Shape of electric lines of force created by an oscillating charge?

In summary, Jano said that the electric field lines change continuously as the charge moves, and that this is what causes the Lorentz contraction.
  • #1
tasnim rahman
can someone please help me fast? i am having trouble understanding" ?
here it is said that farther away from the vibrating charge the shape of the wave on the line of electric force changes? but is not the shape supposed to be same throughout the wave? please help fast? got exams soon?
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  • #3
Jano L. said:
That's because changes in the electric field propagate with finite velocity, so if you draw the lines of force, they change continuously. Take a look:
thank you very very much for your quick help Jano L. thanks a lot!
is it something like, the movement of another charge in the field remains constant, but the line of force between the charges change?
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  • #4
I'm afraid I do not understand your question. But on the picture I sent you, you can see the electric field lines of oscillating point charge. Notice they are curved strongly and this curvature propagates (in fact with the velocity of light) out. If the charge were moving with constant velocity, the field lines would be only squeezed in the direction of motion (Lorentz contraction), but they would be straight.
  • #5
thanks very much for your help though, Jano L.. it will take some time to understand the whole thing.
  • #6
can you be a little more detailed Jano L. and simpler. Because I kind of still did not get it. What is the Lorentz contraction?
  • #7
I'm afraid I can't tell you the whole story from Adam. You would have to refer to some textbook, like Feynman's lectures on physics or others. Good luck!

FAQ: Shape of electric lines of force created by an oscillating charge?

1. What causes electric lines of force to form around an oscillating charge?

Electric lines of force are created by the movement of charged particles. In the case of an oscillating charge, the back and forth motion of the charge creates a changing electric field which in turn produces these lines of force.

2. How do the shape and direction of electric lines of force change as the charge oscillates?

The shape and direction of electric lines of force will change as the charge oscillates due to the changing electric field. As the charge moves, the electric field will also change, resulting in a different pattern of lines of force.

3. Do electric lines of force extend infinitely from an oscillating charge?

Electric lines of force do not extend infinitely from an oscillating charge. They have a definite starting point at the charge and will extend only as far as the surrounding electric field reaches.

4. How do the shape and direction of electric lines of force differ from those of a stationary charge?

The shape and direction of electric lines of force around an oscillating charge will differ from those of a stationary charge due to the changing electric field. A stationary charge will have a static electric field, resulting in a fixed pattern of lines of force.

5. What factors can affect the shape and direction of electric lines of force around an oscillating charge?

The shape and direction of electric lines of force around an oscillating charge can be affected by various factors such as the amplitude and frequency of the oscillation, the distance from the charge, and the presence of other charged particles in the vicinity.
