Are You an Obsessive Fly Swatter?

  • Thread starter omega2
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In summary, the individual bought a new Venus fly trap and hopes to keep it alive this time. They are wondering if the plant will thrive in a bigger pot and if it can be fed with other insects besides flies. The individual has recently moved and is adjusting to their new home. They also have plans to attend a Physics Forums meetup in Yorkshire.
  • #1
see below:-
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  • #2
see what below?!
  • #3
I bought a new Venus fly trap today. My last one died when one of my lazy housemates neglected to water her for a fortnight.

This one's going to be much better. Does anyone know whether she'll be happier in her little pot, or if she will flourish in a bigger one? She looks very cramped in there, and I want her to have as many mouths as possible because my new flat seems to come with a healthy population of flies. And does she just want to be fed on flies, or are wasps, daddy-long-legses and bacon bits fair game too?
  • #4
brewnog said:
I bought a new Venus fly trap today. My last one died when one of my lazy housemates neglected to water her for a fortnight.

This one's going to be much better. Does anyone know whether she'll be happier in her little pot, or if she will flourish in a bigger one? She looks very cramped in there, and I want her to have as many mouths as possible because my new flat seems to come with a healthy population of flies. And does she just want to be fed on flies, or are wasps, daddy-long-legses and bacon bits fair game too?

I don't know much about Venus fly traps, so can't help there. How's the new place? Did the move go well? Did you remember everything important?
  • #5
I've moved everything in now, it's in a position where I can feel at home there! The flat is really nice, it's brand new so there are a few little niggles but otherwise it's lovely. I think I remembered everything, but we're very short on saucepans, glasses, and towels. And I tried to buy some big CD towers from Ikea, but they wouldn't fit in my car. Rats and ass!

I've come back to Sheffield for a few days now, since my job doesn't start until next week. Also, this weekend is the first ever Physics Forums - North of England Meeting! With a bit of luck, myself, matthyiouiaouw and icvotria will be drinking lots of free cider in the middle of a field in Yorkshire whilst listening to some kickass music. Hooray! Good job it isn't pissing it down... Oh no, wait a minute...
  • #6
If you re-pot it, don't go any bigger then the next size pot. You should avoid giving it bacon or meat, they really don't do well with it.
Sounds like you have settled in, hope it went well!
  • #7
brewnog said:
I've moved everything in now, it's in a position where I can feel at home there! The flat is really nice, it's brand new so there are a few little niggles but otherwise it's lovely. I think I remembered everything, but we're very short on saucepans, glasses, and towels. And I tried to buy some big CD towers from Ikea, but they wouldn't fit in my car. Rats and ass!
I hate when that happens. That'll be one good thing about moving to WV, lots of people have pick-up trucks for me to bum help transporting big stuff. :biggrin:

I've come back to Sheffield for a few days now, since my job doesn't start until next week. Also, this weekend is the first ever Physics Forums - North of England Meeting! With a bit of luck, myself, matthyiouiaouw and icvotria will be drinking lots of free cider in the middle of a field in Yorkshire whilst listening to some kickass music. Hooray! Good job it isn't pissing it down... Oh no, wait a minute...
Sounds fun! Take lots of pictures!

FAQ: Are You an Obsessive Fly Swatter?

What is an obsessive fly swatter?

An obsessive fly swatter is a person who has an excessive and uncontrollable urge to constantly swat at flies, even when there are few or no flies present.

Why do people become obsessive fly swatters?

There are a few possible reasons for this behavior. Some people may have a fear of insects and feel the need to constantly keep them away. Others may have a perfectionist personality and feel the need to eliminate any perceived imperfection in their environment, such as a fly. It could also be a learned behavior, as someone may have grown up in a household where fly swatting was a common practice.

Is obsessive fly swatting harmful?

In most cases, obsessive fly swatting is not harmful. However, it can become a compulsive behavior that interferes with daily activities and causes stress and anxiety. It can also be harmful to the flies themselves and disrupt the natural balance of ecosystems.

How can someone stop being an obsessive fly swatter?

If the behavior is causing distress or interfering with daily life, it may be beneficial to seek professional help from a therapist. Cognitive-behavioral therapy can help identify and change the thought patterns and behaviors that contribute to the obsessive fly swatting. Relaxation techniques and stress management strategies may also be helpful.

Is it important to control flies?

While flies can be annoying and carry diseases, it is not necessary to constantly swat at them. There are more effective and environmentally friendly ways to control flies, such as using screens on windows and doors, keeping a clean living space, and using natural repellents.

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