What is the latest mischief Ed Kitten has gotten into now?

  • Thread starter Math Is Hard
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In summary: Though, I have a very sore, swollen thumb today from her biting me...but that wasn't in play...poor thing got her toe caught on the toy inside one of her tunnels today, and panicked, then dragged the tunnel until it got stuck on a coffee table. By the time the few seconds elapsed that it occurred to me something was very wrong and I got over to her, she was in a complete panic, growling, howling, snapping, etc. It must've really hurt her toe being stuck like that. :frown: I tried to grab her to loosen the tension, and she snapped at me in her panic. She
  • #1
Math Is Hard
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  • #2
Cute! My cousin told her girls "NO MORE PETS" after the demise of their hamster, and sure enough, one of the girls lugged a "free" Siamese kitten home soon after. I am not a real cat-fancier, but Simon and I hit it off really well. He and I had a mutual agreement of disrespect in which he could bite me if I roughed him up and I could launch him off my lap if he jumped on me, only to have him return and rub his head on my chest, purring - the older daughter named him after Paul Simon after she had mined my collection of albums and "discovered" Simon and Garfunkle. She shared my love of cooking and good food and good music, so even as an adolescent we had a lot in common. Years before, friends had a long-haired, white, blue-eyed cat that was as deaf as a post (along with 4-5 other cats) and Midnight somehow knew whenever I was in the house and stuck to me like glue all the time I was there. I'm kind of allergic to cats and have never owned one, but that cat was all over me every minute I was in their house and spurned every attempt by her human "parents" to lure her away. They did try to lure her away initially because they knew that cats stuffed me up, but eventually we settled into a pattern in which if I visited, I was HER human. It was very odd. They spoiled the heck out of their cats, yet one of them muckled onto me as her favorite human, and I don't even like cats.
  • #3
I think I like cats more than dogs anyway. Cats seem more independent, if that makes any sense!

Anyway, I'm surprised that cat found a way to test string theory?! He must be one of those genius cats...Sorry...Had to!:biggrin:
  • #4
turbo - I like the idea of naming a white kitty midnight.
G01 said:
I think I like cats more than dogs anyway. Cats seem more independent, if that makes any sense!
It's been said that if dogs could talk they would call you "master". If cats could talk they would call you by your first name.
  • #5
Math Is Hard said:
It's been said that if dogs could talk they would call you "master". If cats could talk they would call you by your first name.
Dr Foofer doesn't even use my first name, he just says "hey you". :frown: Like "hey you, what's that in my cat box? It's been there for 3 hours. Ya think you might want to clean that out? If that's not out of there in 10 minutes, I'm going on that clean rug over there. Your choice." :frown:
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  • #6
Evo said:
Dr Foofer doesn't even use my first name, he just says "hey you". :frown:

:smile: Does he sound anything like Tony Soprano?
  • #7
Math Is Hard said:
:smile: Does he sound anything like Tony Soprano?
He could give lessons.
  • #8
Math Is Hard said:
turbo - I like the idea of naming a white kitty midnight.

It's been said that if dogs could talk they would call you "master". If cats could talk they would call you by your first name.

My name isn't "master", so that just proves cats are smarter.
  • #9
turbo-1 said:
He and I had a mutual agreement of disrespect in which he could bite me if I roughed him up and I could launch him off my lap if he jumped on me, only to have him return and rub his head on my chest, purring -

:approve: Sounds like my and Ember's relationship. :biggrin:

Though, I have a very sore, swollen thumb today from her biting me...but that wasn't in play...poor thing got her toe caught on the toy inside one of her tunnels today, and panicked, then dragged the tunnel until it got stuck on a coffee table. By the time the few seconds elapsed that it occurred to me something was very wrong and I got over to her, she was in a complete panic, growling, howling, snapping, etc. It must've really hurt her toe being stuck like that. :frown: I tried to grab her to loosen the tension, and she snapped at me in her panic. She was wedged under the coffee table, so I couldn't really get any easy way at her to pin her down so she couldn't bite either. Fortunately, by the time I returned with a towel to toss over her, she had finally freed herself. Then it was off hunting for a freaked-out cat to check that all her toes were still attached (I wasn't sure if it was her or my blood all over the place). :rolleyes: After about 15 min of calming down, she was fine, and I'm the one suffering for it.
  • #10
SticksandStones said:
My name isn't "master", so that just proves cats are smarter.

You'll get no argument from me! :smile:

Moonbear said:
After about 15 min of calming down, she was fine, and I'm the one suffering for it.

Awww. I hope you both are OK now!

*pours catnip tea for Moonbear and Ember*
  • #11
Moonbear said:
:approve: Sounds like my and Ember's relationship. :biggrin:

Though, I have a very sore, swollen thumb today from her biting me...but that wasn't in play...poor thing got her toe caught on the toy inside one of her tunnels today, and panicked, then dragged the tunnel until it got stuck on a coffee table. By the time the few seconds elapsed that it occurred to me something was very wrong and I got over to her, she was in a complete panic, growling, howling, snapping, etc. It must've really hurt her toe being stuck like that. :frown: I tried to grab her to loosen the tension, and she snapped at me in her panic. She was wedged under the coffee table, so I couldn't really get any easy way at her to pin her down so she couldn't bite either. Fortunately, by the time I returned with a towel to toss over her, she had finally freed herself. Then it was off hunting for a freaked-out cat to check that all her toes were still attached (I wasn't sure if it was her or my blood all over the place). :rolleyes: After about 15 min of calming down, she was fine, and I'm the one suffering for it.

We've had a few of those episodes as well.

I'm glad everything worked out okay. ...well, for Ember anyway. :biggrin:
  • #12
Math Is Hard said:
Awww. I hope you both are OK now!

*pours catnip tea for Moonbear and Ember*

Ivan Seeking said:
We've had a few of those episodes as well.

I'm glad everything worked out okay. ...well, for Ember anyway. :biggrin:

Yeah, my thumb is still quite sore. For a short time there, I thought she was going to declaw herself! :bugeye: Apparently, retractable claws are a liability. I've never had a dog do something like that.
  • #13
A dog is a friend for life, a cat is just a visitor/lodger.
  • #14
Moonbear said:
Yeah, my thumb is still quite sore. For a short time there, I thought she was going to declaw herself! :bugeye: Apparently, retractable claws are a liability. I've never had a dog do something like that.

Two ways to deal with it:

1.) If you cut her claws more frequently, it'll happen less. Their toes get stuck because as they grow they curl around, so they can get hooked into loops more easily. I'm guessing there's nothing like a rug in nature, so they don't have an instinct to slip it back out. But if it's a shorter claw, they have a good shot of getting lucky or having it never happen in the first place.

2.) Get a new tunnel. When carpeting becomes frayed (not from your cat of course :-p ), it can get stringy and more easily loops on itself or something... obviously you don't want to do this every time, but if she starts getting stuck often, it might mean it's time to get rid of the thing

We got a pair of new throw rugs for the kitchen a couple months ago, and they're really fuzzy things... my cat instantly fell in love with them, despite his ability to get a claw stuck in them every other day. It would probably be best for him if we got rid of them, but good luck finding 5 straight minutes where he's not scratching one of them up or sleeping on it :rolleyes: Anyways, they don't react nearly as violently after they get their claws stuck a couple of times...though it's never a fun thing trying to get it free. I suggest trying to move the carpet (or tunnel) as opposed to trying to grab the paw... you want to kind of slip it away from the claw, then double back (since it's looped around... curl your finger around and stick it in a loop, then see how you would move the loop to get it off). Move slowly in case you don't go in the right direction :wink:
  • #15
We had an unusual episode with our little buddy [a cat], Einstein, a few years ago. He started choking on a hairball and couldn't clear it. Luckily he was in bed with us when it started to happen. I awoke to the sound of him choking just in time to see him fall off the bed and then pass out. I grabbed him and put him on the bed while telling Tsu "he's dying!" She came over, layed him out on his stomach, and then started slapping him on the back as you would a choking baby, which apparently cleared obstruction. He came to immediately and was fine after that.
  • #16
wolram said:
A dog is a friend for life, a cat is just a visitor/lodger.

Exactly! :approve:
  • #17
Evo said:
Dr Foofer doesn't even use my first name, he just says "hey you". :frown: Like "hey you, what's that in my cat box? It's been there for 3 hours. Ya think you might want to clean that out? If that's not out of there in 10 minutes, I'm going on that clean rug over there. Your choice." :frown:

Does he like lasagna? :-p
  • #18
Math Is Hard said:
turbo - I like the idea of naming a white kitty midnight.
Well, she was the easiest one to see at that time of day.:biggrin:

Dave and Mae tended to be contrarians with the cat-names. Their all-black cat was "Ghost".
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  • #19
Office_Shredder said:
Two ways to deal with it:

1.) If you cut her claws more frequently, it'll happen less. Their toes get stuck because as they grow they curl around, so they can get hooked into loops more easily. I'm guessing there's nothing like a rug in nature, so they don't have an instinct to slip it back out. But if it's a shorter claw, they have a good shot of getting lucky or having it never happen in the first place.
If I cut them any more frequently, she wouldn't have any toes. I trim them about every 2 weeks, so they are never very long. So, that doesn't account for it at all. And, I inspected every toe and claw after this happened to make sure she was all in one piece...I thought one might have been a bit rough or broken and that was why it caught, like when you have a broken fingernail that snags everything, but that wasn't it either.

2.) Get a new tunnel. When carpeting becomes frayed (not from your cat of course :-p ), it can get stringy and more easily loops on itself or something... obviously you don't want to do this every time, but if she starts getting stuck often, it might mean it's time to get rid of the thing
Umm...there's no carpeting involved. It's just a nylon (or similar synthetic material) tunnel with a fuzzy ball dangling inside. She somehow got caught on the ball. Nothing is particularly frayed or unraveled about it.

So, thanks for the effort, but neither suggestion applies in this case. Still, might help someone else out. How she got herself into the mess is still a mystery. I didn't even think she played with the fuzzy ball inside the tunnel anymore. :rolleyes: I'll probably just cut that out so she doesn't get caught on it again since it really isn't something she plays with often. Mostly she loves diving through the tunnel on her way from place A to place B...or to hide in it as I walk past so she can ambush me. :rolleyes:
  • #20
Ivan Seeking said:
We had an unusual episode with our little buddy [a cat], Einstein, a few years ago. He started choking on a hairball and couldn't clear it. Luckily he was in bed with us when it started to happen. I awoke to the sound of him choking just in time to see him fall off the bed and then pass out. I grabbed him and put him on the bed while telling Tsu "he's dying!" She came over, layed him out on his stomach, and then started slapping him on the back as you would a choking baby, which apparently cleared obstruction. He came to immediately and was fine after that.

Oh my heavens. I'm glad that Tsu is such a clear, quick thinker and that you actually heard the choking so it woke you.

Poor Moonbear and Ember. Yes, when they get themselves stuck, they get really wound up and really upset really quickly, and there is no calming them until they are unstuck. I'm glad everyone came out of it relatively unscathed.
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  • #21
GeorginaS said:
Oh my heavens. I'm glad that Tsu is such a clear, quick thinker and that you actually heard the choking so it woke you.

You bet. With over thirty years of emergency and diagnostic medical experience she is good to have around in a pinch. Of course, when she thought I was having a heart attack, the last thing that I remember hearing as I passed out was her yelling at me: "You can't do this to me!" :rolleyes:

I guess guilt is a form of CPR. :biggrin:
  • #22
Guilt as a form of CPR. I'll have to remember that one; it sounds useful. :biggrin:
  • #23
wolram said:
A dog is a friend for life, a cat is just a visitor/lodger.
Eh. Dogs are just too needy.

FAQ: What is the latest mischief Ed Kitten has gotten into now?

1. Who is Ed Kitten?

Ed Kitten is a fictional character often used in memes and jokes.

2. What does "at it again" mean in this context?

In this context, "at it again" means that Ed Kitten is doing something silly or mischievous.

3. What is the purpose of using Ed Kitten in memes and jokes?

The purpose is to add humor and entertainment to the content.

4. Is there a specific reason for using a kitten in these memes and jokes?

No, the use of a kitten is just a common trope in internet humor and does not have a specific reason.

5. Are there any ethical concerns with using a fictional character like Ed Kitten in memes and jokes?

As long as the content is not offensive or harmful, there are no ethical concerns with using a fictional character in memes and jokes.

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