Consequences of Air Impurities in Sulfur Burning

In summary, the manufacture of sulphuric acid involves burning sulphur in air to produce sulphur dioxide. It is important for the air used to be as clean as possible in order to prevent impurities from affecting the rate of reaction and the final product. This is because the sulphur dioxide is highly reactive with other substances and soluble in water, so any extraneous chemicals or water vapor in the air could alter the intended purpose and slow down the process. This would also require separation before proceeding to the next step to avoid unwanted substances in the final product.
  • #1
The first step in the manufacture of sulphuric acid involves burning sulphur in air to produce sulphur dioxide. Why must the air used to burn the sulphur be as clean as possible?

I'm not sure whether or not we should concerned ourselves with:

1. how the impurity affects the rate of reaction, or

2. how the impurity affects the final product.
Physics news on
  • #2
Just a guess here, but I'd think both. Since the stuff is highly reactive with other substances, and soluble in water, extraneous chemicals and water vapour in the air could rob a lot of it from the intended purpose, and thus slow things down. That would also require separation before the next step, or lots of useless stuff would end up in the mix.
  • #3
yea, Danger got it. Anything in the air (since there's something being burned) will react with the reactants to form a different product.

FAQ: Consequences of Air Impurities in Sulfur Burning

1. What are the main air impurities released during sulfur burning?

The main air impurities released during sulfur burning are sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and particulate matter (PM).

2. How do these air impurities affect human health?

Sulfur dioxide can irritate the respiratory system and aggravate existing respiratory conditions. Nitrogen oxides contribute to the formation of smog and can also irritate the respiratory system. Particulate matter can cause lung irritation and long-term exposure has been linked to respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.

3. What impact do these air impurities have on the environment?

Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides can contribute to acid rain, which can harm plants, animals, and aquatic life. Particulate matter can also harm the environment by reducing visibility, damaging crops, and negatively impacting ecosystems.

4. How do we control or reduce these air impurities from sulfur burning?

One way to control and reduce these air impurities is through the use of pollution control technologies, such as scrubbers and catalytic converters, which can remove or convert the impurities before they are released into the air.

5. Are there any regulations or laws in place to address the consequences of air impurities from sulfur burning?

Yes, there are various regulations and laws in place at the local, state, and national levels to control and reduce air impurities from sulfur burning. These include emission standards, permits, and monitoring requirements for industries that emit these pollutants, as well as regulations for vehicle emissions.
