What Can ARPES Reveal About Many-Body Effects in High-Tc Cuprates?

Sorry about that.In summary, reading someone's thesis can be an excellent way to learn about a specific subject area in a field of study. The thesis mentioned in the conversation covers a variety of topics such as angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, many-body physics, BCS superconductivity, Fermi Liquid, and strongly-interacting systems, all related to electronic structure. It is highly recommended for anyone interested in these areas. However, it should be noted that this thesis is not a published paper and was mentioned in a forum for notable physics papers.
  • #1
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One of the best sources to learn about a particular subject area in a field of study is to read someone's thesis. In this thesis, in one shot, the author has covered rather well the technique of angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), many-body physics, BCS superconductivity, Fermi Liquid, and strongly-interacting systems, as applied to the electronic structure of this phenomenon.


It is highly recommended for anyone wanting to learn about any of the areas mentioned above.

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Thanks for the reference to the thesis. I had a quick look at it and realized that it would be helpful to students. Maybe this should have been posted in the Notable Physics Papers thread.
  • #3
This is old, AND, it isn't a published paper.

  • #4
ZapperZ said:
This is old, AND, it isn't a published paper.
Ah yes, it isn't published. Missed that.

FAQ: What Can ARPES Reveal About Many-Body Effects in High-Tc Cuprates?

1. What is ARPES and how does it work?

ARPES, or Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy, is a technique used to study the electronic structure of materials. It involves shining a high-energy photon onto a sample, which causes electrons to be ejected. By measuring the energy and angle of these ejected electrons, we can gain information about the electronic states in the material.

2. What are high-Tc cuprates and why are they important in studying many-body effects?

High-Tc cuprates are a class of materials that exhibit high-temperature superconductivity. They are important in studying many-body effects because they contain copper atoms, which have partially filled d-orbitals that interact strongly with each other and with the surrounding oxygen atoms. This interaction leads to complex many-body effects that are crucial in understanding the electronic properties of these materials.

3. How do many-body effects impact the electronic structure of high-Tc cuprates?

The strong electron-electron interactions in high-Tc cuprates lead to the formation of quasiparticles, which are collective excitations of the electrons in the material. These quasiparticles have a large impact on the electronic structure, causing phenomena such as the pseudogap and the formation of a Fermi surface with an unusual shape.

4. What have ARPES studies revealed about many-body effects in high-Tc cuprates?

ARPES studies have provided valuable insights into the many-body effects in high-Tc cuprates. They have revealed the presence of strong electron-electron interactions and the formation of quasiparticles, as well as the complex interplay between these effects and other factors such as doping and temperature. ARPES has also helped to uncover the unusual electronic properties of these materials, such as the pseudogap and the non-Fermi liquid behavior.

5. How do ARPES studies contribute to our understanding of high-Tc cuprates and potential applications?

ARPES studies are crucial in understanding the electronic structure of high-Tc cuprates, which is essential for developing theories and models to explain their unique properties. This knowledge can also aid in the design of new materials with improved superconducting properties. Additionally, ARPES can provide valuable information for potential applications of high-Tc cuprates, such as in quantum computing and energy storage.
