarios that involve the rolling of two dice, such as in board games or statistical analysis.
