Friction force, and external forces

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of external work done on a block-table system and the confusion surrounding the inclusion of work done by friction. The textbook explains that the work done by friction is transferred to thermal energy, so it is not considered external work. However, depending on whether the frictional action is viewed as part of the block or part of the table, the work done by friction can be considered either internal or external. The forces acting on the block when it is pushed are also discussed, with the conclusion that the normal force and weight do not do any work while the force P does work. The conversation ends with the clarification that the confusion lies in recognizing when the frictional action is considered part of the system or not.
  • #1
If we have a box with mass m placed on a horizontal tabletop. Then we push the box a distance of d. THe coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and tabletop is .35.

When we're asked to find the external work done on the block-table system, it's not the work done by the friction force at all. Why? Can someone explain to me??

My textbook refers the work done by friction is transferred to thermal energy. So they don't call it the external work. But in the previous before, they say friction force is external force.
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  • #2
Of you push the box, what forces are acting?

Which of these moves its point of application?

Does our book talk about Work done = energy expended or transferred or some such?
  • #3
Studiot said:
Of you push the box, what forces are acting?

Which of these moves its point of application?

Does our book talk about Work done = energy expended or transferred or some such?

what they say is : W external = W(me on block) + W (gravity on block) + W(gravity on table) + W (floor on table) = W(me on block) + 0 + 0 +0

WHy don't they include the work done by friction?? Friction, of course, is not in the system
  • #4
I'm not being funny, I'm trying to get you to see for yourself.

If you push the box what forces are acting (call it P)

If the block slides along a horizontal table, with or without friction, does the normal reaction or the weight (gravity) force of the block do any work?

Look at the sketch and suppose you push the block from A to B.

At A there is a side thrust P pushing the block along the table.

As the block moves to B the work done by this force is P(xa-xb) since this is in the direction of the line of action of P.

Force R does no work since there is no movement in its direction of action.

Ditto Force W.

Now the friction force, F, is different because, unlike P it moves along with the block so its point of action

is always under the block

This is why F does no work.

You can say if you like, that when the block is at B, F no longer exists at A.

However if we are pushing with with a stick, then P still exists at A when the block has moves to B since the stick must extend back through A to its source.


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  • #5
but isn't there for a short time and short distance some force Pstatic > P whereby the work done during that short time and short distance is != P(Xb-Xa) ??

i may be wrong, but the work done on moving a block from rest != P(Xb-Xa) ??
  • #6
Studiot said:
Now the friction force, F, is different because, unlike P it moves along with the block so its point of action

is always under the block

This is why F does no work.
I think there are two ways of looking at that, and it depends whether you consider the frictional action to be part of the block or part of the table (or anything between those two extremes).
The view you express above is taking the frictional action to be part of the block. So the work done in pushing the block remains in the block (as heat).
Viewing the frictional action as external to the block, the frictional force is in the opposite direction to the distance moved, so the 'work done' by it is negative and exactly cancels the work done in pushing. In this view, the block gains no energy, the heat now being external to it.
  • #7
Studiot said:
I'm not being funny, I'm trying to get you to see for yourself.

If you push the box what forces are acting (call it P)

If the block slides along a horizontal table, with or without friction, does the normal reaction or the weight (gravity) force of the block do any work?

Look at the sketch and suppose you push the block from A to B.

At A there is a side thrust P pushing the block along the table.

As the block moves to B the work done by this force is P(xa-xb) since this is in the direction of the line of action of P.

Force R does no work since there is no movement in its direction of action.

Ditto Force W.

Now the friction force, F, is different because, unlike P it moves along with the block so its point of action

is always under the block

This is why F does no work.

You can say if you like, that when the block is at B, F no longer exists at A.

However if we are pushing with with a stick, then P still exists at A when the block has moves to B since the stick must extend back through A to its source.

Honestly, I knew the force P does work, and the normal force and weight do no work. It's obvious. My question is only about the friction force.

I'm not saying that you're being funny or anything. If you're not happy, well, I can find other access.
  • #8
haruspex said:
I think there are two ways of looking at that, and it depends whether you consider the frictional action to be part of the block or part of the table (or anything between those two extremes).
The view you express above is taking the frictional action to be part of the block. So the work done in pushing the block remains in the block (as heat).
Viewing the frictional action as external to the block, the frictional force is in the opposite direction to the distance moved, so the 'work done' by it is negative and exactly cancels the work done in pushing. In this view, the block gains no energy, the heat now being external to it.

Thank you :)...I just can't recognize when the frictional action is part of the system and when it's not. :(

FAQ: Friction force, and external forces

What is friction force?

Friction force is the force that resists the relative motion or tendency of motion between two surfaces that are in contact with each other.

What factors affect the magnitude of friction force?

The magnitude of friction force is affected by several factors, including the type of surfaces in contact, the normal force between the surfaces, and the roughness of the surfaces.

How is friction force calculated?

Friction force can be calculated using the equation F = μN, where F is the friction force, μ is the coefficient of friction, and N is the normal force between the two surfaces.

What are external forces?

External forces are forces acting on an object from outside sources, such as gravity, air resistance, or applied forces from other objects.

How do external forces affect friction force?

External forces can either increase or decrease friction force. For example, an applied force in the direction of motion can increase friction force, while an applied force in the opposite direction can decrease it.
