Turbojet Accelerator: 3D Circuit Manufacturing Idea

  • Thread starter talanum1
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In summary, the conversation revolves around an idea for a 3-dimensional circuit manufacturing process and its potential applications in the aviation industry. The idea involves using the exhaust of two turbojet engines to create a large static electric field which would ionize the combustion products and then use recombination to provide extra thrust. The main concerns related to this idea include charge relaxation, dielectric breakdown, and heat and corrosion resistance of the parts. However, the potential benefits of this technology, such as not needing fuel for ionization and the ability to recharge the grid while the aircraft is on the ground, make it a promising concept. Some participants in the conversation raise concerns about the efficiency and practicality of the idea, but the person proposing the idea believes that energy
  • #1
I have an idea which I cannot take to the production stage myself. I am sending it by way of getting contacts (electronic engineers, manufacturers or investors) for helping me with a 3 dimensional circuit manufacturing idea (already well worked out).

Here goes:

We already have turbojet engines on aircraft. Now the idea is to take the exhaust of two of them and pipe it into the same tube, then trough a charged grid that makes a large static electric field. The field must be strong enough to ionise much of the combustion products (Kerosene oxidated). The recombination after passing trough the grid should
give extra thrust. The cool thing is that no fuel is needed for the ionisation - the grid can be recharged periodically from capacitor(s) which can be charged while the aircraft is on the ground.

The turbojets may both be mounted skew ( / \ ) if necessary as long as they produce the same thrust (the sideways thrust would cancell).

The only theoretical concerns are then charge relaxation, dielectric brakedown, coronal discarge and the heat and corrosion resistance of the parts. Orientation by magnetic field may also be necessary to ensure the recombination happens orderly.

I can work out the charge relaxation concern, but the dielectric brakedown may need to be determined practically.

If the exhaust is an Omic conductor (likely since there must be ions in the gas due to the heat) the discharge of the grid due to charge relaxation can be estimated by permitivity/conductivity = charge relaxation time. A large value would give slow discharge. I will look for the data.

If the discharge is too fast to be practical we may still have an advantage: speed boosts activated whenever the pilot decides.

May work with ramjets too.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
talanum1 said:
charged grid that makes a large static electric field. The field must be strong enough to ionise much of the combustion products (Kerosene oxidated). The recombination after passing trough the grid should give extra thrust. The cool thing is that no fuel is needed for the ionisation

This is completely not my area of expertise, so I can be off, but the way I read it you have just stated "ionization and recombination gives more energy than we put into the system". That means energy from nowhere, doesnt' it?
  • #3
I think that any gain you might achieve will be far less then the losses introduced by skewing the jets from staright fore and aft.
  • #4
No, it isn't gaining more than putting in, the static electric field stores energy much like feul. It is just that the energy is put in while the aircraft is on the ground. The exhaust gasses are already heated so it takes less energy than usual to ionise them.

For the other issue: there are jet aircraft with double inlets and just one outlet.
  • #5
talanum1 said:
No, it isn't gaining more than putting in, the static electric field stores energy much like feul. It is just that the energy is put in while the aircraft is on the ground.

How much energy can you store in such a field as compared to the fuel? I mean - if that's am efficient way of storing a lot of energy, why is it not used to store energy in electric cars or whatever? WHy will it be more efficient in plane?

The exhaust gasses are already heated so it takes less energy than usual to ionise them.

So recombination doesn't give a lot of energy back.

Looks to me energy conservation arguments are enough to show that the gain will be very small (if any).
  • #6
This definitely isn't an area I am familiar with. Please explain the thrust producing mechanism as related to the ionization. I really do not understand where the extra momentum transfer is coming from to produce the extra thrust.
  • #7
There might be jets with two inlets and one outlet but I can't think of any with two jets and one outlet.
  • #8
I saw a plan for a Ion driven rocket. It is the same principle: action-reaction.

Ions get accelerated in the magnetic field and recombination would change the gas particle's momentum (they get a kick in the right direction if the energy is released in the right direction).

I haven't worked out how much yet but you can have large capacitors at kilo Volts (electron pressure). Cars do not have a jet of already heated gas.
  • #9
talanum1 said:
The recombination after passing trough the grid should give extra thrust.

talanum1 said:
Ions get accelerated in the magnetic field and recombination would change the gas particle's momentum

From what you stated at first I understood it is recombination that should heat the gas increasing its speed, now you are talking about accelerating ions. It is not recombination that gives the ions their speed - ions got their momentum in the electric/magnetic field. Recombination is just to keep the engine charge neutral.

These are completely different things, but I still feel like you are missing very basic energy conservation.
  • #10
The ionisation by the static electric field must increase the gas energy since energy is required to ionise, and some of it is recovered as kinetic energy as they recombine. The molecules need not collapse to their ground state after recombination.

Just include the energy to make the static electric field in the energy conservation computation.

FAQ: Turbojet Accelerator: 3D Circuit Manufacturing Idea

1. What is a turbojet accelerator?

A turbojet accelerator is a type of technology used in the manufacturing process of 3D circuits. It is a device that uses a high-speed air stream to propel tiny particles of conductive materials onto a circuit board, creating the necessary circuit connections.

2. How does a turbojet accelerator work?

The turbojet accelerator works by using a high-speed air stream, generated by a compressor, to propel conductive particles onto a circuit board. The particles are then melted onto the board, creating the necessary connections for the circuit to function. This process is repeated multiple times to build up multiple layers of circuit connections.

3. What is the advantage of using a turbojet accelerator in 3D circuit manufacturing?

The main advantage of using a turbojet accelerator in 3D circuit manufacturing is its ability to create highly precise and intricate circuit connections. With the use of high-speed air streams, the particles can be accurately directed to the desired locations on the circuit board, allowing for more complex and efficient circuit designs.

4. Are there any limitations to using a turbojet accelerator?

One limitation of using a turbojet accelerator is that it can only be used with certain types of conductive materials, such as metals. This may limit the types of circuits that can be manufactured with this technology. Additionally, the process can be time-consuming and requires specialized equipment, making it more costly compared to other circuit manufacturing methods.

5. Is the use of a turbojet accelerator safe?

Yes, the use of a turbojet accelerator is generally considered safe as long as proper safety precautions are followed. The high-speed air stream used in the process may create noise and turbulence, so proper protective gear should be worn by those operating the machine. Additionally, the conductive particles used may pose a risk if inhaled, so proper ventilation systems should be in place.

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