Kerry Tied to "666" in Iowa? ABC News Report

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In summary, ABC News showed Kerry in a sea of sixes during Iowa campaign stop. Michael of Kaufman, Texas, recorded this evening broadcast of ABC's "World News Tonight." Kerry's tie may have been a biblical warning or just imaginations running wild.
  • #1
Kerry tied to '666'?
Images of Democrat in Iowa show 'beastly' number all over TV screen

Posted: October 27, 2004
11:00 p.m. Eastern

© 2004

Was it a biblical warning or just imaginations running wild?

ABC News shows Kerry in a sea of sixes during Iowa campaign stop

During his presidential campaign in Iowa today, Democrat John Kerry was surrounded by a sea of handheld signs displaying the number six on them.

That caught the attention of WND reader Michael of Kaufman, Texas, who happened to record this evening broadcast of ABC's "World News Tonight."

"You can imagine my surprise, when they broadcast a video of John Kerry finishing a speech in Iowa to the acclaim of hundreds of people waving signs with the number six on them," he said. "The imagery of 666 appearing everywhere was too much to be ignored. I had to rewind my TIVO and shoot these photos of the TV screen."

According to the book of Revelation in the Bible, the number "666" is
Physics news on
  • #2
If we had all been born with six fingers, as some of us are, our entire system of mathematics would be base twelve, and there would be a lot of sixes. I am very prejudiced regarding the number six, like there are two sixes in the number twelve, there are three sixes in the number eighteen, that is really scary. The number eighteen nearly makes me shriek, aaaaaaauugggghhhhhh eighteen. The devil made me say that number. Aaaaaaugggghhhhh I can't stop thinking about the evil of the number eighteen, not even to mention the number six hundred and sixty six. Oh my heavens that number should be banned from math, that number taints the whole science. We should burn all math books that contain that number, burn all houses at that address, destroy anything with the number 999 because if you turned it over it might be something bad. I hate Saturdays too, that is the sixth day. Six more days, until the religious right can crawl back under their rocks. Six more days, please make it happen. Get out and vote for sanitys sake.
  • #3
Dayle Record said:
If we had all been born with six fingers, as some of us are, our entire system of mathematics would be base twelve, and there would be a lot of sixes. I am very prejudiced regarding the number six, like there are two sixes in the number twelve, there are three sixes in the number eighteen, that is really scary. The number eighteen nearly makes me shriek, aaaaaaauugggghhhhhh eighteen. The devil made me say that number. Aaaaaaugggghhhhh I can't stop thinking about the evil of the number eighteen, not even to mention the number six hundred and sixty six. Oh my heavens that number should be banned from math, that number taints the whole science. We should burn all math books that contain that number, burn all houses at that address, destroy anything with the number 999 because if you turned it over it might be something bad. I hate Saturdays too, that is the sixth day. Six more days, until the religious right can crawl back under their rocks. Six more days, please make it happen. Get out and vote for sanitys sake.
People see evil where they want to see evil.

Good post Dayle.
  • #4
Anyone who reads the Bible would know better. We see here why Bush is in the running. Thanks.

And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the Earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the Earth in the sight of men,
14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the Earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
..and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

If Kerry begins to doeth great wonders, if he maketh fire come down from heaven on the Earth in the sight of men, and we make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live, then watch out!
  • #5
Ohhhh doething great wonders, like, my dishes, or the windows? Bowing down to the beast? Could that be a reference to marriage? It sounds like the guy in the bible lost the connection just after getting the prefix, though so long ago, they may have just had three digit phone numbers.

Operator please dial 666 for me
Yeah, I want to talk to the beast
I know the beast is cranky if awakened too early
Tell him it is me
I said tell him it is me
Yeah, Beast
How is that wound healing?
They are just about finished with the statue.
Do you want the number on the statue?
Well, no I don't want that number tattooed on my forehead
Well, no I don't want that number tattooed on my palm,
Fine, I won't call you so early next time.
Yes, I am sure you are wasted from doething all those
great wonders.
Yes, I will try it sometime.
NO, no tattoos thank you.
G'bye Beast.
  • #6
So, I'm confused - is he or isn't he he anti-Christ? :rolleyes:
  • #7
No he isn't the anti-christ, the anti christ is currently symbolized by the little dermatophytes in the anti-toenail fungus advertisement.
  • #8

And I was always told that acid was bad for you. :rolleyes:

Dayle Record said:
Bowing down to the beast? Could that be a reference to marriage?

:smile: You're twisting my melon, man. Keep it up.

FAQ: Kerry Tied to "666" in Iowa? ABC News Report

1. What is the significance of "666" in relation to Kerry in Iowa?

The number "666" is often associated with the biblical "mark of the beast" and is believed by some to represent evil or the devil. In this case, it is being used to suggest a negative connection between Kerry and Iowa.

2. Why is ABC News reporting on this connection between Kerry and "666" in Iowa?

ABC News is a reputable news organization and it is their job to report on current events and issues, even if they may be controversial or questionable.

3. Is there any evidence to support the claim that Kerry is tied to "666" in Iowa?

There is no concrete evidence to support this claim. The connection between Kerry and "666" in Iowa is based on speculation and interpretation of various events and statements.

4. What is Kerry's response to these allegations?

Kerry has not directly addressed these allegations, but some sources have reported that he has denied any involvement with "666" in Iowa and has called the claims baseless and absurd.

5. How are people reacting to this news about Kerry and "666" in Iowa?

Reactions to this news vary. Some people may believe the claims and see it as evidence of Kerry's supposed ties to evil, while others may dismiss it as unfounded and irrelevant to his qualifications as a politician.

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