If you had the chance to build anything, i would build a

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In summary, the person would build a device which would teleport them anywhere in time and space, and would also have a powerful laser beam.
  • #1
What would you build, if you were given godly powers and could defy the laws of everything!

Id build a device which fitted on my wrist, could telport me anywhere through time and through space and could get any file off the internet within 5 seconds, no matter hwat sixze it is, and store it in a databank which wouldn't get full, and it would have a little computer built in with a holograph matrix thing so i could generate a monior sort of thing :P

how about you ? :P
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  • #2
I'd build me a machine that would make me happy, fed, sheltered and loved without having to be a wage slave.
  • #3
I'd really like to be able to just fly around like Superman or something...
  • #4
Originally posted by N_Quire
I'd build me a machine that would make me happy, fed, sheltered and loved without having to be a wage slave.

hmm, like a womb? now that i would love to see, a womb for 'big' kids craving the comfort only a mother can provide
  • #5
perpetual motion machine

that's my ticket to fame, power, and riches.
  • #6
Originally posted by climbhi
I'd really like to be able to just fly around like Superman or something...

And be very strong like him, but without his allergies.

I would like to build something which can brainwash people ... like the Rupert Murdoch empire.
  • #7
I would build the machine from the movie, "Battlefield Earth". The machine feeds knowledge directly into your mind, at extreme speed. And it contains all the knowledge of a race of beings that have conquered galaxies (which were full of other races, whose knowledge/wisdom was in no way negligible).
  • #8
I would build the same machine Mentat has taken an interest in. Sounds very cool.
I would also build a machine that would kill viruses that make people sick. Then there'd be no more sickness.
  • #9
If you had the chance to build anything, i would build a...
... library.

- S.
  • #10
Originally posted by MajinVegeta
I would build the same machine Mentat has taken an interest in. Sounds very cool.
I would also build a machine that would kill viruses that make people sick. Then there'd be no more sickness.

Your forgetting bacteria and genetics related sickness.

Abyway I thibk I you build a machine that you could get 8 hours in 15 minutes. I always though taht sleeping was a waste of time
  • #11
id also like to add to my device a very very very powerful laser beam (globe cutting sort of strength... just for fun though :P), it would keep me healthy all the time, can recreate anything i ask it to (like the holodecks on star trek, where a computer create and then decreates things) but only works when its on my arm :)
  • #12
build a machine that is able to creat elfs that can do any thing to me
  • #13
Infinite Improbability Drive
  • #14

Bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah...haa...haha...ha...hahaha...HA! HA! HA!...Harrrrgh.
  • #15
A death star certainly.
I'll teach those rebel scum a lesson...

FAQ: If you had the chance to build anything, i would build a

1. What is the most important thing to consider when building something?

The most important thing to consider when building something is the purpose or function of the object. This will determine the design, materials, and construction techniques needed to create a successful product.

2. What materials would you use to build something that is durable and long-lasting?

For durability and longevity, it is important to use high-quality and sturdy materials such as steel, concrete, or composite materials. These materials have proven to withstand wear and tear over time.

3. How do you determine the size and scale of a building project?

The size and scale of a building project are determined by several factors, including the intended use of the structure, the available space, and the budget. It is important to carefully assess these factors and make adjustments as needed to ensure the project is feasible and meets all requirements.

4. What are some important safety considerations when building something?

Safety is a top priority when building anything. It is important to follow all building codes and regulations, use appropriate safety gear, and have proper training and knowledge of construction techniques. Additionally, regular inspections and maintenance are crucial to ensuring the safety and functionality of the structure.

5. How can you ensure that your building project is environmentally friendly?

To ensure that a building project is environmentally friendly, it is important to use sustainable materials, incorporate energy-efficient design elements, and properly dispose of any waste materials. It is also important to consider the long-term impact of the structure on the environment and make choices that minimize this impact.

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