Relationship between GR and qm+electromagnetism?

In summary, A graduate-level gravitational theory class typically requires an understanding of electromagnetism, special relativity, and quantum mechanics at the advanced undergraduate level. While the course may involve some aspects of electromagnetism, the main focus is on Einstein's theory of relativity and its applications to astrophysical problems. It is recommended for students to have a strong grasp of electromagnetism and be comfortable with its mathematical concepts in order to fully understand the material in the class. If you are currently taking a PDE course and working through a textbook like "Classical Electrodynamics" by Jackson, you may have the necessary background for the class. However, it is important to be able to handle any problem in Jackson in order to succeed in
  • #1
I emailed a prof about sitting in on his graduate-level gravitational theory class next semester. He said he would like his students to have understanding of electromagnetism, special relativity and quantum mechanics at the advanced undergraduate level.

This is the course description: Presents Einstein's relativistic theory of gravitation from geometric viewpoint; gives applications to astrophysical problems (gravitational waves, stellar collapse, etc.).

My question is does GR involves the two subjects? I have the QM down, but I'm not sure if my electromagnetism is at the "advanced undergraduate level" and am not sure if I'll have enough time to bring it up to par if GR needs my understanding to be there.

Thanks for your help!
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  • #2
GR doesn't involve much E&M, but if you are not facile with the mathematics of E&M, you will not understand a whit of GR.
  • #3
Vanadium 50 said:
GR doesn't involve much E&M, but if you are not facile with the mathematics of E&M, you will not understand a whit of GR.

What level of math is E&M at?

I have "Classical Electrodynamics: Third Edition" by Jackson, and am slowly working through the first chapter. But so far, all I've seen are divergence theorems and things of that sort.
I'm also currently taking a PDE course (Initial/Boundary value problems for first-order, wave, heat and Laplace Equations; maximum principles; Fourier Series and applications.).

Would that be enough? If not, what would you suggest I also study?
  • #4
Ideally, you should be able to handle any problem in Jackson. (Although not necessarily quickly!)
  • #5

I can confirm that there is a strong relationship between general relativity (GR) and quantum mechanics (QM) + electromagnetism. In fact, these three theories form the pillars of modern physics and are essential for understanding the fundamental workings of the universe.

GR is a geometric theory of gravity that describes how massive objects interact with each other and how they affect the curvature of spacetime. On the other hand, QM and electromagnetism deal with the microscopic world of atoms and subatomic particles, and describe how particles interact with each other through electromagnetic forces.

In order to fully understand GR, it is important to have a strong understanding of QM and electromagnetism. This is because GR incorporates concepts from both theories, such as the concept of spacetime curvature and the role of energy and mass in gravitational interactions.

Therefore, it is highly recommended to have a solid understanding of QM and electromagnetism before delving into the study of GR. It is understandable that you may not have enough time to bring your understanding of electromagnetism to the advanced undergraduate level, but I would suggest seeking additional resources or talking to the professor to see if there are any prerequisites or foundational concepts that you can focus on to prepare for the course.

Overall, having a strong grasp of QM and electromagnetism will greatly benefit your understanding of GR and its applications to astrophysical problems. Best of luck in your studies!

FAQ: Relationship between GR and qm+electromagnetism?

1. What is the relationship between general relativity and quantum mechanics?

The relationship between general relativity (GR) and quantum mechanics (QM) is a topic of ongoing research and debate in the field of physics. GR is a theory that describes the force of gravity and how it affects the structure of space and time. QM, on the other hand, is a theory that describes the behavior of subatomic particles and their interactions. While both theories have been extensively tested and proven to be accurate, they have yet to be fully reconciled with each other.

2. How does electromagnetism tie into this relationship?

Electromagnetism is another fundamental force in the universe, and it plays a crucial role in both GR and QM. In GR, electromagnetism is incorporated into the theory through the concept of spacetime curvature. In QM, electromagnetism is described by the theory of quantum electrodynamics, which explains the behavior of electrically charged particles. Thus, electromagnetism is an essential component of the relationship between GR and QM.

3. Can GR and QM be unified into a single theory?

Many physicists believe that eventually, GR and QM will be unified into a single, overarching theory that can explain all physical phenomena in the universe. However, this has yet to be achieved, and there are still significant challenges and discrepancies that need to be resolved before a unified theory can be established.

4. What are some current theories attempting to unify GR and QM?

There are several theories that are attempting to unify GR and QM, such as string theory, loop quantum gravity, and causal dynamical triangulation. These theories propose new frameworks that aim to reconcile the two theories and provide a more comprehensive understanding of the universe at both a macroscopic and microscopic level.

5. How will a successful unification of GR and QM impact our understanding of the universe?

If a successful unification of GR and QM is achieved, it would have a significant impact on our understanding of the universe. It would provide a more complete and consistent picture of the fundamental forces and particles that govern the behavior of matter and energy. It could also potentially lead to new technologies and advancements in areas such as space travel and quantum computing.

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