Where Did All the Women Go? Investigating Gender Disparities During Quarantine

  • Thread starter wolram
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In summary: However, I think Evo would enjoy the opportunity to get even with us all :DNow leave...and let the thread be
  • #1
Gold Member
Dearly Missed
I noticed that there are no.women around, so put your feet on the table ,break out the beer and the sun news paper,put the motor racing on and party:approve: :approve:
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  • #2
Has the sisterhood gone off on yet another dumb adventure on the RV ?:)
Since Evo is not around how about making this TKC xx ( I lost count ).
Bet you can't get over five hundred posts a day !
  • #3
Is this an all-male thread? That's great!
Why do you need that female on page 3 when you expressed relief that there were no women around? :confused:
  • #4
Graphic relief? (Maybe I should copyright that term.)
  • #5
arildno said:
Is this an all-male thread? That's great!
Why do you need that female on page 3 when you expressed relief that there were no women around? :confused:

:smile: We do need need them, or at least the image of them.
  • #6
arunbg said:
Has the sisterhood gone off on yet another dumb adventure on the RV ?:)
Since Evo is not around how about making this TKC xx ( I lost count ).
Bet you can't get over five hundred posts a day !

Yep, i booked them a mystery adventure holiday, it starts with a flight in a
AN2, they have to negotiate a thousand miles of jungle and swamp land, then cross a trackless desert, so we have plenty of time to do the men only stuff.
  • #7
we all know you have your chimney breast, wolfram
  • #8
All right, PARTY OVER!

Nice try Wolram, we almost lost Moonbear in the swamp(she's only 5'2").

Thanks to Tsu's skills at burning brush and MIH's uncanny sense of direction, we made it back in record time. I, of course, kept everyone's spirits up with tales of my home improvement disasters. :biggrin:
  • #9
is she gone...?
  • #10
yomamma said:
is she gone...?
Nope. :devil:
  • #11
If we can't get rid of her, the very least we can do is to fill her with envy:
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  • #12
  • #13
arildno said:
If we can't get rid of her, the very least we can do is to fill her with envy:
I'm[/URL] afraid I'm going to have to confiscate this photo.

<downloads photo> <enlarges photo> <wipes drool off photo>

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  • #14
Oh no, the brotherhood is trying to manhandle Evo out of this thread.
Can I join too ?:D
  • #15
now leave...and let the thread be
  • #16
Evo said:
All right, PARTY OVER!

Nice try Wolram, we almost lost Moonbear in the swamp(she's only 5'2").

Thanks to Tsu's skills at burning brush and MIH's uncanny sense of direction, we made it back in record time. I, of course, kept everyone's spirits up with tales of my home improvement disasters. :biggrin:

Oh heck, you did not have your vaccinations i so sorry but you will have to go in quarantine for a month I will send you all a big box of chocs
to keep you happy :biggrin:
  • #17
Hey, Look what's in the Quaratine Room! :bugeye: :!)

arildno said:

Hooray for quarantine! Do we really only get to stay in here a month?
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  • #18
You can stay forever if you'd like to.
Those android hunks can even stand the sisterhood! DDuardo programmed 'em .

PS: Yeah, they are androids, thought you would have figured that out by now. Just look at those patented robo-smirks on their faces .
  • #19
Math Is Hard said:
Hey, Look what's in the Quaratine Room! :bugeye: :!)

Hooray for quarantine! Do we really only get to stay in here a month?

Weeeell, the tests may come back possitive, that would mean further issolation.

FAQ: Where Did All the Women Go? Investigating Gender Disparities During Quarantine

1. Where did all the women go?

There is no straightforward answer to this question as the disappearance of women can vary depending on the context. In some cases, women may have migrated to other countries for economic or personal reasons. In other cases, women may have been victims of human trafficking or forced into marriage. It is important to examine the specific circumstances and contexts in order to understand where women have gone.

2. Is there a global shortage of women?

Despite the common perception that there is a global shortage of women, this is not entirely true. While there are some countries and regions where the number of women is significantly lower than men due to cultural practices and gender-based discrimination, there are also countries where women outnumber men. It is important to recognize that gender imbalance is a complex issue and cannot be generalized globally.

3. What factors contribute to the disappearance of women?

There are many factors that can contribute to the disappearance of women, such as gender-based violence, discrimination, economic factors, and cultural practices. For example, in countries where there is a strong preference for male children, female infanticide and sex-selective abortions may occur, leading to a significant shortage of women. It is crucial to address these underlying factors in order to prevent the disappearance of women.

4. How does the disappearance of women impact society?

The disappearance of women can have far-reaching consequences for society. Women play important roles in families, communities, and economies. When women are missing, it can lead to imbalances in the labor force, increased violence against women, and a decrease in the overall well-being of societies. It is important to address the root causes of disappearing women in order to promote gender equality and sustainable development.

5. What can be done to address the disappearance of women?

To address the disappearance of women, a multi-faceted and comprehensive approach is needed. This includes promoting education and economic opportunities for women, addressing gender-based violence and discrimination, and challenging cultural norms and practices that devalue women. Governments, NGOs, and individuals all have a role to play in addressing this issue and promoting gender equality.

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