Understanding the Comparison of Complex and Real Numbers

  • Thread starter Septimra
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In summary, using the comparison "<" does not make sense for complex numbers as there is no standard ordering defined for them. However, the magnitude of a complex number can be bounded as it is always a non-negative real value.
  • #1
3 + 7i < 5

Is that a valid statement?

Would that be taking the magnitude of 3 + 7i and comparing that to the magnitude of 5?

Or would it be as simple as subtracting and -2 + 7i < 0
But then what does that mean, for a complex number (-2 + 7i) to be less than zero?
Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #2
It is not a valid statement. The "<" comparison simply does not exist for complex numbers.
  • #3
So how would you bound a complex equation between a δ?

Because when you are doing ε δ proofs you often work with linear functions.
And when you get a quadratic, you simplify into linear functions and bound one of them.

for example:

lim f(x) = x2 - 25 = 0
x -> 5

0 < |x - 5| < δ → |f(x) - L| < ε
0 < |x - 5| < δ → |x2 - 25 -0| < ε
0 < |x - 5| < δ → |x2 - 25| < ε
0 < |x - 5| < δ → |x - 5||x + 5| < ε
0 < |x - 5| < δ → |g(x)||h(x)| < ε

set δ to 1

5 - δ < x < δ + 5
5 - 1 < x < 1 + 5
4 < x < 6

upper and lower bounds, apply it to the complementary equation: h(x) = x + 5
h(4) = 4 + 5 = 9
h(6) = 6 + 5 = 11

Because it is linear (x + 5), quick observation tells us it is increasing along the interval 4 < x < 6
meaning no y-value will ever be greater than 11 along this interval for this equation, hence

0 < |x - 5| < δ → |x - 5||x + 5| < |x - 5| 11 < ε

and the proof can be shown

My question is: Let's say you solve the quadratic and get imaginary roots, imaginary equations. Let's say that h(x) is a function with imaginaries within. How would I bound that function by a δ of 1, or by anything for that matter, to make sure it is not increasing without bounds?
  • #4
All those comparisons are done in the real numbers. The magnitude of a complex number is always real, and all the other numbers used there are real as well.
  • #5
mfb said:
It is not a valid statement. The "<" comparison simply does not exist for complex numbers.

But to nitpick, there is no ordering that respects the field properties ; there are always orderings to be defined.
  • #6
A couple of ways.
if you are defining a boundary of complex numbers of the form x+iy you can use functions

You could have 2 functions y1 (x) and y2 (x)
If the graph of y2 is higher than y1 over the entire boundary x=a to x=b, then the following inequalities would work:
X <y2 (x)
x> y1 (x)

b> x> a

This is because complex numbers form a plane with x y coordinates
  • #7
WWGD said:
But to nitpick, there is no ordering that respects the field properties ; there are always orderings to be defined.
Yes you can define orderings, but there is no standard ordering, so just using "<" without an explicit non-standard definition is not meaningful.
  • #8
So you cannot bound an equation with imaginary parts? What you are saying is that to do that wouldn't even make sense.
  • #9
You can always defined an order (<,S)on any set S ; a partial order is a relationship on the set that is
iii) Transitive

If any two elements z,w are comparable, i.e., if you can always decide whether z<w or w<z , then the order is
a total order; otherwise it is a partial order. Examples of partial order, maybe the most natural one, is that
defined on the collection of subsets by inclusion. Maybe the best example of a total order is that of the Reals
with a>b => a-b >0 .What you cannot always do is to have an order that is "preserved" by, or respects the field properties.

Now, the Reals under the standard < , i.e., a<b iff (Def.) b-a>0 are an ordered field. Notice the problem comes
from the imaginary numbers (assuming the Real part) : if i>0 , then i.i =-1 . Now you can then assume in
your theory that -1>0 . But then (-1)(-1)=1 >0 , so 1>0 and -1>0 . But then 1+(-1)=0 >0

Check out the linked page to see how it is not possible to turn the usual Complex numbers; usual sum and product, into an ordered field.

Basically , a<b can mean many different things depending on the context.
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  • #10
Septimra said:
So you cannot bound an equation with imaginary parts? What you are saying is that to do that wouldn't even make sense.
Those typical bounds are bounds for the magnitude of the complex number. The magnitude is a real value, and sure, this can have bounds.
  • #11
Not only is the magnitude real, but it is a non-negative real. Just wanted to add that.

FAQ: Understanding the Comparison of Complex and Real Numbers

1. What is the difference between complex and real numbers?

Complex numbers include both a real and an imaginary component, whereas real numbers only have a real component. Complex numbers are typically written in the form a + bi, where a is the real part and bi is the imaginary part. Real numbers, on the other hand, are written in decimal or fraction form.

2. How can complex numbers be represented on a graph?

Complex numbers can be represented on a graph using the complex plane, where the horizontal axis represents the real part and the vertical axis represents the imaginary part. The point (a, bi) on the complex plane would represent the complex number a + bi.

3. What are some real life applications of complex numbers?

Complex numbers have various applications in fields such as engineering, physics, and economics. They are used to model and solve problems involving alternating currents, electromagnetic fields, and financial markets.

4. How do you compare complex numbers?

To compare two complex numbers, you can compare their real parts first. If the real parts are equal, then you can compare their imaginary parts. If both the real and imaginary parts are equal, then the complex numbers are equal.

5. Can complex numbers be divided?

Yes, complex numbers can be divided. To divide complex numbers, you must multiply the numerator and denominator by the complex conjugate of the denominator. This will result in a simpler expression that can be simplified further if needed.
