Negate "f has limit L at c": f does not have limit L at c

In summary, when discussing convergent sequences, it refers to the limit of a function at a specific point. If the limit does not exist or goes to infinity, then the sequence is not convergent. The negation of "f has a limit at c" is "f does not have a limit at c". Additionally, the negation of "f is continuous at c" is "f is not continuous at c".
  • #1
I found this in another threat
however i do not know wat he means by convergent sequences. Is something like when u trying to take the limit at an ASYMPTOTE of a fuction? i know that the limit doesn't not exist( or goes to infinitive i cannot recall) is that wat he means by convergent sequence?

Let f:I->R and let c in I. I want to negate the statements: "f has limit L at c" and "f is continuous at c". Are these correct?

f does not have limit L at c if there exists e>0 such that for some sequence {x_n} converging to c, |f(x_n)-L|>e for every n.

f is not continuous at c if there exists e>0 such that for some sequence {x_n} converging to c, |f(x_n)-f(c)|>e for every n.

edit: also, what is the negation of "f has a limit at c"?
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  • #2
the negation of "f has a limit at c" is "f does not have a limit at c". (meaning there is no L such that blah blah)

for the one about the sequence f is not continuous at c if for some x in I, [tex]\lim_{x\rightarrow c}f(x) \neq f(c)[/tex]. that is... well you know the definiton of limit, & if not it's in your book. of course if there's one x where f isn't continuous then if isn't continuous on the domain.
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  • #3

The negation of "f has a limit at c" is "f does not have a limit at c". This means that there does not exist a finite number L such that for any sequence {x_n} converging to c, the limit of f(x_n) as n approaches infinity is equal to L. Essentially, this means that the function does not approach a specific value as the input approaches c.

FAQ: Negate "f has limit L at c": f does not have limit L at c

What does it mean for a function to have a limit at a specific point?

A function has a limit at a point if the values of the function get closer and closer to a single value as the input values get closer and closer to the given point.

What is the notation used to represent a limit?

The notation used to represent a limit is "lim". It is written as limx→c f(x) = L, which means that as x approaches c, the limit of f(x) is equal to L.

What does it mean for a function to not have a limit at a specific point?

If a function does not have a limit at a certain point, it means that the values of the function do not approach a single value as the input values get closer to the given point. This can happen if the function has a jump or a discontinuity at that point.

Can a function have more than one limit at a single point?

No, a function can have at most one limit at a specific point. If the function has more than one limit, it is not well-defined and therefore does not have a limit at that point.

How can you determine if a function has a limit at a certain point?

To determine if a function has a limit at a specific point, you can use the definition of a limit or evaluate the left and right-hand limits. If both the left and right-hand limits exist and are equal, then the function has a limit at that point. Otherwise, the function does not have a limit at that point.

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