Conservation of energy and gravity

In summary, when discussing the system of both the ball and the Earth, all work is internal and there is no external work. However, when considering the system of just the ball, the total energy increases due to external force of gravity doing work on the ball. The ball still has potential energy in this case, as potential energy comes from the gravitational field. Internal and external forces are similar, just a matter of system boundaries. Potential energy is arbitrary and depends on the chosen points of reference. It is important to consider system boundaries when discussing energy.
  • #1
I am a bit confuse about gravity and work
Suppose a ball falls from one height to another, hi to hf

When talking about the system BE the ball AND the earth, all the work done is internal, and no external work, change in KE = change in PE, right?

But when talking about the system B of just the ball only,
total energy of the system B increase? because external force gravity is doing work on the ball?

Change in KE increase, I know that, .5mv^2, velocity increase
But what about PE? if gravity is external force, then the ball doesn't have potential energy to start with at hi ? So potential energy are only for a system that includes earth?

Am I looking at these... gravitational potential energy and work stuff all wrong?
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  • #2
Falling in gravity, the gravitational field does work (loss in PE) on the ball (which gains KE).

The ball still has PE in the case where it is treated by itself because there is a gravitational force acting on it.
Doesn't matter if the forces are internal or external. The PE comes from the field.
  • #3
What's the difference between internal and external forces??
I don't know if this will help but I remember gravity is a negative potential as at infinity away from mass potential is zero. I don't know what you mean by system B and A are as I imagine they are the same system because the Ball has equal pull on the Earth as the Earth does on the ball; as Simon Said "The PE comes from the field."
  • #4
It may also be helpful to remember that potential energy is entirely arbitrary. It doesn't matter what's in your snapshot of a system, all that matters is that you have a conservative force (e.g. gravity) and two points of reference. As a matter of fact, you could put the ball on the ground and say it has potential energy, it just won't do you a lot of good, because it isn't likely to fall then.

Toneboy, in my view, internal and external forces are almost the same thing, it's just a matter of where you put the boundaries of your system.

As a real humdinger to get you exploring these concepts, take Newton's Third Law of action/reaction pairs. How, if this is true, can there ever be an external force?
  • #5
Am I looking at these... gravitational potential energy and work stuff all wrong?

Looks ok to me.

What Denver said. You can't talk about the energy of the ball without reference to a system boundary. When you talk about the ball having KE = 0.5mV^2 the velocity term implies a system boundary. For example one that allowed you to ignore the fact that the Earth is spinning and orbiting the sun.

We draw system boundaries all the time without really thinking about it. For example when looking at conservation of energy for a light bulb we worry about the amount of electricity going in and light and heat coming out. We ignore the fact that the light bulb has gained PE when we fixed it to the ceiling.
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FAQ: Conservation of energy and gravity

What is the law of conservation of energy?

The law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it can change form or be transferred from one object to another. This means that the total amount of energy in a closed system remains constant over time.

How does gravity affect energy conservation?

Gravity is a fundamental force that affects the conservation of energy. Objects with mass have gravitational potential energy, which is the energy associated with their position in a gravitational field. As objects fall towards the center of gravity, potential energy is converted into kinetic energy, and the total energy of the system remains constant.

What is the relationship between energy and mass?

According to Einstein's famous equation E=mc², energy and mass are interchangeable and are two forms of the same physical quantity. This means that a small amount of mass can be converted into a large amount of energy, and vice versa.

How does the conservation of energy apply to everyday life?

The law of conservation of energy is applicable to many aspects of everyday life. From turning on a light bulb to driving a car, energy is constantly being transformed and transferred from one form to another while still maintaining its total amount.

Can energy be lost in a system?

No, energy cannot be lost in a closed system according to the law of conservation of energy. However, energy can be converted into forms that are not useful or easily accessible, such as heat or sound. This is why energy efficiency is important in reducing waste and preserving resources.

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