What is the maximum horizontal distance it can jump?

In summary, the flea's maximum vertical jump height is 1 cm and the time spent in the air is 0.09 seconds. If the flea were to jump at a 45° angle, the time spent in the air would be 0.063 seconds and the maximum horizontal distance it can jump is 0.0196 meters. The initial velocity for the second part of the problem can be calculated by finding the time to the top of the jump and using that to solve for the initial velocity.
  • #1
[SOLVED] The Flea

Homework Statement

A flea, jumping with its highest possible initial speed, can jump to a maximum vertical height of 1 cm. What is
the time spent in the air by the flea during the vertical jump? What would be the time spent in the air if the flea
were instead to leave the ground at an angle of 45° to the horizontal? What is the maximum horizontal distance
it can jump? Answer: 0.09 s, 0.063 s, 0.0196 m

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

a)d=0.01m, a=g, v2=0
t=0.045s *2
b) tried finding initial velocity from part 1
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The initial velocity of the fly v2 is not zero. you made a lot of errors and still managed to get the right answer for the first part.
To solve the rest of the problem you should first have calculated the time to the top of the jump from v = v2 - at at the top of the jump v = 0. then you can get the initial velocity from d = (v_2)t - at^2
  • #3
thanks i get it now
  • #4
u got it solved...!?
i need help still can't figure it out i only get .019780 ... or something like that (just replace the 6 in the package with a 7) and for the other part i get .057 or something like that

FAQ: What is the maximum horizontal distance it can jump?

1. What is the maximum horizontal distance a human can jump?

The maximum horizontal distance a human can jump varies greatly depending on factors such as height, weight, and physical fitness. On average, a human can jump between 6 and 8 feet horizontally.

2. Can any animal jump farther than a human?

Yes, there are several animals that can jump farther than a human. For example, a kangaroo can jump up to 30 feet horizontally, and a flea can jump up to 200 times its body length.

3. How does the maximum horizontal distance a person can jump change with age?

The maximum horizontal distance a person can jump tends to decrease with age due to decreases in muscle mass and strength. However, with proper training and conditioning, older individuals can still achieve impressive jumping distances.

4. What is the world record for the longest horizontal jump?

The current world record for the longest horizontal jump is held by Mike Powell, who jumped 29 feet and 4.5 inches in 1991. This record still stands today.

5. How can someone improve their maximum horizontal jumping distance?

To improve maximum horizontal jumping distance, one can focus on building leg strength, explosiveness, and proper jumping technique. Plyometric exercises, such as box jumps and depth jumps, can also help improve jumping distance.
