Why are tangent vectors like this?

In summary, the tangent space of a smooth manifold is defined as a vector space spanned by the derivations (\partial_i)_p. These derivations are similar to the corresponding affine derivations, but they are more general in that they allow for derivatives of scalar functions. Furthermore, the tangent space is isomorphic to the definition via derivations, but there are many isomorphic copies of R^n that are not canonically isomorphic.
  • #1
Why are the tangent vectors of smooth manifolds defined as mappings [itex]C^{\infty}(p)\to\mathbb{R}[/itex] that have the similar properties as derivations?

If a manifold is defined as a subset of some larger euclidean space, then the tangent spaces are simply affine subspaces of the larger space, but if the manifold is instead defined without the underlying larger euclidean space, then I don't understand what the tangent spaces even should be like.
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  • #2
There are many practical, philosophical, and conceptual advantages to using intrinsic definitions in differential geometry -- definitions that do not involve an ambient space at all.

If you work through the details, you'll see that the tangent bundle as you know it is isomorphic to the definition via derivations.

(FYI, this definition is not the only way to define the tangent bundle)
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  • #3
The tangent space of a point [itex]p\in M[/itex] turns out to be a vector space spanned by the derivations [itex](\partial_i)_p[/itex]. But why like this? Why isn't it simply a vector space [itex]\mathbb{R}^n[/itex] spanned by the vectors [itex]e_i[/itex]?

If I didn't know better, I would have thought, that when moving from manifolds in ambient spaces to manifolds without ambient spaces, the obvious modification to the tangent spaces would have been to remove the information about the location of the affine subspace, and simply call a vector space [itex]\mathbb{R}^n[/itex] the tangent space.
  • #4
The problem is that Rn is a completely unrelated structure; it doesn't 'know' anything about your manifold. You can't, for example, use this definition to define a "directional derivative" operator on scalar functions.
  • #5
Well, in classical extrinsic geometry, for any chart x from R^n into your manifold M, the tangent manifold can be thought of as the space spanned by partial derivatives of x. If you prefer, you can think of this as the span of derivatives of all maps from R into M. The "intrinsic" definition is just an easy way of defining that when we don't know what differentiation is yet.

Namely, we can note that for any map from R into M we can compose with a map from M into R, and then differentiate that, and so any curve gives rise to a derivation. Clearly in the case that M already has an embedding in R^n this derivation clearly depends only on the derivative of your curve. So it's just a clever way of defining the same thing.

As for defining the tangent space to be R^n, *which* R^n. There are many isomorphic copies, but they are not canonically isomorphic. You'll learn the importance of this very quickly.

FAQ: Why are tangent vectors like this?

1. Why are tangent vectors important in mathematics and science?

Tangent vectors are important because they represent the direction and rate of change of a curve or surface at a given point. They are used in various fields such as calculus, physics, and engineering to model real-world phenomena and solve complex problems.

2. How are tangent vectors related to derivatives?

Tangent vectors are closely related to derivatives, as they can be thought of as the instantaneous rate of change of a function. The direction of the tangent vector is the same as the direction of the derivative, and the magnitude of the tangent vector is equal to the magnitude of the derivative.

3. What is the difference between a tangent vector and a normal vector?

A tangent vector is a vector that is tangent to a curve or surface at a given point, while a normal vector is perpendicular to the tangent vector at that point. Tangent vectors are used to determine the direction of a curve, while normal vectors are used to determine the orientation of a curve or surface.

4. How do you calculate a tangent vector?

To calculate a tangent vector, you need to first find the derivative of the function at a given point. Then, plug in the x and y values of the point into the derivative to find the slope. The tangent vector will then have a direction parallel to the slope and a magnitude determined by the length of the vector.

5. Can tangent vectors be negative?

Yes, tangent vectors can be negative. The direction of a tangent vector depends on the direction of the curve at a given point, so it can be positive or negative. Negative tangent vectors indicate a curve that is decreasing, while positive tangent vectors indicate a curve that is increasing.

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