Understanding the Speed of Light in a Medium: Does it Really Slow Down?

In summary, the speed of light in a medium with an index of refraction n is c/n. This is due to the delay caused by photons being absorbed and re-emitted by atoms in the material. However, this is an oversimplification and does not fully explain the behavior of light in different mediums at a microscopic level. It is important to note that the speed of light in a vacuum, c, remains constant.
  • #1
I have heard that the speed of light remains c even if it is not in a vacuum. the light bounces around in the substance a bit, so light appears to have slowed down. Is this true?
Science news on Phys.org
  • #2
The speed of light c in a medium with index of refraction n is c/n. For water, n = 1.33, and for glass, it is about 1.52 to 1.54. The index of refraction depends slightly on the wavelength of light (called dispersion), so we see light spectra from glass prisms, or in rainbows.
  • #3
When photons of light pass through a material, each photon still travels at c, but when it hits an atom, it gets absorbed. Then there's a short delay before another photon is emitted, at c, continuing in the same direction. So the light gets delayed through the medium and the average speed is less than c.

That's the over-simplified version, easy to understand, but actually not true in quantum-mechanical terms. For the full story, see the https://www.physicsforums.com/showpost.php?p=899393&postcount=4
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  • #4
DrGreg said:
When photons of light pass through a material, each photon still travels at c, but when it hits an atom, it gets absorbed. Then there's a short delay before another photon is emitted, at c, continuing in the same direction. So the light gets delayed through the medium and the average speed is less than c.
This is true on a microscopic level, but not what we tell high school or college freshmen physics students.
  • #5
DrGreg said:
That's the over-simplified version, easy to understand, but actually not true in quantum-mechanical terms. For the full story, see the https://www.physicsforums.com/showpost.php?p=899393&postcount=4

That's a good reference, thanks. But, it would also be nice to see that full story expanded beyond solids to include liquids and gases. Certainly, density plays a roll in the available phononic modes, but it would be interesting to understand, for example, how water obtains its index.
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  • #6
i wonder how far one can slow down c in various solid state materials and i little thought experiment: what if n -> infinity ? would that imply that the transparent material is so dense, that light would take an infinit long time to pass?
  • #7
raphael3d said:
i wonder how far one can slow down c in various solid state materials and i little thought experiment: what if n -> infinity ? would that imply that the transparent material is so dense, that light would take an infinit long time to pass?

You must have missed the report out of Lene Hau's group at Harvard from several years ago. How about slowing down light until it "stops"?


While this isn't a "solid state material", it tells you what happened and what we mean by "stopping light", as opposed to light being absorbed or stopped by an opaque object.

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  • #8
yes missed it.
many thanks for the link, very interesting indeed.

but it hasnt anything to do with slowing down photons at all, rather using tricks which seem to have the same effect, like quantum beaming, which isn't really beaming, more transforming states. same here.

the bose-einstein-condensate is a bit closer to what i want, but the process is described above...again kind of a trick. it seems to me that photons aways travel with 3x10^8 m/s but with different times of arrival in different mediums. by deforming space too, light follows a longer path, but with the same velocity it takes longer to arrive at some point. the bottom line is in every example longer times in traveling but with constant velocity c
please correct me if i have written ******** =)

kind regards
  • #9
raphael3d said:
yes missed it.
many thanks for the link, very interesting indeed.

but it hasnt anything to do with slowing down photons at all, rather using tricks which seem to have the same effect, like quantum beaming, which isn't really beaming, more transforming states. same here.

the bose-einstein-condensate is a bit closer to what i want, but the process is described above...again kind of a trick. it seems to me that photons aways travel with 3x10^8 m/s but with different times of arrival in different mediums. by deforming space too, light follows a longer path, but with the same velocity it takes longer to arrive at some point. the bottom line is in every example longer times in traveling but with constant velocity c
please correct me if i have written ******** =)

kind regards

There's no such thing as "slowing photons" since photons always move at c (read our FAQ in the General Physics forum). What you are measuring when we talk about the "speed of light" is the speed of the GROUP VELOCITY. That is why I specifically stated that that link clearly explains what we mean by stopping light.

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  • #10
think we agree, just wanted to clear things up.

thanks again.

FAQ: Understanding the Speed of Light in a Medium: Does it Really Slow Down?

1. What is the speed of light in a medium?

The speed of light in a medium refers to the speed at which light travels through a substance other than a vacuum. This speed is typically slower than the speed of light in a vacuum, which is approximately 299,792,458 meters per second.

2. Why does light slow down in a medium?

Light slows down in a medium because it interacts with the particles of the substance, causing it to be absorbed and re-emitted. This process takes time and thus, slows down the overall speed of light in the medium.

3. How does the speed of light in a medium affect our perception?

The speed of light in a medium can affect our perception in various ways, depending on the substance. For example, the speed of light in water is about 75% of the speed of light in a vacuum, which is why objects appear distorted when viewed through water.

4. Is the speed of light in a medium constant?

No, the speed of light in a medium is not constant and can vary depending on the properties of the medium, such as its density, temperature, and composition. For example, light travels slower in denser mediums such as glass or diamond compared to less dense mediums like air.

5. How is the speed of light in a medium measured?

The speed of light in a medium can be measured using various techniques, such as measuring the time it takes for light to travel a known distance in the medium or using the refractive index of the medium. The refractive index is a measure of how much the speed of light is reduced in a medium compared to a vacuum.

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