It seems I've made a name for myself

  • Thread starter Ad Infinitum NAU
  • Start date
In summary: I am sorry for the way this thread has affected you and I hope that you can come to terms with it and move on.In summary, the Chicken Abuser has asked for forgiveness and has offered to do math penance in order to make up for his previous posts.
  • #1
Ad Infinitum NAU
Through this whole chicken ordeal, some of you are probably developing a negative attitude towards me. I'm asking that you reserve judgements on my beliefs outside of this particular (and very touchy) thread. I'm hoping we can be mature and not let this thread affect the way you post to other threads of mine.
I'm sure you're all good people, but you never know.
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  • #2
You are entitled to your opinions. I disagree with your other posts, but I do not make assumptions about you.
  • #3
I can't speak for others, but even though I will never agree with you on the chicken topic, that won't affect how I view your arguments on other topics. Of course, for all I know, you could just be playing devil's advocate or may not be thinking quite what we're reading...sometimes we just aren't able to express our thoughts clearly enough for a forum like this and things get misinterpreted, especially on emotional topics. It's an interesting thread actually. I find myself disagreeing with people I usually agree with in's turning out to be a surprisingly fun debate considering all the differences in opinion.
  • #4
I'm hoping we can be mature and not let this thread affect the way you post to other threads of mine.

Okay but just this once. :biggrin:

As your penance, I suggest that you solve five quadratic equations and calculate ten cross products. Evo would have to OK this though.
  • #5
Ivan Seeking said:
As your penance, I suggest that you solve five quadratic equations and calculate ten cross products. Evo would have to OK this though.
Sounds good to me. :wink:
  • #6
Ivan Seeking said:
Okay but just this once. :biggrin:

As your penance, I suggest that you solve five quadratic equations and calculate ten cross products. Evo would have to OK this though.

...I would also suggest, a few logic problems :wink:
  • #7
Gokul43201 said:
...I would also suggest, a few logic problems :wink:

Send over the quadratics, cross products, or what have you. I tutor them everyday back at school. Send me logic problems. problems are fun. Appreciate your posts.
  • #8
What name? You mean the "Chicken Abuser?"

In order to exorcize the ill feelings you must wait for the full moon, then strip down to your shorts and swing a chicken over your head while chanting...:eek:

Oops, sorry, sore subject. :redface:

Better just do the math penance Ivan suggested.
  • #9
Artman said:
What name? You mean the "Chicken Abuser?"

In order to exorcize the ill feelings you must wait for the full moon, then strip down to your shorts and swing a chicken over your head while chanting...:eek:

Oops, sorry, sore subject. :redface:

Better just do the math penance Ivan suggested. kind of like the chicken chanting idea. Though hopping in circles on one leg might add dimension of penance that I think we all could appreciate.
  • #10
Ivan Seeking said: kind of like the chicken chanting idea. Though hopping in circles on one leg might add dimension of penance that I think we all could appreciate.

Videotaping the event and making it available through the internet would certainly go a long way toward renewed feelings of good will. :smile:

To help protect the delicate sensibilities of the viewers, a rubber chicken could be substituted for a live bird. Although, for all we know, the chicken may enjoy the experience as sort of a chicken merry-go-round effect. (But that is a subject for another thread.) :smile:
  • #11
Ad Infinitum NAU said:
I'm sure you're all good people, but you never know.

I have looked through some of your posts in the KFC thread and they do seem to me to be extraordinarily askewed, outdated and factually incorrect. Your views on morality seem to be very relativistic - though I doubt if Einstein would have ratified them.

Be that as it may, you have had the concern to start this thread, not because you want to 'look' like a good person, but because you believe there are good people here. I believe that too. I have only communicated directly with Evo and she is wonderful. The refutations from Monique, Gokul, Moonbear, Elizabeth and Dan clearly demonstrate their capacity as well. So we are definitely in good company!

What this thread of yours has done though is generate some of the most creative repentance rituals I have seen on short notice! And you have been very good-natured about these as well :)

If I might add one of my own (albeit not particularly creative), you may want to re-read the rebuttals as you are doing your math penance on one leg with the rubber chicken while making the video. Your profile indicates that you are here to "wonder", and the responses made to you are worth wondering about.

On the forums, some mistakenly think they are engaged in some great debate, but forget that there really is no prize at the end. Rather the real prize is that we are fortunate to have the companionship of good people and should feel grateful if some of them find value in what we write.

In friendship,
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  • #12
Isn't it great that we live in a country where we can say whatever we want in a forum such as this? I'll admit that I find some of your posts on the chicken thread very disheartening (if not somewhat hard to believe). But you stand your ground, so I'll give you credit for that.
  • #13
physicsisphirst said:
On the forums, some mistakenly think they are engaged in some great debate, but forget that there really is no prize at the end. Rather the real prize is that we are fortunate to have the companionship of good people and should feel grateful if some of them find value in what we write.

In friendship,

This is a wonderful phrasing of what this place is really about. I have made light of your post in an attempt to ease your feeling of tension and lessen your concern.

Whether or not I agree with your posts, I hope I can be open minded enough to consider them in the spirit in which they are intended.

FAQ: It seems I've made a name for myself

1. What does "It seems I've made a name for myself" mean?

"It seems I've made a name for myself" is a phrase that typically means someone has become well-known or respected for their achievements or actions.

2. Who commonly uses the phrase "It seems I've made a name for myself"?

This phrase can be used by anyone, but it is most commonly used by individuals who have gained recognition or fame in a particular field or industry.

3. Is there a positive or negative connotation associated with the phrase "It seems I've made a name for myself"?

The connotation of this phrase can vary depending on the context and tone in which it is used. Generally, it is seen as a positive statement of accomplishment or recognition.

4. Can this phrase also have a sarcastic or ironic meaning?

Yes, in some cases, this phrase may be used sarcastically or ironically to imply that someone has gained notoriety or infamy instead of positive recognition.

5. What are some other ways to say "It seems I've made a name for myself"?

Other ways to express a similar sentiment could include "I've become well-known," "I've made a mark," or "I've established a reputation."
