Worst person to be stranded out at sea on a lifeboat with

  • Thread starter 0TheSwerve0
  • Start date
In summary: We once hitch hiked cross country together. I wanted to hang it up for the night and get some sleep. My brother was worried about sleeping just off the interstate - afraid someone would stop and kill us or something. I told him that would never happen. Even the shadow of a person crossing over my face would wake me up. He didn't believe me, so I went to sleep, anyway. I woke up to see him jumping back and forth over my head. Worse yet, he acted amazed that I really did wake up as soon as his shadow passed over my head. How was I supposed to sleep after that? You mean I was
  • #1
someone who doesn't speak your language (or would that be better?)
someone who just a ate a fat bean burrito
a schizophrenic
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  • #2
mother in law
ex girlfriend (one you recently broke up with because you cheated on her would be better)
  • #3
A chatterbox. :bugeye:
  • #4
  • #5
A psycho who might stab you in your sleep

oh, i thought you meant stranded on an island. I think i would be more worried about freezing, and drowning than a person who talks too much, or just ate a burrito :-p being stranded on a sea together i would assume would bring anyone together :smile:
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  • #6
If it were a rubber dinghy, it would be Madonna in the 80's with her pointy bra...just in case she fell.
  • #7
jimmy p said:
If it were a rubber dinghy, it would be Madonna in the 80's with her pointy bra...just in case she fell.
There is a Far Side cartoon of that.

I'd be most afraid of being trapped with tribdog, he'd start playing with the rescue flares and set the raft on fire. :smile:
  • #8
Evo said:
There is a Far SIde cartoon of that.

I know. But I stole the idea first.

I'd be most afraid of being trapped with tribdog, he'd start playing with the rescue flares and set the raft on fire. :smile:

I think if I were on a boat with tribdog he would try grope me.
  • #9
Hannibal Lecter
  • #10
  • #11

Defintely me, believe me, you don't want to be stuck on a raft with me. Every person who's ever been stuck on a raft with me has wanted to kill me, but instead of killing me, they just went insane, fell off and drowned. You really don't want to get stuck on a raft/island/isolated spit of land surrounded by man eating sharks with me.
  • #12
A thin person, less of them to eat when the food runs out.
  • #13
You can eat fish, you know. I wouldn't want to be stranded with someone suffering from osteoporosis. Gonna need strong bones to make fishing spears.
  • #14
loseyourname said:
You can eat fish, you know. I wouldn't want to be stranded with someone suffering from osteoporosis. Gonna need strong bones to make fishing spears.

You see that'd be my problem, I don't like fish.
  • #15
I'd have to say someone with ADHD. Don't rock the boat!
  • #16
Assuming I’m not to use this individual for food I would say the ‘insufferable @ss’ would rank high on my list.
  • #17
Evo said:
There is a Far Side cartoon of that.

I'd be most afraid of being trapped with tribdog, he'd start playing with the rescue flares and set the raft on fire. :smile:

:smile: Yep, that could happen. LOL!
  • #18
Bubba from prison.
  • #19
Mike Tyson
  • #20
a lazy person or an armless person.

who would paddle us to safety?
  • #21
relskid said:
a lazy person or an armless person.

who would paddle us to safety?

LOL! Or one of those people who is over-eager to help paddle, but is really bad at it so keeps paddling in circles or the wrong direction!
  • #22
BoulderHead said:
‘insufferable @ss’

That's me!
  • #23
Sounds like the winner would be a talkative, lazy, thin, no armed, brittle boned, burrito eatin', bubba, wearing a metal bra.
  • #24
I'd say Bush. He would try to invade some island populated by cannibals and would send me like a soldier
  • #25
meteor said:
I'd say Bush. He would try to invade some island populated by cannibals and would send me like a soldier


No, I hear GW is very fond of vacations, so at worst you'd be the entertainment. Don't know what kind of songs he'd make you sing though.
  • #26
A giant because the boat would sink (or maybe that would be good. Get the pain over and done with). I know who.... this person in my Chemistry class with the IQ of half a banana and the vocabulary of a half-eaten cheese-stick. I think I am hungry as well. I think half a banana-on-cheese-stick is in order (or is it a cheese-stick on half a banana?).

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #27
My brother. I hated traveling anywhere with him.

We once hitch hiked cross country together. I wanted to hang it up for the night and get some sleep. My brother was worried about sleeping just off the interstate - afraid someone would stop and kill us or something. I told him that would never happen. Even the shadow of a person crossing over my face would wake me up. He didn't believe me, so I went to sleep, anyway.

I woke up to see him jumping back and forth over my head.

Worse yet, he acted amazed that I really did wake up as soon as his shadow passed over my head. How was I supposed to sleep after that? You mean I was really telling the truth? Just how long was he jumping back and forth over my head?

We also were stopped by the highway patrol for hitch hiking down on the highway instead of the top of the entrance ramp. After a lot of fast talking explaining how we didn't know the law, how we normally use the top of the ramp anyway, except this time we were stuck at a tourist trap where no one but families on vacation stop, etc. etc., the patrolman said there was no problem, as long as we gathered our backpacks and moved on up to the top of the ramp.

We turned around and what did we see? My brother standing by the road with his thumb out the whole time I was trying to talk us out of trouble.

We got picked up by escaped convicts and they stole our backbacks at gun point. What did he do? He chased the car. After me yelling for him to stop enough times, he finally stops and says, "You yelled for me to stop because you'd already gotten the license plate, didn't you? That was quick thinking." Me? He was closer - why didn't he get the license plate?
  • #28
HAHAHAHAHAHA! That is funny. I vote BobG's brother too!
  • #29
Jerry Fallwell. 'nuff said.
  • #30
enigma said:
Jerry Fallwell. 'nuff said.

I don't know, that might not be so bad...I probably wouldn't feel so guilty about having to use him for food. :biggrin:
  • #31
Moonbear said:
I don't know, that might not be so bad...I probably wouldn't feel so guilty about having to use him for food. :biggrin:
I NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT USING PEOPLE AS FOOD. I want the giant back. :biggrin:

The Bob (2004 ©)
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  • #32
Haha, on that note. If we were playing survivor, who would you vote off first?
  • #33
0TheSwerve0 said:
Haha, on that note. If we were playing survivor, who would you vote off first?

When we vote them off, do we get to sacrifice them to the volcano god?

Cause that would definitely change things...
  • #34
franznietzsche said:
When we vote them off, do we get to sacrifice them to the volcano god?

Cause that would definitely change things...
It could change things. We could torture the voted-off by removing their eyes over a pool of molten lava or we could cut their throats and eat them with a straw until they die and then eat them with meat balls and spaghetti.

I would vote for... erm... the... same person as before.

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #35
Anything goes, we'll make it a Lord of the Flies type survivor :eek:

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