What is the reason of demonstration in Greece?

In summary, protests and riots have erupted in Greece after the fatal police shooting of a teenage boy. The media has been accused of distorting the reality of the situation due to their profit-driven relationship with corporations. Similar situations have occurred in other countries, such as Korea, where press coverage was also manipulated due to corporate interests. The protests have spread to neighboring countries and have caused significant economic and political effects. The initial incident of the shooting has sparked larger issues of government policies and treatment of citizens.
  • #1
Jang Jin Hong
I have heard the demostration in Greece via news of press.
but the news from world-wide press are not correspond to common sense.
because press make money from advertisement of corperation,
they are apt to disguise reality.
I think only death of one boy can not provoke such situation.
There will be another reason which was not expressd via press.

In Korea, there was silmilar situation of demonstration
corresponding Korean-USA FTA in 2008.
Advertiser of press is corporation and they can make profit by FTA,
So the opinion of Korean press was distorted.
If you have collected information from press, there will be some distortion.

Majority of world press can not report directly at foreign country,
Majority of news is only translation of the published news.
So despite the domestic people know the reality,
outside foreigners can receive the distored information via press.
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  • #2
From Democracy Now!

AMY GOODMAN: Protests, riots and clashes with police have overtaken Greece for the sixth straight day since the fatal police shooting of a teenage boy in Athens Saturday night. One day after Wednesday’s massive general strike over pension reform and privatization shut down the country, more than a hundred schools and at least fifteen university campuses remain occupied by student demonstrators. A major rally is expected on Friday. And as solidarity protests spread to neighboring Turkey, as well as Germany, Spain, Italy, Russia, Denmark and the Netherlands, dozens of arrests have been made across the continent.

On Wednesday, two police officers involved in Saturday’s shooting were arrested, and one was charged with murder. But anger remains high over the officers’ failure to express remorse at the student’s death. The police officers claim the bullet that killed Alexandros Grigoropoulos was fired in self-defense, and the death was an accident caused by a ricochet.

The unrest this week has been described as the worst since the end of the military dictatorship in 1974 and could cost the already weakened Greek economy an estimated hundreds of millions of dollars. It’s also shaken the country’s conservative government that has a narrow one-person majority in Parliament. The socialist opposition has increased calls for the prime minister to quit and call new elections, ignoring his appeals for national unity.

I’m joined now on the telephone by a student activist and writer from Athens. He’s with the Greek Socialist Workers Party. He’s a graduate student in political philosophy at Panteion University in Athens.

We welcome you to Democracy Now! Can you lay out for us exactly when this all began and how the protests have escalated and what they’re about right now, Nikos Lountos?

NIKOS LOUNTOS: Yes, Amy. I’m very glad to talk with you.

So, we are in the middle of an unprecedented wave of actions now and protests and riots. It all started on Saturday evening at around 9:00 p.m., when a policeman patrolling the Exarcheia neighborhood in Athens shot and murdered in cold blood the fifteen-year-old schoolboy Alexis.

The first response was an attempt to cover up the killing. The police claimed that they had been attacked. But the witnesses all around were too many for this cover-up to happen. So, all the witnesses say that it was a direct shot. So even the government, in just a few hours, had to claim that it will move against the police, trying to calm the anger.

But the anger exploded in the streets. In three, four hours, all the streets around Athens were filled with young people demonstrating against the police brutality. The anti-capitalist left occupied the law school in the center of Athens and turned it into headquarters for action. And on Sunday, there was the first mass demonstration. Thousands of people of every age marched towards the police headquarters and to the parliament. And the next day, on Monday, all this had turned into a real mass movement all around Greece.

What was the most striking was that in literally every neighborhood in every city and town, school students walked out of their school on Monday morning. So you could see kids from eleven to seventeen years old marching in the streets wherever you could be in Greece, tens of thousands of school students, maybe hundreds of thousands, if you add all the cities. So, all around Athens and around Greece, there were colorful demonstration of schoolboys and schoolgirls. Some of them marched to the local police stations and clashed with the police, throwing stones and bottles. And the anger was so really thick that policemen and police officers had to be locked inside their offices, surrounded by thirteen- and fourteen-year-old boys and girls.

The picture was so striking that it produced a domino effect. The trade unions of teachers decided an all-out strike for Tuesday. The union of university lecturers decided a three-day strike. And so, there was the already arranged, you know, the strike you mentioned for Wednesday against the government’s economic policies, so the process was generalizing and still generalizes.

AMY GOODMAN: Nikos Lountos, when you have this kind of mass protest, even with the beginning being something so significant as the killing of a student, it sounds like it’s taken place in like a dry forest when a match is thrown, a lit match, that it has caught on fire something that has been simmering for quite some time. What is that?

NIKOS LOUNTOS: Yeah, that’s true. Everybody acknowledges that even the riots, the big riots—you may have seen the videos—they are a social phenomenon, not just the result of some political incident. There were thousands of angry young people that came out in the streets to clash with the police and smash windows of banks, of five-star hotels and expensive stores. So, that’s true. It was something that waited to happen.

I think it’s a mixture of things. We have a government that’s—a government of the ruling party called New Democracy, a very right-wing government. It has tried to make many attacks on working people and students, especially students. The students were some form of guinea pigs for the government. When it was elected after 2004, they tried—the government tried to privatize universities, which are public in Greece, and put more obstacles for school students to get into university. The financial burden on the poor families if they want their children to be educated is really big in Greece. And the worst is that even if you have a university degree, even if you are a doctor or lawyer, in most cases, young people get a salary below the level of poverty in Greece. So the majority of young people in Greece stay with their families ’til their late twenties, many ’til their thirties, in order to cope with this uncertainty. And so, this mixture, along with the economic crisis and their unstable, weak government, was what was behind all this explosion.

Apparently, the Socialists really want power...
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  • #3

I cannot provide a definitive answer to the question of why there are demonstrations in Greece. However, based on the information provided, it is clear that there are multiple factors at play. One possible reason could be the death of the boy mentioned, as it may have sparked feelings of anger and injustice among the people. However, as the individual pointed out, this event alone may not be enough to provoke such widespread demonstrations.

Another possible reason could be the economic and political climate in Greece, which may have caused frustration and discontent among the population. It is also important to consider the role of the media in shaping public perception. As the individual mentioned, press outlets are often influenced by corporate interests and may not always present an unbiased view of events.

Furthermore, when it comes to international news, there is a risk of receiving distorted information due to the limitations of reporting from foreign countries. As a scientist, it is important to critically evaluate the information presented and seek out multiple sources to gain a more accurate understanding of the situation. Ultimately, the reasons for demonstrations in Greece are likely complex and multifaceted, and it is important to approach the topic with an open mind and a critical eye.

FAQ: What is the reason of demonstration in Greece?

1. What is the current political situation in Greece that has led to demonstrations?

The reason for the demonstrations in Greece is the country's ongoing economic crisis, which began in 2009 and has resulted in high unemployment rates, cuts to social services, and increased poverty. This has led to widespread frustration and anger among the Greek population.

2. What specific events or policies have triggered recent demonstrations in Greece?

Recent demonstrations in Greece have been triggered by a range of events and policies, including government austerity measures, privatization of public services, and proposed pension reforms. These actions have been met with resistance from various groups, including labor unions and grassroots organizations.

3. How have the demonstrations in Greece affected the country's economy and society?

The demonstrations in Greece have had both positive and negative effects on the country's economy and society. On one hand, they have brought attention to important issues and sparked conversations about potential solutions. On the other hand, they have also caused disruptions to daily life and have potentially scared away investors, further impacting the economy.

4. What role do social media and technology play in the demonstrations in Greece?

Social media and technology have played a significant role in the demonstrations in Greece. They have been used to organize and spread information about protests, as well as to showcase the demonstrations to a global audience. Additionally, technology has allowed for new forms of activism, such as online petitions and fundraising campaigns.

5. What is the future of demonstrations in Greece?

The future of demonstrations in Greece is uncertain. While there have been some successful protests and changes in government policies, the underlying economic issues still remain. It is possible that demonstrations will continue until more substantial changes are made, but it is also possible that other forms of activism and political engagement will take place. Ultimately, the future will depend on the actions of both the government and the citizens of Greece.

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