What's the best book I should ask for on my birthday?

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In summary, Jacob wants some recommendations for books to read for his birthday. He asks the group for their favorite book, the best book in the world, and the book they think everyone should read. The group recommends Douglas Adams's Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Terry Pratchett's Going Postal, and Alexandre Dumas's books.
  • #1
My birthday's coming up (2 days and I haven't told my family what I want!), so I figured I'd ask for some books. Problem is, while I like reading, I don't have that much knowledge of many authors other than ones I already like. So I was hoping you guys could help me up and hook me up with some GREAT books.

I don't want to have to sort through big lists of books, go do research on them, try to deceipher which books are amazing and which are just alright or crappy thought, since I have very little time. So, to assure that I only get great reccomendations, please list just ONE book, your favorite book ever, the best book in the world in your opinion, the one book that you think everyone should read.

Thanks alot,
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  • #2
"The Celery Stalks at Midnight" (who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of artichokes) the story of a vampire bunny - by James Howe (Bunnicula and Howliday Inn are both great)

Happy Upcoming Birthday! :smile:
  • #3
You know, I actually read those books in fourth grade, and I think I still have them somewhere in my house.
  • #4
The Butcher's Boy by Thomas Perry

Hardboiled characters, action, pathos, suspense, combine in this gripping tale of an orphan informally adopted by a butcher and gradually trained to follow in the butcher's footsteps in his secret capacity as a hitman-for-hire. Extremely well written. A page turner.
  • #5
A Nice Cup of Tea and a Sit Down - Nicey and Wifey, ISBN:0316729175.
  • #6
If you like science fiction, and an odd sense of humor, I can recommend any collection of short stories by Robert Sheckley. Unfortunately, many of his books are out of print and hard to find. I found a few of his stories online so you can get a taste of his style:


  • #7
"Computational Beauty of Nature" Gary Flake
"Algorithmic Plants" ?
  • #8
Johnny Got His Gun---Dalton Trumbo
  • #9
For fiction:

Lies Inc., by Philip K. Dick. (This was previously published as The Unteleported Man. However, the new version has 100 pages of fluff added after the fact by PKD at the behest of the publisher who wanted a longer piece of work. So, the reader should skip, as one reviewer has said, "from page 73 to page 173 and, thus, read one coherent story.")


If, on the other hand, you wanted a science book, I recommend as the most important book ever published:
A New Morality from Science: Beyondism
  • #10
What kind of books - fiction or non-fiction?

In fiction there is Douglas Adams's Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide) - hilarious. Oh, wait, isn't HHGG non-fiction. :biggrin:

Then there is Terry Pratchett's "Going Postal" and his Discworld Novels, which I haven't even started yet.

Then I have a whole list of non-fiction books.
  • #11
Astronuc said:
What kind of books - fiction or non-fiction?

In fiction there is Douglas Adams's Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide) - hilarious. Oh, wait, isn't HHGG non-fiction. :biggrin:

Then there is Terry Pratchett's "Going Postal" and his Discworld Novels, which I haven't even started yet.

Then I have a whole list of non-fiction books.

I love Pratchett. I have most of his books in hardcover. The lack of chapters bothered me at first though. I have some weird need to stop reeding at predefined points thus the lack of chapters means I tend to read Pratchett novels in one or two sittings.
  • #12
'The Proteus Operation' by James P. Hogan. Commando team from a Nazi occupied present-day US in a parallel universe time-travel to change history. Einstein and Churchill get in on the action. Awesome stuff!
  • #13
All of Alexandre Dumas' books.
They have also just translated a story of his that was never published so that is out now at book stores.

Some Titles:
Three Musketeers
Count of Monte Cristo
Black Tulip
Twenty Years After
The Man in the Iron Mask
One Thousand and One Ghosts (new one)

Clive Cussler is also a really good author, but yeah every time I've read Dumas' books I've been left stunned at what a talented author he was.
  • #14
Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex, But Were Afraid To Ask.
  • #15
With a one book limit, I'd have to go with a sampler: Louis Untermeyer's Treasury of Great Poems: An Inspiring Collection of the Best-Loved, Most Moving Verse in the English Language. The title pretty much says it all- my favorite anthology. If you want to discover new authors, this is a great way to do it. If you don't like poetry, you might try a collection of quotations (Oxford's and Bartlett's are my favorites, but Bartlett's 10th edition is available online) or a collection of short stories, etc.
  • #16
The Source - James Michener.

Fascinating and very thought-provoking.
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  • #17
A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole. And anything by Evelyn Waugh. Or J.P. Donleavy. And John Fante. Ooh, and Naive.Super by Erland Loe. Sorry, that's not one, that's lots. It's your birthday now in England! Happy Birthday!
  • #18
For science fiction: A book of stories by Greg Egan (I'd suggest Luminous), or The Years of Rice and Salt by Kim Stanley Robinson or Air by Geoff Ryman or ... that's more than one isn't it?

FAQ: What's the best book I should ask for on my birthday?

What is the best book to ask for on my birthday?

The best book to ask for on your birthday depends on your personal interests and preferences. Some popular books that have received widespread acclaim and are loved by many readers include "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald, and "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen.

Should I ask for a specific book or just a general genre?

This depends on whether you have a specific book in mind that you really want to read or if you are open to exploring new books within a specific genre. If you have a particular book in mind, then it's best to ask for that specific book. However, if you are open to trying new books, then asking for a general genre can lead to discovering new and exciting reads.

What if I'm not sure what type of book I would like?

If you're not sure what type of book you would like, it's always helpful to do some research before making a decision. You can read reviews, ask friends or family for recommendations, or even visit a bookstore and browse through different genres to see what catches your interest. You can also ask for a gift card to a bookstore so you can choose a book at a later date.

Can I ask for more than one book?

Yes, you can definitely ask for more than one book on your birthday. If you have multiple books in mind, it's a good idea to prioritize them and ask for your top choices first. You can also consider asking for a book series or a set of books by the same author to have a more extensive selection of reading material.

Is it okay to ask for a book that is part of a series?

Yes, it's perfectly fine to ask for a book that is part of a series. In fact, if you have read and enjoyed the previous books in the series, it's a great idea to ask for the next installment on your birthday. This can also introduce you to new authors and series that you may not have discovered otherwise.
