Chosing to stop or accelerate through a traffic light

In summary, the conversation involves a person driving a car approaching an intersection at 47 km/h and deciding whether to stop or run through a yellow light. She calculates that she can stop within 30 m, but if she accelerates, she can make it through before the light turns red. The conversation also includes a discussion about the equation v^2 = vi^2 + 2ax and solving for x with given values of v, vi, and a. The second part of the problem involves finding the height of a cliff based on the time it takes for a dropped rock to hit the ocean and the speed of sound. The conversation includes calculations and problem-solving strategies for both parts of the
  • #1
1. A person driving her car at 47 km/h approaches an intersection just as the traffic light turns yellow. She knows that the yellow light lasts only 2.0 s before turning to red, and she is 30 m away from the near side of the intersection (Fig. 2-29). Should she try to stop, or should she make a run for it? The intersection is 15 m wide. Her car's maximum deceleration is -5.6 m/s2, whereas it can accelerate from 47 km/h to 70 km/h in 6.9 s. Ignore the length of her car and her reaction time.

If she hits the brakes, how far will she travel before stopping?
If she hits the gas instead, how far will she travel before the light turns red?

2. V^2=Vi^2+2ax

3. 47 km/h=13.05 m/s 0=(13.05)^2+29-5.6)=159.1 (That just doesn't seem right what am I doing wrong)
Physics news on
  • #2
Please rewrite the equation. " (13.05)^2+29-5.6) " is not correct.

Can the driver stop in 30 m or less?

V^2=Vi^2+2ax is correct. Solve for x knowing that v = 0, vi = 13.05 m/s and a = -5.6 m/s.

I get an answer an order of magnitude less than 159.1.
  • #3
I do that and it doesn't work its the wrong answer everytime...
  • #4


and what do u get for x now?
  • #5
thanks...I got the answer I needed.
  • #6
what about the second part of the problem?
  • #7
I guess you haven't showed any work for it =XP
  • #8
ok what I did was:

Vi=13.05 Vf=26.38 t=6.9 a=?

26.38=13.05+(a)(6.9) = 1.93

then I used.


and that's not the right answer...
  • #9
sadeysnow said:
ok what I did was:

Vi=13.05 Vf=26.38 t=6.9 a=?

70 km/h = 19.4444444 meters / second
  • #10
  • #11
  • #12
A rock is dropped from a sea cliff and the sound of it striking the ocean is heard 4.2 s later. If the speed of sound is 340 m/s, how high is the cliff?

I don't even know where to start...can you help?
  • #13
the stone striked the ground after 't' seconds,
and, then the sound starts traveling at v of 340 m/s (I guess without the influence of gravity), and reaches to the top in " t' " seconds

and, you know t+t'=4.2 s,

FAQ: Chosing to stop or accelerate through a traffic light

1. What factors should I consider when deciding whether to stop or accelerate through a traffic light?

When approaching a traffic light, you should consider the color of the light, your speed and distance from the light, the traffic in other lanes, and any potential hazards in the intersection.

2. Is it legal to accelerate through a yellow light?

In most cases, it is legal to accelerate through a yellow light as long as you can safely make it through the intersection before the light turns red. However, some states may have specific laws regarding yellow lights, so it's best to check your local traffic laws.

3. How do traffic light sensors work?

Traffic light sensors use various technologies, such as cameras, radar, or inductive loops, to detect the presence of vehicles and trigger the traffic light to change. These sensors are typically embedded in the road or mounted on poles near the intersection.

4. What should I do if the traffic light is malfunctioning or not changing?

If the traffic light is not functioning properly, treat it as a stop sign and come to a complete stop before proceeding with caution. If the light is stuck on red, you may need to find an alternate route or report the issue to local authorities.

5. How do I know when it is safe to accelerate through a green light?

You should always check for any potential hazards, such as pedestrians or other vehicles, before accelerating through a green light. Additionally, make sure to obey any traffic signals, such as yield signs, before proceeding through the intersection.

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