Why Do Objects Bounce? Exploring Momentum Transfer

  • Thread starter kashiark
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In summary, objects bounce because of the change in momentum. The more momentum that is transferred to a body, the more the body will bounce.
  • #1
Why do objects bounce? Let's say you throw a tennis ball at a wall. Why doesn't the ball just transfer its momentum to the wall and then fall on the ground? Does the wall receive more momentum than the ball originally had?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Think about springs.
  • #3
Think about conservation of momentum and conservation of energy. If the ball has some energy that is absorbed by compressing itself against the wall, what must happen next...?
  • #4
oR nEWtons 3'rd law?
  • #5
Think about the following real world situations:

A rubber bouncy ball bouncing on a floor follows an unpredictable path, this is because there is change in angular momentum due to friction with the floor.

A tennis ball follows a more predictable path, except in extreme situations e.g. pro tennis. How does the change in momentum with a top spin on a tennis ball for example compare to the change in momentum for a bouncy ball with top spin on a kitchen floor.

Putty thrown against a wall might not bounce.

A tennisball thrown into a net might not bounce.

Idealistically for direct impact of a sphere onto a fixed plane, v = eu where v is the final velocity, u is the initial velocity and e is the coefficient of restitution, e is 1 for perfectly elastic collisions, e is zero if the two bodies do not separate after collision.

Note: In the real world, it is impossible that the wall remains totally still, you only have to look at skyscrapers swaying in the wind to appreciate that fact.
  • #6
kashiark said:
Why do objects bounce? Let's say you throw a tennis ball at a wall. Why doesn't the ball just transfer its momentum to the wall and then fall on the ground? Does the wall receive more momentum than the ball originally had?
As Cyrus has said, think about the ball AND the wall as springs.

When there is no longer any velocity difference between the wall and the ball, no force acts to encourage further deformation, and the stored potential elastic energy reconverts (partially) into kinetic energy.
  • #7
kashiark said:
Why do objects bounce? Let's say you throw a tennis ball at a wall. Why doesn't the ball just transfer its momentum to the wall and then fall on the ground? Does the wall receive more momentum than the ball originally had?
If a tennis ball bounces off a wall with 100% coefficient of restitution, the momentum transferred to the wall is twice what it would be if the ball just fell to the ground.
  • #8
It really depends on the materials that make up the ball and the wall. Depending on the materials you will get an elastic, inelastic, or somewhere-in-between collision. I don't think this answers your question though. Say the collision is completely elastic so that the ball rebounds completely. The theory behind why it rebounds has to do with electromagnetism and quantum mechanics. The atoms in the ball must repel those in the wall. The degree to which this happens depends on the materials that make up the ball and the wall as stated above. You're asking a rather fundamental and very important question. But to tell you the truth, I don't believe you can answer this question completely, without invoking concepts from quantum mechanics.
  • #9
It depends on how elastic a material is used and how much force is imparted to it. A steel ball is more elastic than he tennis, you may want to use a steel ball in a game that needs to impart as much force to distort it and it exerts an equal restoring force so you get a stunning bounce as well, but this does not mean rigid bodies do not bounce, they just cannot change their configuration

FAQ: Why Do Objects Bounce? Exploring Momentum Transfer

1. What causes objects to bounce?

Objects bounce due to the transfer of momentum. When an object hits a surface, its momentum is transferred to the surface and then back to the object, causing it to bounce.

2. Why do some objects bounce higher than others?

The height of a bounce depends on the elasticity of the object and the surface it is bouncing on. Objects with higher elasticity will bounce higher, while objects with lower elasticity will not bounce as high.

3. Can objects bounce on any surface?

Objects can bounce on any surface, but the height and duration of the bounce will vary depending on the surface's elasticity and the object's elasticity.

4. Is there a limit to how high an object can bounce?

Yes, there is a limit to how high an object can bounce. This is due to the conservation of energy. As the object bounces, some of its energy is lost as heat and sound, causing it to eventually come to a stop.

5. How does the mass of an object affect its bounce?

The mass of an object does not directly affect its bounce. However, a heavier object will have more momentum, which can result in a higher bounce if the surface is able to handle the transfer of that momentum.
