Alice Cooper Does Weather Report - Portland Surprises Viewer

In summary: I tried everything, grabbing hold of the sides, pulling, even getting on my knees, but nothing worked. I was really starting to worry that I was going to injure myself and then have to explain it to my boss.In summary, a customer was on the phone with a mechanic while glancing at the local 12 o-clock news. He looked up and saw...oh, Alice Cooper doing the weather report... :uhh: ...WHAT! . I guess he was visiting Portland...dunno. I completely froze only to realize a few moments later that the customer was still talking. The mechanic tried to continue the conversation, but the customer lost interest and stopped listening. The
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Okay, I was just on the phone with a customer while glancing at the local 12 o-clock news. I looked up and saw...oh, Alice Cooper doing the weather report... :rolleyes: ...WHAT! . I guess he was visiting Portland...dunno. I completely froze only to realize a few moments later that the customer was still talking. "Um", I interjected, "could we try that again? I was just watching Alice C do the weather and I lost you". "WHAT!" he said.

While watching a mechanic fix a tire, I watched as he took a big swing and hit the tire with a sledge hammer. This is done on large truck tires to break the seal around the rim. Unfortanately, he was standing on a wet floor and fell into the hammer as it bounced off the tire, and hit him dead center in the forehead! Knocked him out cold!
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Physics news on
  • #2
What! No other contributions?

Maddy McNair, a woman in her fifties I think, who along with a combined British and American team just duplicated Perry's trip to the North Pole by dog sled. In fact they beat Perry's time by five hours, which shows that it is and was possible, in spite of some controversy about Perry and his claims. McNair was interviewed by telephone from the North Pole tonight on the Jim Lehrer News Hour, on PBS.

McNair described how they had reached the pole, set up camp, and had just sat down to eat dinner when...they heard voices outside! :rolleyes: Sure enough, two guys just happened to be walking by; at the North Pole.

Astounded by their surprise guests, the group invited the two gentlemen into their tent for dinner. With thick Russian accents the two men replied, "no, no, we must get ready to meet helicopter". They were scientist who had been working at a Russian research station, not too far away. Then a huge Russian helicopter landed near the camp and picked up the two hikers.
  • #3
Ivan Seeking said:
What! No other contributions?

Sorry, I don't have any good stories to fit this topic. Should we hijack it so you don't feel too lonely in here?
  • #4
Moonbear said:
Sorry, I don't have any good stories to fit this topic. Should we hijack it so you don't feel too lonely in here?

Noooooo, that's okay. We have more than enough hijackings around here I think. :smile:

I'll just keep talking to myself. Besides, that way I always get the last word. :biggrin:
  • #5
Ivan Seeking said:
Besides, that way I always get the last word. :biggrin:
Not necessarily. You might not be listening. Anyhow, I moved this over from the 'Best Username' thread; I think it's more appropriate here.

A medium-small deer ran out in front of my best friend's car a few weeks ago, and he had no chance to stop. The deer was off in the ditch somewhere. Bruce looked at the damage to his car, then went charging off toward the ditch shaking his fist and bellowing "Don't you dare die on your own, you peckerhead! I want to kill you with my bare hands!" He was quite irritated to find that the deer had already expired. :rolleyes:
  • #6
I'm driving along the other day and see a man riding a bike and he's wearing a beanie cap with a propeller on top. I looked back in my rear view mirror to confirm what I saw. Then decided I may want a beanie hat like that too. :smile:
  • #7
SOS2008 said:
Then decided I may want a beanie hat like that too. :smile:
Get two; they're small. Then open a lounge act.
  • #8
Danger said:
Get two; they're small. Then open a lounge act.
Yeah, propeller pasties. I think I have a few singles in my wallet. :-p
  • #9
I like sledgehammers (the actual hammers, not the drink). They are nice implements with a nice heft to them. I also like splitting mauls. When you use them right your entire body gets into the swing and it takes your whole mind to move it. It's like Zen. There are no distractions.
  • #10
BicycleTree said:
I like sledgehammers (the actual hammers, not the drink). They are nice implements with a nice heft to them. I also like splitting mauls. When you use them right your entire body gets into the swing and it takes your whole mind to move it. It's like Zen. There are no distractions.
I just did a double take on this post. :confused:
  • #11
It had to look funny... This one is on me.

Just last night while wrapping up work on a tool (BTW in a clean room / full bunny suit) I got my feet tangled up in the small wheeled stool I had just been setting on. It seemed like everywhere I tried to put my foot, the edge of the stool was there waiting. I was going down and knew it, the only external support I could get my hand on was the door, which of course swung away from me. So I tumbled through the door way into the main part of the clean room like a drunk being thrown out of a old west saloon.

Fortunately only my immediate coworker was there to witness it. I was laughing and cussn' all the way down. The only injury was to my dignity. My coworkers comment was. "you ok? what are you guys up to in there?"

Since 2 nights before another tech suffered a minor injury when he slipped on a slick spot in the gowning area, if the wrong (right?) people had seen my little tumbling act I probably would have had to spend an hour convincing the medical emergency team that I was really ok, then spent another 4 hrs filling out paper work saying that I was ok again. :rolleyes:
  • #12
Integral said:
Since 2 nights before another tech suffered a minor injury when he slipped on a slick spot in the gowning area, if the wrong (right?) people had seen my little tumbling act I probably would have had to spend an hour convincing the medical emergency team that I was really ok, then spent another 4 hrs filling out paper work saying that I was ok again. :rolleyes:

That reminds me of something from high school. A friend of mine fell asleep in class...up too late the night before, or bored, or something rather mundane. When he was woken up at the end of class by the teacher, he was promptly escorted to the nurse's office and then the principal's office, and missed another class period while trying to explain to them he wasn't on drugs, just tired. This was one of those guys who would NEVER even consider drugs, so he was rather miffed and we all laughed at how dumb the teacher was to drag him off to explain that one (I vaguely recall it was one of those lame elective classes, like steno, not even a real subject).
  • #13
I once fell asleep in high school in a class during lunch (20 minutes) at the beginning of class and didn't wake up until the end of class. Apparently the teacher tried to wake me up when class resumed after lunch, but couldn't. This was honors Spanish.

Many basic elective classes like that are not lame. I took keyboarding and it was one of the most productive classes I ever took. My typing speed went from 25 wpm to 60 wpm (and now it's 100+ when I'm on a roll).
  • #14
BicycleTree said:
Many basic elective classes like that are not lame. I took keyboarding and it was one of the most productive classes I ever took. My typing speed went from 25 wpm to 60 wpm (and now it's 100+ when I'm on a roll).

I never found steno to be of any use. Typing was helpful, but all of those elective type classes are taught to the slowest students, so there were long periods of really boring time while the teacher explained over and over and over again that you write the word "with" in steno as a "w" with a line following it. :rolleyes: I stayed awake by fighting to suppress the urge to beat the kid senseless who didn't get it after the teacher said it the first 5 times and had to ask again!

How many times do you have to type:
asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl;
before you know where those keys are?
  • #15
You have to type them until your fingers know them and no conscious thought is required.

There is a sliding scale of learning: the first step is learning something, and then you learn it again and again until it's second nature. Repetition is important.
  • #16
Ivan Seeking said:
Okay, I was just on the phone with a customer while glancing at the local 12 o-clock news. I looked up and saw...oh, Alice Cooper doing the weather report... :rolleyes: ...WHAT! . I guess he was visiting Portland...dunno.
It was in Detroit (Alice Cooper's home town). Other stations reported on it. Here is the clip:
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  • #17
Thanks hitssquad. I had no idea what I had seen. I think they even dubbed in Dave Salesky interacting with Cooper, or something. I could swear that I saw Dave and Alice talking. At any rate, to a point I knew what I had seen but the picture just didn't compute.
  • #18
My office kitty, Bun III, is still young and likes to come and go as I work, but she also likes to lay right at my feet and sleep. So she had been out playing for awhile, but I was just sitting here working and goofing off at PF, and I felt the familiar furry little leg beneath my foot. So after I sat here rubbing her leg with my foot for a few minutes, I looked down and that I was really stroking the little mole that she had brought in. It was hiding under my foot! :smile:
  • #19
Ivan Seeking said:
I looked down and that I was really stroking the little mole that she had brought in.
I was expecting you to find it was a baby skunk.
  • #20
zoobyshoe said:
I was expecting you to find it was a baby skunk.

Now that would be interesting!

btw, I didn't mention that I was barefoot at the moment.
  • #21
zoobyshoe said:
I was expecting you to find it was a baby skunk.

:smile: I was thinking the same thing! :smile:
  • #22
zoobyshoe said:
I was expecting you to find it was a baby skunk.
Or a merkin. :bugeye:
  • #23
Had any skunk encounters lately? I had a possum cat food thief for a few days in a row last month.
  • #24
Moonbear said:
:smile: I was thinking the same thing! :smile:
I was thinking, what happened to Bun I and Bun II? Don't tell me you lost your buns somewhere... :eek:
  • #25
SOS2008 said:
Or a merkin. :bugeye:
It's not merkin season yet. Give it another couple of months. There'll be little merkins running around all over the place.
  • #26
SOS2008 said:
Or a merkin. :bugeye:
This wasn't in the Websters. I had to check the OED. You have a demented immagination. I don't understand why you haven't visited the Stupid Quetion thread.
  • #27
Math Is Hard said:
There'll be little merkins running around all over the place.
:-p :-p :-p :-p :-p :-p
  • #28
Math Is Hard said:
It's not merkin season yet. Give it another couple of months. There'll be little merkins running around all over the place.
I'm afraid to ask what they eat.
  • #29
SOS2008 said:
Or a merkin. :bugeye:

:smile: :smile: :smile:

There are so many bad jokes that beg to be made here...
  • #30
zoobyshoe said:
This wasn't in the Websters. I had to check the OED. You have a demented immagination. I don't understand why you haven't visited the Stupid Quetion thread.

We've been keeping her busy in the thread-killer thread. :smile:
  • #31
The other night Tsu was sitting in the livingroom when a skunk came out of our bedroom, walked right past her, and went outside through the cat access.

It's bad enough when they come in and eat the cat food, but sleeping in the bedroom is going too far!
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  • #32
I fell asleep in class once and had one of those suddenly falling feelings. My whole body jerked and I threw the pencil I was holding which hit the girl in front of me in the back of the head.
  • #33
tribdog said:
I fell asleep in class once and had one of those suddenly falling feelings. My whole body jerked and I threw the pencil I was holding which hit the girl in front of me in the back of the head.

:smile: That's funny as hell!

Reminds me of the time I fell asleep in a very warm library. When I woke up, I sat up, but the sheet of paper my face was resting on was stuck to my face (from sweat - it was really hot in there!). Seeing nothing but white in one eye scared the living crap out of me, so I screamed REALLY LOUDLY.

Very embarassing!

FAQ: Alice Cooper Does Weather Report - Portland Surprises Viewer

1. Who is Alice Cooper?

Alice Cooper is an American musician, singer, and songwriter, known for his theatrical live performances and his pioneering work in the shock rock genre.

2. What is Weather Report?

Weather Report was an American jazz fusion band formed in 1970. They were one of the first and most influential jazz fusion bands, known for their improvisational style and use of electronic instruments.

3. How did Alice Cooper end up on a weather report?

In 1987, Alice Cooper was a guest on a local Portland news station. During the segment, the weatherman asked him to do the weather report, and Cooper enthusiastically agreed.

4. What happened during the weather report?

During the weather report, Alice Cooper used his signature theatrical style to deliver the forecast, incorporating his own humorous and dramatic commentary. He also made some puns and jokes about the weather.

5. Why is the Alice Cooper weather report considered a surprise?

The Alice Cooper weather report was unexpected and surprising because it was a departure from the usual serious and straightforward weather reports. It also gained attention due to Cooper's fame and his unique performance style.

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