How Close Are We to Doomsday?

  • Thread starter metaquantum
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the potential uninhabitability of the world and the survival of the human race. The participants express uncertainty about the exact timeline and chances of survival, but mention factors such as the Earth becoming uninhabitable and the potential formation of orbiting mini-black holes. They also mention the possibility of finding another planet to inhabit. The conversation also touches on the relevance of this topic to physics and the posting guidelines on a forum.
  • #1
so... I am asking you, physicians, and generally smart people:

how long is it until the world (scientifically and philosophically) is uninhabitable (spelling?) and the human race goes bye-bye into oblivion?
and how great are the chances that we'll actually survive it?

i am aware that there are many factors to be considered, and there cannot be any "real" answer, but please, help me out here mayne!

(please help me add some links here)

thank you.
Physics news on
  • #2 questions concerning issues like "the world" and fitness for human habitation interesting PHYSICS questions?
  • #3
arildno said: questions concerning issues like "the world" and fitness for human habitation interesting PHYSICS questions?

He asked the question of physicians (and other generally smart people), not physicists.:biggrin:
  • #4
Well, I highly doubt itll be in my life or atleast for the next hundred years. I don't know how it`ll end but the Earth will eventually become uninhabitable. Hopefully we`ll be smart enough by then to have enough vehicles and ones that are fast enough to take us to another planet with another sun. If we don't then it means the extinction of this human race. Who knows how many other Earth's and humans there are in other solar systems but this one will be wiped out.
  • #5
I'd give it a few months before it begins to become uninhabitable due to 'Hawking Radiation' caused by the Large Hadron Collider. I don't mean Hawking Radiation as in the evaporation of black holes, I mean the formation of orbitting mini-black holes at low altitude. It would be like having a low orbit Van Allen belt. Very dangerous.
  • #6
1) This has nothing to do with philosophy.
2) Most of the posts here are pseudoscience, and thus against PF posting guidelines.

Thread closed.

- Warren

FAQ: How Close Are We to Doomsday?

1. How do scientists predict when doomsday will occur?

Scientists use mathematical models and data from various sources such as geological records, astronomical observations, and climate patterns to make predictions about when doomsday may occur. However, these predictions are not exact and can vary widely depending on the assumptions and limitations of the models.

2. Is there a specific date for doomsday?

No, there is no specific date for doomsday. While some predictions may suggest a particular date, these are based on probabilities and are not guaranteed to be accurate. Additionally, predicting doomsday is a complex and ongoing process that is constantly evolving as new data and research become available.

3. Can we prevent doomsday from happening?

It is difficult to predict if and how we can prevent doomsday from happening. Some scientists believe that human actions, such as reducing carbon emissions and addressing other environmental concerns, can delay or mitigate the effects of a potential doomsday event. However, it is impossible to say for sure if these efforts will ultimately prevent doomsday from occurring.

4. What are the most likely causes of doomsday?

There are several potential causes of doomsday, including natural disasters like asteroid impacts, super-volcanic eruptions, and changes in the Earth's climate. Technological disasters, such as nuclear war or a global pandemic, are also possibilities. It is impossible to predict which of these events is most likely to occur, as they all have varying degrees of probability and potential impact.

5. How can we prepare for doomsday?

Preparing for doomsday can involve a variety of strategies, such as creating emergency plans and stockpiling essential supplies. However, it is important to note that doomsday scenarios are unpredictable, and it is impossible to fully prepare for all potential outcomes. The best way to prepare is to stay informed and be ready to adapt to changing circumstances if and when doomsday does occur.
