Irreducible polynomial in extension field

In summary, Billy Bob demonstrates that if p is an irreducible polynomial in an extension field K that contains a root alpha such that p(\alpha^2)=0, then p splits in K[x]. He also shows that if alpha is a root of unity, then its minimal polynomial is cyclotomic.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let [tex]p\in\mathbb{Q}[x][/tex] be an irreducible polynomial. Suppose K is an extension field of [tex]\mathbb{Q}[/tex] that contains a root [tex]\alpha[/tex] of p such that [tex]p(\alpha^2)=0[/tex]. Prove that p splits in K[x].

The Attempt at a Solution

I was thinking contradiction, but if p does not split in K, the only logical conclusion I can come to is that there is an extension field L[x] such that p splits and [tex]K[x] \subseteq L[x][/tex].
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  • #2
I have some thoughts but they are not complete. By some theorem, Q(alpha) is isomorphic to Q[x]/<p(x)>. Use this to show p(x^2)=p(x)q(x) (assume WLOG that p is monic if you want).

Now show p(alpha^4)=0. In fact, alpha^{power of 2} is a root of p. All these powers of alpha can't be distinct. Obtain that alpha is a root of unity.

Here is where my gut tells me you can conclude p is a cyclotomic polynomial, but I don't know enough about them to prove that myself.
  • #3
Nice work, Billy Bob! You're essentially done. Since f is irreducible in [tex] \mathbb{Q}[x] [/tex], f is the minimal polynomial of [tex] \alpha [/tex]. However, [tex] \alpha [/tex] is a root of unity, so the minimal polynomial is, by definition, some cyclotomic polynomial [tex] \Phi_k [/tex] for some k. Thus, [tex] f = \Phi_k [/tex] (without loss of generality, f is monic), so the roots of f are just [tex] \alpha, \alpha^2, \alpha^3, \ldots [/tex]. In particular, f splits in [tex] \mathbb{Q}(\alpha)[x] \subseteq K[x] [/tex].
  • #4
I see all of it, except the logic you use to conclude that [tex]\alpha[/tex] is a primitive root of unity. My thought is because p(x) is irreducible and [tex]\alpha, \alpha^2, \alpha^3, \ldots [/tex] are all roots of it, then [tex] \alpha =\alpha^2 =\alpha^3 =\ldots =1[/tex] implying that [tex]\alpha [/tex] is a root of unity.

Any thoughts?
  • #5
I see all of it, except the logic you use to conclude that [tex] \alpha [/tex] is a primitive root of unity.

If [tex] \alpha [/tex] is a primitive [tex] s [/tex]th root of unity, then [tex] \alpha = e^{2 \pi r/s} [/tex] for some [tex] r [/tex]. We can rewrite this as [tex] \alpha = e^{2 \pi t/n} [/tex], where [tex] \textrm{gcd}(t,n) = 1[/tex]. In other words, every [tex] s [/tex]th root of unity is a primitive [tex] n [/tex]th root of unity for some [tex] n [/tex], so its minimal polynomial is cyclotomic.
  • #6
An easier way to carry out Billy Bob's plan:

If E is the splitting field of p, then there is an element of Gal(E/Q) that, among other things, sends alpha to alpha^2. Where does it send alpha^2?
  • #7
masterslave said:
I see all of it, except the logic you use to conclude that [tex]\alpha[/tex] is a primitive root of unity. My thought is because p(x) is irreducible and [tex]\alpha, \alpha^2, \alpha^3, \ldots [/tex] are all roots of it, then [tex] \alpha =\alpha^2 =\alpha^3 =\ldots =1[/tex] implying that [tex]\alpha [/tex] is a root of unity.

Any thoughts?

[tex]\alpha, \alpha^2, \alpha^4, \alpha^8, \alpha^{16} \ldots [/tex] are all roots, but maybe not [tex]\alpha^3[/tex] etc. The point is, there can't be infinitely many roots, so [tex]\alpha^i=\alpha^j[/tex] for some i not equal to j. Now an example will give you an idea for how to handle the general case. If [tex]\alpha^8=\alpha^2[/tex], then [tex]\alpha^8-\alpha^2=0[/tex], then [tex]\alpha^6-1=0[/tex], so alpha is a sixth root of unity.

Thanks VKint and Hurkyl for helping me out.

FAQ: Irreducible polynomial in extension field

1. What is an irreducible polynomial in an extension field?

An irreducible polynomial in an extension field is a polynomial that cannot be factored into smaller polynomials over the same field. This means that it has no roots in the field and cannot be broken down into simpler components.

2. How do you determine if a polynomial is irreducible in an extension field?

To determine if a polynomial is irreducible in an extension field, you can use the Eisenstein's criterion or the Berlekamp's algorithm. Eisenstein's criterion states that if a polynomial has a prime number as its leading coefficient and all other coefficients are divisible by that prime number, then the polynomial is irreducible. Berlekamp's algorithm involves factoring the polynomial over a finite field and checking if the factors are irreducible.

3. Why are irreducible polynomials important in extension fields?

Irreducible polynomials are important in extension fields because they serve as building blocks for constructing larger fields. They also have many applications in mathematics and computer science, such as in coding theory and cryptography.

4. Can a polynomial be irreducible in one extension field but reducible in another?

Yes, a polynomial can be irreducible in one extension field but reducible in another. This depends on the properties of the extension fields and the structure of the polynomial. For example, a polynomial may be irreducible in a field of characteristic 0 but reducible in a field of characteristic p, where p is a prime number.

5. How are irreducible polynomials related to roots in an extension field?

Irreducible polynomials in an extension field do not have any roots in that field. However, they can have roots in larger extension fields. For example, a polynomial may be irreducible in a field F, but it may have roots in an extension field of F. This relationship between irreducible polynomials and roots is important in the study of finite fields and field extensions.

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