Can Quotient Rule Be Applied to Partial Derivatives?

In summary, the conversation revolves around using the quotient rule to solve for a partial derivative, however, this method does not hold up in partial differentiation and may lead to incorrect solutions. The conversation also touches on the topic of setting certain terms equal to zero or one without proper justification, which can manipulate the expression to give the "correct" answer, but does not provide a true understanding of the concept of partial differentiation.
  • #1
My question revolves around the following derivative:

for z(x,y)​

*sorry I can't seem to get the latex right.

∂/∂x (∂z/∂y)

What I thought about doing was using the quotient rule to see what I would get (as if these were regular differentials). So, I "factored out" the 1/∂x, then did the quotient rule with the "differential," then divided by ∂x.

∂/∂x (∂z/∂y) = 1/∂x (∂ (∂z/∂y))

Doing the quotient rule with the bold:

1/∂x "(low d high - high d low )/low squared"

which gave:

1/∂x (∂y∂²z - ∂z∂²y)/(∂y²)

Now divide by ∂x:

(∂y∂²z - ∂z∂²y)/(∂x∂y²)​

Now, if I assume the bold above is somehow zero, suddenly I have the right answer:


Now, I know this is probably horrid math(I can't emphasize this enough. Battlemage! ≠ crank), but if only that second term in the top of the fraction is zero then it works.

So, my question is, is there any legitimacy whatsoever to this?

Oddly, if I do it with this:

∂/∂x (∂z/∂x)

I get again the same result, with the second term in the top of the fraction = 0, then it's the right answer:

1/∂x ("(low d high - high d low)/low squared" )

1/∂x ((∂x ∂²z - ∂z∂²x)/(∂x²) )

((∂x ∂²z - ∂z∂²x)/(∂x³)

assume right term in numerator = 0

(∂x ∂²z)/(∂x³) = ∂²z/(∂x²)

Just what is going on here...
Physics news on
  • #2

What I thought about doing was using the quotient rule to see what I would get (as if these were regular differentials). So, I "factored out" the 1/∂x, then did the quotient rule with the "differential," then divided by ∂x.

This would make no sense with regular differentials let alone partial derivatives.
  • #3

Cyosis said:
This would make no sense with regular differentials let alone partial derivatives.

So you mean that it is not the case that:

d(dz/dy) = (dyd²z - dzd²y)/(dy²)

Because obviously d(dz/dy) is just d²z/dy

but again even in this case if dzd²y = 0 then it's the correct answer (this is what I am wondering about)

(dyd²z - dzd²y)/(dy²)

(dyd²z - 0)/(dy²)

(dyd²z)/(dy²) = d²z/dy

And I guess my real question is, why is it that using the quotient rule for d(dz/dy) gives something that is almost the right answer? Just a coincidence?
  • #4

Because obviously d(dz/dy) is just d²z/dy

This is gibberish, such an expression does not exist.

And I guess my real question is, why is it that using the quotient rule for d(dz/dy) gives something that is almost the right answer? Just a coincidence?

If you allow yourself to set things equal to zero or one or both at random without a proper argument then you can basically transform any expression into the 'correct' one.
  • #5

Cyosis said:
This is gibberish, such an expression does not exist.

So you have to keep the d/dx operator together, right?
Cyosis said:
If you allow yourself to set things equal to zero or one or both at random without a proper argument then you can basically transform any expression into the 'correct' one.

Ah, so coincidence. Thanks. I was just trying to feel my way through this. I've never really seen a good source explaining differentials to where I could understand it.
  • #6

From what I understand, you can't treat the differentials in partial differentiation the same as you do a regular differential.

FAQ: Can Quotient Rule Be Applied to Partial Derivatives?

1. What is a partial derivative?

A partial derivative is a mathematical concept that measures the rate of change of a function with respect to one of its variables while holding all other variables constant.

2. How is a partial derivative different from a regular derivative?

A partial derivative is a derivative in which only one variable is considered while all other variables are held constant. In contrast, a regular derivative considers the rate of change of a function with respect to its entire input, usually denoted as x.

3. Why is it important to use partial derivatives?

Partial derivatives are important in mathematics and science because they allow us to analyze how a system or process changes when only one factor is varied while keeping all others constant. This can help us understand and model complex systems more accurately.

4. What is the notation used for partial derivatives?

The notation used for partial derivatives is similar to regular derivatives, but with a slight modification. Instead of using d/dx to represent the derivative, we use a partial symbol ∂/∂x to indicate that we are taking the derivative with respect to only one variable.

5. Can partial derivatives be applied to any type of function?

Partial derivatives can be applied to any function that has multiple input variables. However, the function must be continuous and differentiable with respect to each variable for the partial derivative to be defined.

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