Magical Ways You Make Reality Conform to Your Wishes

  • Thread starter Les Sleeth
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In summary, if you want something to happen and there is no practical way to make it happen, you can try using magical tricks to get reality to cooperate. Some examples include wearing white, leaving windows open, or calling other cats to get them to come over.
  • #1
Les Sleeth
Gold Member
When there is no practical way to make something happen you need/want to happen, what magical tricks have you learned to get reality to cooperate?

One of my favorite ways to trick reality is when I want someone to call me, I go use the bathroom. For this trick to work, you absolutely must leave the phone in the other room. Then and only then will you get a call while in the midst of activity which doesn't lend itself to answering the phone.

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  • #2
This isn't exactly what you had in mind, but if there is something I have a desire to do or make happen but have not the ability, I'll write a story about it. In doing so, I can live out the given experience vicariously through my characters. Heck, I can even make things happen that violate the laws of physics.
  • #3
Well, I would mention the wash the car make it rain thing, but in Oregon it rains if I get up in the morning :biggrin:

If I want my cat Einstein to come over, I call any other cat and he comes. If I call him, he ignores me.
  • #4
Oh god, if i want to be woken up from a nice sleep, i just put a phone nearby and ill never get back to sleep agian.
  • #5
If you're trying to plan going out to dinner with a bunch of people and are really in the mood for Italian food, wear white.

If you don't want it to rain on your vacation, make sure you pack your umbrella and rain poncho in your suitcase.

If you really need it to rain, leave the windows in your house open when you go to work (leaving the car windows open when it's parked also works well).

Oh, this isn't one I try very often, but I'll be testing it again that I'm only 2 months from moving to a new state, any day now I should meet a nice guy who wants to start dating me but doesn't have a job he can easily transfer to the new state. :rolleyes:

FAQ: Magical Ways You Make Reality Conform to Your Wishes

1. How does "magical thinking" impact our perception of reality?

Magical thinking refers to the belief that one's thoughts, words, or actions can directly affect the physical world. It can impact our perception of reality by influencing how we interpret events and situations. For example, if someone believes that their positive thoughts will bring them good luck, they may perceive a situation as lucky even if there is no tangible evidence to support it.

2. Can magical thinking be harmful?

Yes, magical thinking can be harmful. While it may provide a sense of control and comfort, it can also lead to distorted thinking and unrealistic expectations. This can ultimately result in disappointment and frustration when things do not go as desired.

3. How does science explain the concept of "making reality conform to your wishes"?

Science does not support the idea that one can alter reality through thoughts or wishes alone. Our thoughts and beliefs may influence our behavior and decision making, but they do not have a direct impact on the physical world. Scientific explanations for events and phenomena are based on verifiable evidence and logical reasoning.

4. Is there a connection between magical thinking and mental health?

There is some evidence that magical thinking can be associated with certain mental health conditions, such as anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder. It can also be a coping mechanism for those experiencing stress or trauma. However, it is important to note that occasional magical thinking is a normal part of human cognition and does not necessarily indicate a mental health issue.

5. Can magical thinking be beneficial in any way?

While there are potential negative consequences of magical thinking, it can also have some positive effects. Believing that one has control over their circumstances can lead to increased motivation and confidence. It can also provide a sense of comfort and hope in difficult situations. However, it is important to maintain a balance and not rely solely on magical thinking to achieve goals or cope with challenges.

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